1. O Copts, brothers of the ages, calm yourselves,
They gave Jesus to you in the wilderness again,
١. بَني القِبطِ إِخوانُ الدُهورِ رُوَيدَكُم
هَبوهُ يَسوعاً في البَرِيَّةِ ثانِيا
2. You bore the crucifixion of the Son of Mary for God's judgment,
And this is God's decree which has been very painful,
٢. حَمَلتُم لِحِكمِ اللَهِ صَلبَ اِبنِ مَريَمٍ
وَهَذا قَضاءُ اللَهِ قَد غالَ غالِيا
3. The accurate shooter has been shot by the accurate one,
And the scheming of the devil met misfortune,
٣. سَديدُ المَرامي قَد رَماهُ مُسَدِّدٌ
وَداهِيَةُ السُوّاسِ لاقى الدَواهِيا
4. By God, even if the shooter did not fire,
He would have suddenly died or been cured,
٤. وَوَاللَهِ أَو لَم يُطلِقِ النارَ مُطلِقٌ
عَلَيهِ لَأَودى فَجأَةً أَو تَداوِيا
5. A decree, destiny, and predetermined life spans,
When their time comes cannot be delayed a moment,
٥. قَضاءٌ وَمِقدارٌ وَآجالُ أَنفُسٍ
إِذا هِيَ حانَت لَم تُؤَخَّر ثَوانِيا
6. We will perish just as the tribes before us perished,
And people will remain, two hundred dying and lamenting,
٦. نَبيدُ كَما بادَت قَبائِلُ قَبلَنا
وَيَبقى الأَنامُ اِثنَينِ مَيتاً وَناعِيا
7. Come, hopefully we will forget the estrangement and its era,
And discard the causes of disputes on all sides,
٧. تَعالَوا عَسى نَطوي الجَفاءَ وَعَهدَهُ
وَنَنبِذُ أَسبابَ الشِقاقِ نَواحِيا
8. Was not Egypt our cradle and then our grave?
And between them there were songs for each,
٨. أَلَم تَكُ مِصرٌ مَهدَنا ثُمَّ لَحدَنا
وَبَينَهُما كانَت لِكُلٍّ مَغانِيا
9. Were we not before Christ, Son of Mary,
And Moses and Taha worshiping the flowing Nile?
٩. أَلَم نَكُ مِن قَبلِ المَسيحِ اِبنِ مَريَمٍ
وَموسى وَطَهَ نَعبُدُ النيلَ جارِيا
10. Why then did we not share the love between us,
And ransom it with banks and a valley?
١٠. فَهَلّا تَساقَينا عَلى حُبِّهِ الهَوى
وَهَلّا فَدَيناهُ ضِفافاً وَوادِيا
11. And there still remains among you people of affection and mercy,
And goodness in the Muslims still remains,
١١. وَما زالَ مِنكُم أَهلُ وُدٍّ وَرَحمَةٍ
وَفي المُسلِمينَ الخَيرُ ما زالَ باقِيا
12. Do not let the killing of Peter prevent you,
From the protection of people whose killing has spread among the people,
١٢. فَلا يَثنِكُم عَن ذِمَّةٍ قَتلُ بُطرُسٍ
فَقِدماً عَرَفنا القَتلَ في الناسِ فاشِيا