
Your hands sketched the melodious garden,

خطت يداك الروضة الغناء

1. Your hands sketched the melodious garden,
And completed the edifice of arts.

١. خَطَّت يَداكَ الرَوضَةَ الغَنّاءَ
وَفَرَغتَ مِن صَرحِ الفُنونِ بِناءَ

2. You kept ascending in glory,
Until your glory surpassed the stars.

٢. ما زِلتَ تَذهَبُ في السُمُوِّ بِركنِهِ
حَتّى تَجاوَزَ رُكنُهُ الجَوزاءَ

3. A house of fine art divided,
For the sleepless, both tale and repose.

٣. دارٌ مِنَ الفَنِّ الجَميلِ تَقَسَّمَت
لِلساهِرينَ رِوايَةً وَرُواءَ

4. Like a garden beneath the birds, how wondrous!
Captivating sights and hearing.

٤. كَالرَوضِ تَحتَ الطَيرِ أَعجَبَ أَيكُهُ
لَحظَ العُيونِ وَأَعجَبَ الإِصغاءَ

5. You descended in it, we had never seen before,
A sky shining the sun at night.

٥. وَلَقَد نَزَلتَ بِها فَلَم نَرَ قَبلَها
فَلَكاً جَلا شَمسَ النَهارِ عِشاءَ

6. It blazed until it turned in the valleys of kings,
The rocks and emptiness into illumination.

٦. وَتَوَهَّجَت حَتّى تَقَلَّبَ في السَنا
وادي المُلوكِ حِجارَةً وَفَضاءَ

7. So they turned whispering, perhaps
It is the dawn of civilization in the country coming to light.

٧. فَتَلَفَّتوا يَتَهامَسونَ لَعَلَّهُ
فَجرُ الحَضارَةِ في البِلادِ أَضاءَ

8. That knowledge in the height of their buildings,
Mostly gestured towards your building.

٨. تِلكَ المَعارِفُ في طُلولِ بِنائِهِم
أَكثَرنَ نَحوَ بِنائِكَ الإيماءَ

9. Their poles swayed in greeting,
And their strings hummed in praise.

٩. وَتَمايَلَت عيدانُهُنَّ تَحِيَّةً
وَتَرَنَّمَت أَوتارُهُنَّ ثَناءَ

10. O builder of the hall, you have adorned it,
And emulated in its attire the red.

١٠. يا بانِيَ الإيوانِ قَد نَسَّقتَهُ
وَحَذَوتَ في هِندامِها الحَمراءَ

11. Where is a temple that can house it?
Or a shrine that occupies its chambers and courts?

١١. أَينَ الغَريضُ يَحِلُّهُ أَو مَعبَدٌ
يَتَبَوَّأَ الحُجُراتِ وَالأَبهاءِ

12. Genius in its repositories,
With which God gratifies whom He wills.

١٢. العَبقَرِيَّةُ في ضَنائِنِهِ الَّتي
يَحبو بِها سُبحانَهُ مَن شاءَ

13. When you built the hall and endowed it,
It sent a thousand and dispatched the post.

١٣. لَمّا بَنَيتَ الأَيكَ وَاِستَوهَبتَهُ
بَعثَ الهَزارَ وَأَرسَلَ الوَرقاءَ

14. You heard from the unique composer what
Eluded Al-Rashid and Al-Nu'man missed.

١٤. فَسَمِعتَ مِن مُتَفَرِّدِ الأَنغامِ ما
فاتَ الرَشيدَ وَأَخطَأَ النُدَماءَ

15. Art is the basil of kings, and they sometimes
Immortalized their names on its sides.

١٥. وَالفَنُّ رَيحانُ المُلوكِ وَرُبَّما
خَلَدوا عَلى جَنَباتِهِ أَسماءَ

16. If not for its hands upon our sons,
We would not have found the most glorious fathers.

١٦. لَولا أَياديهِ عَلى أَبنائِنا
لَم نُلفَ أَمجَدَ أُمَّة آباءَ

17. The early ones of every people were on the earth,
And we were in pottery the sky.

١٧. كانَت أَوائِلُ كُلِّ قَومٍ في العُلا
أَرضاً وَكُنّا في الفَخارِ سَماءَ

18. If not for the smile of art around it,
Existence would have remained bleak and harsh.

١٨. لَولا اِبتِسامُ الفَنِّ فيما حَولَهُ
ظَلَّ الوُجودُ جَهامَةً وَجَفاءَ

19. Strip life of art and whatever it contained,
You find life empty of beauty.

