1. O sons of Egypt, lift up the banner
And salute the hero of India
١. بَني مِصرَ اِرفَعوا الغار
وَحَيّوا بَطَلَ الهِندِ
2. Fulfill your duty and pay
The rights of the unique flag
٢. وَأَدّوا واجِباً وَاِقضوا
حُقوقَ العَلَمِ الفَردِ
3. Your brother in adversity
And the harsh moment of truth
٣. أَخوكُم في المقاساةِ
وَعَركِ المَوقِفِ النَكدِ
4. And the great sacrifice
And the demand and effort
٤. وَفي التَضحِيَةِ الكُبرى
وَفي المَطلَبِ وَالجُهدِ
5. And the wound and the tear
And the exile from the cradle
٥. وَفي الجُرحِ وَفي الدَمعِ
وَفي النَفيِ مِنَ المَهدِ
6. And the journey for truth
And the stage of delegation
٦. وَفي الرِحلَةِ لِلحَقِّ
وَفي مَرحَلَةِ الوَفدِ
7. Stop and salute him from near
On the ship and from afar
٧. قِفوا حَيّوهُ مِن قُربٍ
عَلى الفُلكِ وَمِن بُعدِ
8. And cover the land with mourning
And cover the sea with flowers
٨. وَغَطّوا البَرَّ بِالآسِ
وَغَطّوا البَحرَ بِالوَردِ
9. On Ifriza Rajabuta
A statue of glory
٩. عَلى إِفريزِ راجبوتا
نَ تِمثالٌ مِنَ المَجدِ
10. A prophet like Confucius
Or of that era
١٠. نَبِيٌّ مِثلُ كونفُشيو
سَ أَو مِن ذَلِكَ العَهدِ
11. Close in word and deed
To the expected redeemer
١١. قَريبُ القَولِ وَالفِعلِ
مِنَ المُنتَظَرِ المَهدي
12. Resembling the messengers in protection
Of truth and in asceticism
١٢. شَبيهُ الرُسلِ في الذَودِ
عَنِ الحَقِّ وَفي الزُهدِ
13. He truly taught with truth
And patience and moderation
١٣. لَقَد عَلَّمَ بِالحَقِّ
وَبِالصَبرِ وَبِالقَصدِ
14. And called upon the Far East
So it responded from the grave
١٤. وَنادى المَشرِقَ الأَقصى
فَلَبّاهُ مِنَ اللَحدِ
15. And the sick souls came
And he cured them of hatred
١٥. وَجاءَ الأَنفُسَ المَرضى
فَداواها مِنَ الحِقدِ
16. He called the Hindus and Islam
To friendship and affection
١٦. دَعا الهِندوسَ وَالإِسلا
مَ لِلأُلفَةِ وَالوُدِّ
17. With magic from the powers of the spirit
He sheathed the two swords in the scabbard
١٧. بِسِحرٍ مِن قُوى الروحِ
حَوى السَيفَينِ في غِمدِ
18. And a rule from the soul
That strengthens the tamer of lions
١٨. وَسُلطانٍ مِنَ النَفسِ
يُقَوّي رائِضَ الأَسدِ
19. And harmony from God
And facilitation from good fortune
١٩. وَتَوفيقٍ مِنَ اللَهِ
وَتَيسيرٍ مِنَ السَعدِ
20. And a fortune given to no one
Except the created for eternity
٢٠. وَحَظٍّ لَيسَ يُعطاهُ
سِوى المَخلوقِ لِلخُلدِ
21. And not taken by strength
Or cunning or armies
٢١. وَلا يُؤخَذُ بِالحَولِ
وَلا الصَولِ وَلا الجُندِ
22. Nor by lineage or wealth
Or toil or effort
٢٢. وَلا بِالنَسلِ وَالمالِ
وَلا بِالكَدحِ وَالكَدِّ
23. But a gift from the Exalted Lord
May God be exalted, to the servant
٢٣. وَلَكِن هِبَةُ المَولى
تَعالى اللَهُ لِلعَبدِ
24. Peace of the Nile, O Gandhi
And this flower is from me
٢٤. سَلامُ النيلِ يا غَندي
وَهَذا الزَهرُ مِن عِندي
25. And reverence from the pyramids
And the sphinx and the Nile Valley
٢٥. وَإِجلالٌ مِنَ الأَهرا
مِ وَالكَرنَكِ وَالبَردي
26. And from the elders of the valley
And its rebellious youth
٢٦. وَمِن مَشيَخَةِ الوادي
وَمِن أَشبالِهِ المُردِ
27. Peace to the milker of sheep
Peace to the spinner of yarn
٢٧. سَلامٌ حالِبَ الشاةِ
سَلامٌ غازِلَ البُردِ
28. And those who turned from molasses
And did not incline towards honey
٢٨. وَمَن صَدَّ عَنِ المِلحِ
وَلَم يُقبِل عَلى الشُهدِ
29. And those who straddle their legs
From India to Sindh
٢٩. وَمَن تركَبُ ساقَيهِ
مِنَ الهِندِ إِلى السِندِ
30. Peace whenever you prayed
Naked and in rags
٣٠. سَلامٌ كُلَّما صَلَّيـ
ـتَ عُرياناً وَفي اللِبدِ
31. And in the prison corner
And in chains
٣١. وَفي زاوِيَةِ السِجنِ
وَفي سِلسِلَةِ القَيدِ
32. From the green feast
Take your precaution, O Gandhi
٣٢. مِنَ المائِدَةِ الخَضرا
ءَ خُذ حِذرَكَ يا غَندي
33. And observe the chess pieces
And what is in the cards
٣٣. وَلاحِظ وَرَقَ السيرِ
وَما في وَرَقِ اللوردِ
34. And be more skilled than those
Who play with chess and dice
٣٤. وَكُن أَبرَعَ مَن يَلـ
ـعَبُ بِالشَطرَنجِ وَالنَردِ
35. And meet the geniuses
As an equal to his equal
٣٥. وَلاقي العَبقَرِيّينَ
لِقاءَ النِدِّ لِلنِدِّ
36. And say, bring your snakes
The charmer has come from India
٣٦. وَقُل هاتوا أَفاعِيَكُم
أَتى الحاوي مِنَ الهِندِ
37. And promise not to be distracted by blame
Or fooled by praise
٣٧. وَعُد لَم تَحفِلِ الذامَ
وَلَم تَغتَرَّ بِالحَمدِ
38. For this star cannot be reached
By the ambitions of criticism
٣٨. فَهَذا النَجمُ لا تَرقى
إِلَيهِ هِمَّةُ النَقدِ
39. And return India to the nation
From end to end
٣٩. وَرُدَّ الهِندَ لِلأُمـ
ـةِ مِن حَدٍّ إِلى حَدِّ