
Look how the moons fade away,

انظر إلى الأقمار كيف تزول

1. Look how the moons fade away,
And how the faces of good fortune change,

١. اُنظُر إِلى الأَقمارِ كَيفَ تَزولُ
وَإِلى وُجوهِ السَعدِ كَيفَ تَحولُ

2. And how the lofty mountains lean
When the returning winds gesture, so they lean.

٢. وَإِلى الجِبالِ الشُمِّ كَيفَ يُميلُها
عادي الرَدى بِإِشارَةٍ فَتَميلُ

3. And how the winds blow without stopping,
While dust overwhelms them, abased.

٣. وَإِلى الرِياحِ تَخِرُّ دونَ قَرارِها
صَرعى عَلَيهِنَّ التُرابُ مَهيلُ

4. And how the eagles' lifespans have shortened,
Yet an eagle's lifetime is long.

٤. وَإِلى النُسورِ تَقاسَرَت أَعمارُها
وَالعَهدُ في عُمرِ النُسورِ يَطولُ

5. In every high-ranking position,
A moon of virtues is killed by fate.

٥. في كُلِّ مَنزِلَةٍ وَكُلِّ سَمِيَّةٍ
قَمَرٌ مِنَ الغُرِّ السُماةِ قَتيلُ

6. Fate casts them down, none can protect them,
Alas, fate cannot be resisted.

٦. يَهوي القَضاءُ بِها فَما مِن عاصِمٍ
هَيهاتَ لَيسَ مِنَ القَضاءِ مُقيلُ

7. Heaven's gates opened and its light settled the land,
So the land rejoiced while the sky grieved.

٧. فَتحُ السَماءِ وَنورُها سَكَنا الثَرى
فَالأَرضُ وَلهى وَالسَماءُ ثَكولُ

8. Travel in the air and hold on to the forelocks of horses,
Death knows no obstacle in its path.

٨. سِر في الهَواءِ وَلُذ بِناصِيَةِ السُها
المَوتُ لا يَخفى عَلَيهِ سَبيلُ

9. Ride on the wings of an eagle, it will not protect you
From an eagle in which flies Azrael.

٩. وَاِركَب جَناحَ النَسرِ لا يَعصِمكَ مِن
نَسرٍ يُرَفرِفُ فيهِ عِزرائيلُ

10. Each soul has an appointed hour, one who does not die in it,
Dies disgraced though he lived esteemed.

١٠. وَلِكُلِّ نَفسٍ ساعَةٌ مَن لَم يَمُت
فيها عَزيزاً ماتَ وَهوَ ذَليلُ

11. Have you settled for life though it is full of death,
While dreams occupy the sleeping?

١١. أَإِلى الحَياةِ سَكَنتَ وَهيَ مَصارِعٌ
وَإِلى الأَماني يَسكَنُ المَسلولُ

12. Do not be distracted by its sorrows or joys,
The bliss and pain of life are but confusion.

١٢. لا تَحفَلَنَّ بِبُؤسِها وَنَعيمِها
نُعمى الحَياةِ وَبُؤسُها تَضليلُ

13. Between its blossoming and wilting,
Is the lifetime of roses, and it is short indeed.

١٣. ما بَينَ نَضرَتِها وَبَينَ ذُبولِها
عُمرُ الوُرودِ وَإِنَّهُ لَقَليلُ

