
A mouse saw a cat on the wall

فأر رأى القط على الجدار

1. A mouse saw a cat on the wall
Trapped in the tightest blockade

١. فَأرٌ رَأى القِطَّ عَلى الجِدارِ
مُعَذَّباً في أَضيَقِ الحِصارِ

2. And the dog in his usual state
Preparing for the promised leap

٢. وَالكَلبُ في حالَتِهِ المَعهودَه
مُستَجمِعاً لِلوَثبَةِ المَوعودَه

3. So the mouse tried to seize the chance
And said, I will end the cat's torment

٣. فَحاوَلَ الفَأرُ اِغتِنامَ الفُرصَه
وَقالَ أَكفي القِطَّ هَذي الغُصَّه

4. Perhaps he would guarantee safety
For me and my fellow rodents

٤. لَعَلَّهُ يَكتُبُ بِالأَمانِ
لي وَلِأَصحابي مِنَ الجيرانِ

5. He went to the dog with his hands up
And threw dirt in his eyes

٥. فَسارَ لِلكَلبِ عَلى يَدَيهِ
وَمَكَّنَ التُرابَ مِن عَينَيهِ

6. Thus the shepherd got distracted from the wall
And the cat descended to the ground

٦. فَاِشتَغَلَ الراعي عَنِ الجِدارِ
وَنَزَلَ القِطُّ عَلى بِدارِ

7. Elated, thinking of a feast
And a generous prey for his conquest

٧. مُبتَهِجاً يُفَكِّرُ في وَليمَه
وَفي فَريسَةٍ لَها كَريمَه

8. To make it a sign of his sermon
And remember the safety he had earned

٨. يَجعَلُها لِخَطبِهِ عَلامَه
يَذكُرُها فَيَذكُرُ السَلامَه

9. The mouse came meanwhile and said
Long live the cat in comfort and glee

٩. فَجاءَ ذاكَ الفَأرُ في الأَثناءِ
وَقالَ عاشَ القِطُّ في هَناءِ

10. You saw my loyalty in hardship
Which caused this deliverance to be

١٠. رَأَيتَ في الشِدَّةِ مِن إِخلاصي
ما كانَ مِنها سَبَبَ الخَلاصِ

11. I have come to ask for safety
So oblige my folks generously

١١. وَقَد أَتَيتُ أَطلُبُ الأَمانا
فَاِمنُن بِهِ لِمَعشَري إِحسانا

12. He said, Indeed this is nobility
A gain preceded by security

١٢. فَقالَ حَقّاً هَذِهِ كَرامَه
غَنيمَةٌ وَقَبلَها سَلامَه

13. It suffices you pride, O noble in manner
That you're the mouse of speech and feast

١٣. يَكفيكَ فَخراً يا كَريمَ الشيمَه
أَنَّكَ فَأرُ الخَطبِ وَالوَليمَه

14. Then he instantly pounced on the weak one
And ate him with salt and loaf

١٤. وَاِنقَضَّ في الحالِ عَلى الضَعيفِ
يَأكُلُهُ بِالمِلحِ وَالرَغيفِ

15. So I said at that point words well known
He who spares enemies one day is gone

١٥. فَقُلتُ في المَقامِ قَولاً شاعا
مَن حَفِظَ الأَعداءَ يَوماً ضاعا