١٩. جَرِّد مِنَ الفَنِّ الحَياةَ وَما حَوَت
تَجِدِ الحَياةَ مِنَ الجَمالِ خَلاءَ

20. Nature treated life with art,
As an oasis treated the desert.

٢٠. بِالفَنِّ عالَجتِ الحَياةَ طَبيعَةٌ
قَد عالَجَت بِالواحَةِ الصَحراءَ

21. The soul takes refuge in it from its heat,
Thus gaining shade or finding water.

٢١. تَأوي إِلَيها الروحُ مِن رَمضائِها
فَتُصيبُ ظِلّاً أَو تُصادِفُ ماءَ

22. The pulse of civilization in all kingdoms
Either flows safety or beats sickness.

٢٢. نَبضُ الحَضارَةِ في المَمالِكِ كُلِّها
يُجري السَلامَةَ أَو يَدُقُّ الداءَ

23. If well it makes the times healthy,
Or ill, it is clearly a facade.

٢٣. إِن صَحَّ فَهيَ عَلى الزَمانِ صَحيحَةٌ
أَو زافَ كانَت ظاهِراً وَطِلاءَ

24. Look, Abu Bakr, does your plant grow
With the plant anything but blessings and growth?

٢٤. انظُر أَبا الفاروقِ غَرسَكَ هَل تَرى
بِالغَرسِ إِلّا نِعمَةً وَنَماءَ

25. From a seed stored and hands that persevered
Came a time with plentiful gardens.

٢٥. مِن حَبَّةٍ ذُخِرَت وَأَيدٍ ثابَرَت
جاءَ الزَمانُ بِجَنَّةٍ فَيحاءَ

26. The fine arts sheltered beautifully,
Casting shades and extending branches.

٢٦. وَأَكَنَّتِ الفَنَّ الجَميلَ خَميلَةٌ
رَمَتِ الظِلالَ وَمَدَّتِ الأَفياءَ

27. A group exerted righteous efforts,
Not asking for their efforts a reward.

٢٧. بَذَلَ الجُهودَ الصالِحاتِ عِصابَةٌ
لا يَسأَلونَ عَنِ الجُهودِ جَزاءَ

28. They accompanied the messenger of art, unrelenting
Out of love, sincerity, and loyalty.

٢٨. صَحِبوا رَسولَ الفَنِّ لا يَألونَهُ
حُبّاً وَصِدقَ مَوَدَّةٍ وَوَفاءَ

29. They pushed aside obstacles with perseverance, and exceeded
Whatever of fate's turns were miserable.

٢٩. دَفَعوا العَوائِقَ بِالثَباتِ وَجاوَزوا
ما سَرَّ مِن قَدَرِ الأُمورِ وَساءَ

30. Cooperation is indeed an exalted power
That builds men and originates things.

٣٠. إِنَّ التَعاوُنَ قُوَّةٌ عُلوِيَّةٌ
تَبني الرِجالَ وَتُبدِعُ الأَشياءَ

31. So may their endeavor that drew your attention give them delight
And clothe them in splendor and prosperity.

٣١. فَليَهنِهِم حازَ اِلتِفاتَكَ سَعيُهُم
وَكَسا نَدِيَّهُمو سَناً وَسَناءَ

32. You did not appear to sights except planting
For the generations' successors or building.

٣٢. لَم تَبدُ لِلأَبصارِ إِلّا غارِساً
لِخَوالِفِ الأَجيالِ أَو بَنّاءَ

33. You pass the intervals improvising the dew,
And go making the white hand.

٣٣. تَغدو عَلى الفَتَراتِ تَرتَجِلُ النَدى
وَتَروحُ تَصطَنِعُ اليَدَ البَيضاءَ

34. In a procession like rain, its riders proceeded,
Bringing good tidings, settling prosperity and comfort.

٣٤. في مَوكِبٍ كَالغَيثِ سارَ رُكابُهُ
بِشراً وَحَلَّ سَعادَةً وَرَخاءَ

35. You are the banner the people rallied around,
And the crown the nations make their banner.

٣٥. أَنتَ اللِواءُ اِلتَفَّ قَومُكَ حَولَهُ
وَالتاجُ يَجعَلُهُ الشُعوبُ لِواءَ

36. From every minaret you heard love,
And with every bell you met prayer.

٣٦. مِن كُلِّ مِئذَنَةٍ سَمِعتَ مَحَبَّةً
وَبِكُلِّ ناقوسٍ لَقيتَ دُعاءَ

37. They harmonize in acclaim as though
A lute accompanies singing.

٣٧. يَتَأَلَّفانِ عَلى الهُتافِ كَما اِنبَرى
وَتَرٌ يُسايِرُ في البَنانِ غِناءَ