
My image has come to you and my person has visited you

سعت لك صورتي وأتاك شخصي

1. My image has come to you and my person has visited you
And the shadow walked towards you and the directions

١. سَعَت لَكَ صورَتي وَأَتاكَ شَخصي
وَسارَ الظِلُّ نَحوَكَ وَالجِهاتُ

2. Because the soul is with you and it is the origin
And where the origin is, the attachments hasten

٢. لِأَنَّ الروحَ عِندَكَ وَهيَ أَصلٌ
وَحَيثُ الأَصلُ تَسعى المُلحَقاتُ

3. And give it an image without a soul
Isn't life acceptance for it?

٣. وَهَبها صورَةً مِن غَيرِ روح
أَلَيسَ مِنَ القَبولِ لَها حَياةُ