1. The youth of wisdom and sublime melody
Has passed, though his virtues remain
١. فَتى العَقلِ وَالنَغمَةِ العالِيَه
مَضى وَمَحاسِنَهُ باقِيَه
2. No marketplace that was not his companion
No king whose assembly did not weigh his chant
٢. فَلا سوقَةٌ لَم تَكُن أُنسَهُ
وَلا مَلِكٌ لَم تَزِن نادِيَه
3. No town was devoid of his goodness
No region devoid of his mention
٣. وَلَم تَخلُ مِن طيبِها بَلدَةٌ
وَلَم تَخلُ مِن ذِكرِها ناحِيَه
4. When he sang, he almost made
The cosmos speak in rhyme
٤. يَكادُ إِذا هُوَ غَنّى الوَرى
بِقافِيَةٍ يُنطِقُ القافِيَه
5. Some of the worthless are confused
By his lofty compositions
٥. يَتيهُ عَلى الماسِ بَعضُ النُحاسِ
إِذا ضَمَّ أَلحانَهُ الغالِيَه
6. His strings rule the soul
Speaking on the oud mimicingly
٦. وَتَحكُمُ في النَفسِ أَوتارُهُ
عَلى العودِ ناطِقَةً حاكِيَه
7. And reach the place of his pearls
And reveal his hidden mysteries
٧. وَتَبلُغُ مَوضِعَ أَوطارِها
وَتُفشي سَريرَتَها الخافِيَه
8. And how many signs in his songs
They are the sun, unmatched
٨. وَكَم آيَةٍ في الأَغاني لَهُ
هِيَ الشَمسُ لَيسَ لَها ثانِيَه
9. When the gnostics whisper them
Say: The lightning and thunder are from the clouds
٩. إِذا ما تَنادى بِها العارِفونَ
قُلِ البَرقُ وَالرَعدُ مِن غادِيَه
10. And if they whisper after loudness
The swaying of adornments upon the singer
١٠. فَإِن هَمَسوا بَعدَ جَهرٍ بِها
فَخَفقُ الحُلِيِّ عَلى الغانِيَه
11. Indeed, my hair has turned white and youthfulness has faded
Yet its celebration remains lively
١١. لَقَد شابَ فَردي وَجازَ المَشيبَ
وَعَيدا شَبيبَتُها زاهِيَه
12. It represents Egypt in this time
As it was in eras past
١٢. تُمَثِّلُ مِصرَ لِهَذا الزَمانِ
كَما هِيَ في الأَعصُرِ الخالِيَه
13. And we recall those nights through it
And chant those visions that flowed
١٣. وَنَذكُرُ تِلكَ اللَيالي بِها
وَنَنشُدُ تِلكَ الرُؤى السارِيَه
14. And weep over our lost glory
And mourn our bygone days
١٤. وَنَبكي عَلى عِزِّنا المُنقَضي
وَنَندُبُ أَيّامَنا الماضِيَه
15. Oh House of Farid, we condole you
And weep with the grieving family
١٥. فَيا آلَ فَردي نُعَزّيكُمُ
وَنَبكي مَعَ الأُسرَةِ الباكِيَه
16. For in your loss, we lost a poet
Whose equal time will scarcely find
١٦. فَقَدنا بِمَفقودِكُم شاعِراً
يَقِلُّ الزَمانُ لَهُ راوِيَه