14. The one who brought good news yesterday is today a mourner,
As if the interpretation has belied the dream.

١٤. هَذا بَشيرُ الأَمسِ أَصبَحَ ناعِياً
كَالحُلمِ جاءَ بِضِدِّهِ التَأويلُ

15. Tears flow around his tales,
Where once joy overflowed.

١٥. يَجري مِنَ العَبَراتِ حَولَ حَديثِهِ
ما كانَ مِن فَرَحٍ عَلَيهِ يَسيلُ

16. Many a wedding party hides a funeral,
Like a garden's shade conceals snakes.

١٦. وَلَرُبَّ أَعراسٍ خَبَأنَ مَأتَماً
كَالرُقطِ في ظِلِّ الرِياضِ تَقيلُ

17. O you martyrs, you will not be forgotten,
A conquest more splendid than you adorns the sky.

١٧. يا أَيُّها الشُهَداءُ لَن يُنسى لَكُم
فَتحٌ أَغَرُّ عَلى السَماءِ جَميلُ

18. In life, the first pioneer takes the glory,
And whoever comes after lengthens it.

١٨. وَالمَجدُ في الدُنيا لِأَوَّلِ مُبتَنٍ
وَلِمَن شُيِّدَ بَعدَهُ فَيُطيلُ

19. Were it not for souls who went astray on the path of ascension,
No guide would lead the climbers.

١٩. لَولا نُفوسٌ زُلنَ في سُبُلِ العُلا
لَم يَهدِ فيها السالِكينَ دَليلُ

20. While some give their soul, money or knowledge,
Others remain useless.

٢٠. وَالناسُ باذِلُ روحِهِ أَو مالِهِ
أَو عِلمِهِ وَالآخَرونَ فُضولُ

21. Victory prides itself on its vanguards in battle,
While the camp followers trail behind like sheep.

٢١. وَالنَصرُ غُرَّتُهُ الطَلائِعُ في الوَغى
وَالتابِعونَ مِنَ الخَميسِ حُجولُ

22. How many thousands of miles towards Egypt you traveled!
Why stop when Egypt is but a mile away?

٢٢. كَم أَلفُ ميلٍ نَحوَ مِصرَ قَطَعتُم
فيمَ الوُقوفُ وَدونَ مِصرٍ ميلُ

23. Your wings humble Mount Toros,
When you ascended the clouds like the new moon.

٢٣. طوروسُ تَحتَكِمُ ضَئيلٌ طَرفُهُ
لَمّا طَلَعتُم في السَحابِ كَليلُ

24. You relinquish the reins to the winds, though they
Are submissive to you in their rebellion.

٢٤. تَرخونَ لِلريحِ العِنانَ وَإِنَّها
لَكُم عَلى طُغيانِها لَذَلولُ

25. Two and two you marched, unaware that death
Would be a third companion.

٢٥. اِثنَينِ اِثرَ اِثنَينِ لَم يَخطُر لَكُم
أَنَّ المَنِيَّةَ ثالِثٌ وَزَميلُ

26. Among the wonders of your time is that you found
In life and death a faithful friend.

٢٦. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ في زَمانِكَ أَن يَفي
لَكَ في الحَياةِ وَفي المَماتِ خَليلُ

