1. This is a strange happening
In the madness of the serpent and the malice of the scorpion
١. وَهَذِهِ واقِعَةٌ مُستَغرَبَه
في هَوَسِ الأَفعى وَخُبثِ العَقرَبَه
2. I saw a serpent, daughter of the Nile
Admiring her beautiful body
٢. رَأَيتُ أَفعى من بَناتِ النيلِ
مُعجَبَةً بِقَدِّها الجَميلِ
3. Scornful of advice and shunning the advisor
Claiming great mature wisdom
٣. تَحتَقِرُ النُصحَ وَتَجفو الناصِحا
وَتَدَّعي العَقلَ الكَبيرَ الراجِحا
4. A house lizard attacked her
Carrying the weight of its filth
٤. عَنَت لَها رَبيبَةُ السَباخِ
تَحمِلُ وَزنَيها مِنَ الأَوساخِ
5. And she deemed it, and reasonably so
A sorceress from the sorceresses of India
٥. فَحَسِبَتها وَالحِسابُ يُجدي
ساحِرَةً مِن ساحِراتِ الهِندِ
6. So it darted like a sharp sword
And the other rushed like a sliding arrow
٦. فَاِنخَرَطَت مِثلَ الحُسامِ الوالِجِ
وَاِندَفَعَت تِلكَ كَسَهمٍ زالِجِ
7. Until when it brought her to her burrow
It circled her like a bracelet in its orbit
٧. حَتّى إِذا ما أَبلَغَتها جُحرَها
دارَت عَلَيهِ كَالسِوارِ دَورَها
8. Saying: O mother of blindness and recklessness
Where can you flee, O enemy of life?
٨. تَقولُ يا أُمَّ العَمى وَالطَيشِ
أَينَ الفِرارُ يا عَدُوَّ العَيشِ
9. If you enter, death awaits in the entering
If you exit, ruin awaits in the exiting
٩. إِن تِلجي فَالمَوتُ في الوُلوجِ
أَو تَخرُجي فَالهُلكُ في الخُروجِ
10. So the hunted of homes fell silent
And the serpent was fooled by this silence
١٠. فَسَكَتَت طَريدَةُ البُيوتِ
وَاِغتَرَّتِ الأَفعى بِذا السُكوتِ
11. And slept a sleep on the road
But its enemy quickly emerged
١١. وَهَجَعَت عَلى الطَريقِ هَجعَه
فَخَرَجَت ضَرَّتُها بِسُرعَه
12. And rose at the peak of fury
And unleashed the agony of its sting
١٢. وَنَهَضَت في ذِروَةِ الدِماغِ
وَاِستَرسَلَت في مُؤلِمِ التَلداغِ
13. So she awoke like a terrified dreamer
Shrieking with woe and ruin
١٣. فَاِنتَبَهَت كَالحالِمِ المَذعورِ
تُصيحُ بِالوَيلِ وَبِالثُبورِ
14. Until the strength of the young woman weakened
And the enemy descended from her head
١٤. حَتّى وَهَت مِنَ الفَتاةِ القُوَّه
فَنَزَلت عَن رَأسِها العُدُوَّه
15. Saying: Patience for the test, patience
And if you find it harsh, excuse it
١٥. تَقولُ صَبراً لِلبَلاءِ صَبرا
وَإِن وَجَدتِ قَسوَةً فَعُذرا
16. For your head is the disease, and this is the cure
And so must enemies be ridden
١٦. فَرَأسُكِ الداءُ وَذا الدَواءُ
وَهَكَذا فَلتُركَبُ الأَعداءُ
17. Whoever spares an opponent and sleeps from him
Awakens to find what I found from him
١٧. مَن مَلَكَ الخَصمَ وَنامَ عَنهُ
يُصبِحُ يَلقى ما لَقيت مِنهُ
18. If not for those with experience who saw
What malice lies in me, the scorpion
١٨. لَولا الَّذي أَبصَرَ أَهلُ التَجرِبَه
مِنّي لَما سَمّوا الخَبيثَ عَقرَبَه