1. The donkey fell off the ship in the dark of night
His friends wept for his loss and pitied his plight
١. سَقَطَ الحِمارُ مِنَ السَفينَةِ في الدُجى
فَبَكى الرِفاقُ لِفَقدِهِ وَتَرَحَّموا
2. But when morning arose a wave did bring
The donkey back to the ship, a joyous thing
٢. حَتّى إِذا طَلَعَ النَهارُ أَتَت بِهِ
نَحوَ السَفينَةِ مَوجَةٌ تَتَقَدَمُ
3. It said "Take him just as I bring him, unharmed"
"I did not swallow him up, for he's not to be chewed"
٣. قالَت خُذوهُ كَما أَتاني سالِماً
لَم أَبتَلِعهُ لِأَنَّهُ لا يُهضَمُ