27. If one destined to die could be ransomed,
The eagles in the sky would be stingy with life.

٢٧. لَو كانَ يُفدى هالِكٌ لَفَداكُمُ
في الجَوِّ نَسرٌ بِالحَياةِ بَخيلُ

28. Which conquerors have approached martyrdom before you?
Their graves are the sky's expanse and its horizons.

٢٨. أَيُّ الغُزاةِ أُلي الشَهادَةِ قَبلَكُم
عَرضُ السَماءِ ضَريحُهُم وَالطولُ

29. Its inhabitants greet you each morning
With glorification and praise.

٢٩. يَغدو عَلَيكُم بِالتَحِيَّةِ أَهلُها
وَيُرَفرِفُ التَسبيحُ وَالتَهليلُ

30. Idris with a basil plant above his right,
And Jesus with a wreath above his right.

٣٠. إِدريسُ فَوقَ يَمينِهِ رَيحانَةٌ
وَيَسوعُ فَوقَ يَمينهِ إِكليلُ

31. In a world whose inhabitants' breaths are sweet,
And the whispers of their talk are the Gospels.

٣١. في عالَمٍ سُكّانُهُ أَنفاسُهُم
طيبٌ وَهَمسُ حَديثِهِم إِنجيلُ

32. I fear for the sky from harm,
On a day when the generation corrupts the sky.

٣٢. إِنّي أَخافُ عَلى السَماءِ مِنَ الأَذى
في يَومِ يُفسِدُ في السَماءِ الجيلُ

33. It used to be immaculate, untouched,
With no Adam or Cain in it.

٣٣. كانَت مُطَهَّرَةَ الأَديمِ نَقِيَّةً
لا آدَمٌ فيها وَلا قابيلُ

34. The weary turns to its mercies,
And the ailing sees in it the light of hope.

٣٤. يَتَوَجَّهُ العاني إِلى رَحَماتِها
وَيَرى بِها بَرقَ الرَجاءِ عَليلُ

35. The crowned old man gestures toward it,
As does the innocent-eyed virgin.

٣٥. وَيُشيرُ بِالرَأسِ المُكَلَّلِ نَحوَها
شَيخٌ وَبِاللَحظِ البَريءِ بَتولُ

36. But today it harbors lusts and desires -
A torrent, and for blood and tears, a channel.

٣٦. وَاليَومَ لِلشَهَواتِ فيها وَالهَوى
سَيلٌ وَلِلدَمِ وَالدُموعِ مَسيلُ

37. Fleets of airships circle it,
And from the air, hordes of horses.

٣٧. أَضحَت وَمِن سُفُنِ الجَواءِ طَوائِفٌ
فيها وَمِن خَيلِ الهَواءِ رَعيلُ

38. Its protected temple and secret are gone,
And time strips bare the secret.

٣٨. وَأُزيلَ هَيكَلُها المَصونُ وَسِرُّهُ
وَالدَهرُ لِلسِرِّ المَصونِ مُذيلُ

39. Damascus panicked, and desperately
Rushed to her people, not knowing what to say.

٣٩. هَلِعَت دِمَشقُ وَأَقبَلَت في أَهلِها
مَلهوفَةً لَم تَدرِ كَيفَ تَقولُ

40. Sorrows walked her streets, and her wailing
Spread among the rivers and springs, withering them.

٤٠. مَشَتِ الشُجونُ بِها وَعَمَّ غِياطَها
بَينَ الجَداوِلِ وَالعُيونِ ذُبولُ

41. In every plain are groans and laments,
With every grief, cries and wailing.

٤١. في كُلِّ سَهلٍ أَنَّةٌ وَمَناحَةٌ
وَبِكُلِّ حَزنٍ رَنَّةٌ وَعَويلُ

42. As if all Umayyad Damascus were mourning
The Umayyad Mosque, for it is her towering knight.

٤٢. وَكَأَنَّما نُعِيَت أُمَيَّةُ كُلُّها
لِلمَسجِدِ الأَمَوِيِّ فَهوَ طُلولُ

43. In it, the rows bow down to you and prayers are brought near for you,
And recitals and chanting draw close.

٤٣. خَضَعَت لَكُم فيهِ الصُفوفُ وَأُزلِفَت
لَكُمُ الصَلاةُ وَقُرِّبَ التَرتيلُ

44. From each coffin, its glory is like myrrh in the earth -
Lofty, while in the sky, rooted.

٤٤. مِن كُلِّ نَعشٍ كَالثُرَيّا مَجدُهُ
في الأَرضِ عالٍ وَالسَماءِ أَصيلُ

45. In it lies a martyr shrouded in the Book,
Washed with the tears of the Trustworthy Spirit.

٤٥. فيهِ شَهيدٌ بِالكِتابِ مُكَفَّنٌ
بِمَدامِعِ الروحِ الأَمينِ غَسيلُ

46. His pillars are between the men, while his roots
Are between the praised ones, and He is borne witness to.

٤٦. أَعوادُهُ بَينَ الرِجالِ وَأَصلُهُ
بَينَ السُهى وَالمُشتَري مَحمولُ

47. The soldiers carry him, and were it not for their precedent,
Gabriel would have carried him.

٤٧. يَمشي الجُنودُ بِهِ وَلَولا أَنَّهُم
أَولى بِذاكَ مَشى بِهِ جِبريلُ

48. Until you reached a spot where desires
And hospitality once lodged.

٤٨. حَتّى نَزَلتُم بُقعَةً فيها الهَوى
مِن قَبلُ ثاوٍ وَالسَماحُ نَزيلُ

49. The grave of Joseph loomed over it,
As if the deceased in it were a messenger.

٤٩. عَظُمَت وَجَلَّ ضَريحُ يوسُفَ فَوقَها
حَتّى كَأَنَّ المَيتَ فيهِ رَسولُ

50. My poetry, when you traverse the seas thrice,
And shade accompanies you in shady halts,

٥٠. شِعري إِذا جُبتَ البِحارَ ثَلاثَةً
وَحَواكَ ظِلٌّ في فُروقَ ظَليلُ

51. And you are passed from one Arab gathering
To another, between minarets and castles,

٥١. وَتَداوَلَتكَ عِصابَةٌ عَرَبِيَّةٌ
بَينَ المَآذِنِ وَالقِلاعِ نُزولُ

52. Until you reach, from the gate of the Caliphate, an elevation
Where you kiss its curtains and caress them,

٥٢. وَبَلَغتَ مِن بابِ الخِلافَةِ سُدَّةً
لِسُتورِها التَمسيحُ وَالتَقبيلُ

53. Say to the Imam Muhammad and his family:
Patience over loss of life is seemly.

٥٣. قُل لِلإِمامِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَلِآلِهِ
صَبرُ العِظامِ عَلى العَظيمِ جَميلُ

54. Such were your tribulations, while you bore part,
With the Euphrates bearing part, and the Nile.

٥٤. تِلكَ الخُطوبُ وَقَد حَمَلتُم شَطرَها
ناءَ الفُراتُ بِشَطرِها وَالنيلُ

55. If you miss the lions or their cubs,
The wilderness is filled with their likes.

٥٥. إِن تَفقِدوا الآسادَ أَو أَشبالَها
فَالغابُ مِن أَمثالِها مَأهولُ

56. Have patience - for Muslims awaits a great reward, as for you,
Yours, with God, is plentiful.

٥٦. صَبراً فَأَجرُ المُسلِمينَ وَأَجرُكُم
عِندَ الإِلَهِ وَإِنَّهُ لَجَزيلُ

57. O you whose rightly-guided Caliphate is a protection
For truth, you guarantee truth be upheld.

٥٧. يا مَن خِلافَتُهُ الرَضِيَّةُ عِصمَةٌ
لِلحَقِّ أَنتَ بِأَن يُحَقَّ كَفيلُ

58. God knows among his Caliphs is one of justice,
Who will make the kingdom upright when it tilts.

٥٨. وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ أَنَّ في خُلَفائِهِ
عَدلاً يُقيمُ المُلكَ حينَ يَميلُ

59. Justice raises for kingdoms an impregnable wall,
Not an army or armada raises it.

٥٩. وَالعَدلُ يَرفَعُ لِلمَمالِكِ حائِطاً
لا الجَيشُ يَرفَعُهُ وَلا الأُسطولُ

60. This is the standing of Muhammad,
And gentleness with Muhammad is hoped for.

٦٠. هَذا مَقامٌ أَنتَ فيهِ مُحَمَّدٌ
وَالرِفقُ عِندَ مُحَمَّدٍ مَأمولُ

61. By God, by Islam, by the wound
That still flows on the crescent's side!

٦١. بِاللَهِ بِالإِسلامِ بِالجُرحِ الَّذي
ما اِنفَكَّ في جَنبِ الهِلالِ يَسيلُ

62. Release the prisoner from his shackles,
For shackles are heavy on the noble.

٦٢. إِلّا حَلَلتَ عَنِ السَجينِ وَثاقَهُ
إِنَّ الوِثاقَ عَلى الأُسودِ ثَقيلُ

63. Will some slanderer say, or a gloating enemy repeat:
"Buraihah is shackled and bound"?

٦٣. أَيَقولُ واشٍ أَو يُرَدِّدُ شامِتٌ
صِنديدُ بُرقَةَ موثَقٌ مَكبولُ

64. He is one of your swords they have sheathed for suspicion -
Your unsheathed sword is not to be sheathed.

٦٤. هُوَ مِن سُيوفِكَ أَغمَدوهُ لِريبَةٍ
ما كانَ يُغمَدُ سَيفُكَ المَسلولُ

65. Remember then the Commander of the Faithful's ordeal,
And prioritize him, for swords are few.

٦٥. فَاِذكُر أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ بَلاءَهُ
وَاِستَبقِهِ إِنَّ السُيوفَ قَليلُ