
A church became a mosque

كنيسة صارت إلى مسجد

1. A church became a mosque
A gift from lord to lord

١. كَنيسَةٌ صارَت إِلى مَسجِدِ
هَدِيَّةُ السَيِّدِ لِلسَيِّدِ

2. It was Jesus' sanctuary, but ended up
With Ahmed's victory and the Spirit's support

٢. كانَت لِعيسى حَرَماً فَاِنتَهَت
بِنُصرَةِ الروحِ إِلى أَحمَدِ

3. The Romans built it, and their masters
In the image of the eternal pyramid

٣. شَيَّدَها الرومُ وَأَقيالُهُمُ
عَلى مِثالِ الهَرَمِ المُخلَدِ

4. It tells of might, sublimity
And passion for the religion that never fades

٤. تُنبِئُ عَن عِزٍّ وَعَن صَولَةٍ
وَعَن هَوىً لِلدينِ لَم يَخمُدِ

5. Its ruby galleries are filled
With its overflowing light

٥. مَجامِرُ الياقوتِ في صَحنِها
تَملُؤُهُ مِن نَدِّها الموقَدِ

6. And the treasures it contained
Were housed nowhere else, nor amassed

٦. وَمِثلُ ما قَد أودِعَت مِن حُلىً
لَم تَتَّخِذ داراً وَلَم تُحشَدِ

7. In it was the Virgin of silver
And the Spirit of God of chrysolite

٧. كانَت بِها العَذراءُ مِن فَضَّةٍ
وَكانَ روحُ اللَهِ مِن عَسجَدِ

8. Jesus by the halo of his mother
And the mother by the bed of her son

٨. عيسى مِنَ الأُمِّ لَدى هالَةٍ
وَالأُمُّ مِن عيسى لَدى فَرقَدِ

9. The skillful Roman artist immortalized them
And embedded in the walls from his art

٩. جَلّاهُما فيها وَحَلّاهُما
مُصَوِّرُ الرومِ القَديرُ اليَدِ

10. Unique works from his singular craft
So an angel in the darkness coming

١٠. وَأَودَعَ الجُدرانَ مِن نَقشِهِ
بَدائِعاً مِن فَنِّهِ المُفرَدِ

11. To an angel in the light trespassing
And a plant that lived like a parrot

١١. فَمِن مَلاكٍ في الدُجى رائِحٍ
عِندَ مَلاكٍ في الضُحى مُغتَدي

12. Green and fresh on the wall
Say to whoever rivaled the powers

١٢. وَمِن نَباتٍ عاشَ كَالبَبَّغا
وَهوَ عَلى الحائِطِ غَضٌّ نَدي

13. Of the tired, exhausted laborer
As if he were Pharaoh when he built

١٣. فَقُل لِمَن شادَ فَهَدَّ القُوى
قُوى الأَجيرِ المُتعَبِ المُجهَدِ

14. A house for his Lord but did not intend
Is God worshipped with the toil of people

١٤. كَأَنَّهُ فِرعَونُ لَمّا بَنى
لِرَبِّهِ بَيتاً فَلَم يَقصِدِ

15. When the camel's litter cannot pass through the eye of a needle?
A church like an imposing citadel

١٥. أَيُعبَدُ اللَهُ بِسَومِ الوَرى
ما لا يُسامُ العَيرُ في المِقوَدِ

16. And a mosque like a palace of the hunt
But God is needless of this and that

١٦. كَنيسَةٌ كَالفَدَنِ المُعتَلي
وَمَسجِدٌ كَالقَصرِ مِن أَصيَدِ

17. If man understands or is guided
The conqueror came with a band

١٧. وَاللَهُ عَن هَذا وَذا في غِنىً
لَو يَعقِلُ الإِنسانُ أَو يَهتَدي

18. Of kneeling, bowing lions
They battered its structure like

١٨. قَد جاءَها الفاتِحُ في عُصبَةٍ
مِنَ الأُسودِ الرُكَّعِ السُجَّدِ

19. Two rocks colliding
They glorified God in it, and the enemies prayed

١٩. رَمى بِهِم بُنيانَها مِثلَما
يَصطَدِمُ الجَلمَدُ بِالجَلمَدِ

20. And the spectacle mingled with the spectacle
The Romans did not hesitate to ransom it

٢٠. فَكَبَّروا فيها وَصَلّى العِدا
وَاِختَلَطَ المَشهَدُ بِالمَشهَدِ

21. While the sword was upon the ransomer and the ransomed
But their Caesar disappointed them

٢١. وَما تَوانى الرومُ يَفدونَها
وَالسَيفُ في المُفدِيِّ وَالمُفتَدي

22. While the more fortunate Caesar supported it
With a conqueror who sheathed his sword

٢٢. فَخانَها مِن قَيصَرٍ سَعدُهُ
وَأُيِّدَت بِالقَيصَرِ الأَسعَدِ

23. Who bore no malice or transgressed
Who gave amnesty to those who surrendered

٢٣. بِفاتِحٍ غازٍ عَفيفِ القَنا
لا يَحمِلُ الحِقدَ وَلا يَعتَدي

24. And secured safety for the defectors
He turned away from the ornaments

٢٤. أَجارَ مَن أَلقى مَقاليدَهُ
مِنهُم وَأَصفى الأَمنَ لِلمُرتَدي

25. The majesty of the Worshipped in His temple
So what a vengeance between us after him

٢٥. وَنابَ عَمّا كانَ مِن زُخرُفٍ
جَلالَةُ المَعبودِ في المَعبَدِ

26. He established, neither coming close nor going far
Remaining like the vengeance of Jerusalem before him

٢٦. فَيا لِثَأرٍ بَينَنا بَعدَهُ
أَقامَ لَم يَقرُب وَلَم يَبعُدِ

27. We never end it nor does it begin
So do not be fooled by the calm water

٢٧. باقٍ كَثَأرِ القُدسِ مِن قَبلِهِ
لا نَنتَهي مِنهُ وَلا يَبتَدي

28. For evil encircles the sheathed, drawn sword
The Romans will not abandon their worship

٢٨. فَلا يَغُرَّنكَ سُكونُ المَلا
فَالشَرُّ حَولَ الصارِمِ المُغمَدِ

29. Nor will the Turks descend from the highlands
This, for them, is a house upon their house

٢٩. لَن يَترُكَ الرومُ عِباداتِهِم
أَو يَنزِلَ التُركُ عَنِ السُؤدَدِ

30. How similar the mosque is to the mosque!
If they come back for its keys

٣٠. هَذا لَهُم بَيتٌ عَلى بَيتِهِم
ما أَشبَهَ المَسجِدَ بِالمَسجِدِ

31. What a black day it will be for all people!
On it the infant will grow gray in his cradle

٣١. فَإِن يُعادوا في مَفاتيحِهِ
فَيا لِيَومٍ لِلوَرى أَسوَدِ

32. And the dead will be disturbed from their graves
So oh God, be for us in our past

٣٢. يَشيبُ فيهِ الطِفلُ في مَهدِهِ
وَيُزعَجُ المَيتُ مِنَ الَمرقَدِ

33. And be for us today and be for us tomorrow
If not for preceding misguidance, the people

٣٣. فَكُن لَنا اللَهُمَّ في أَمسِنا
وَكُن لَنا اليَومَ وَكُن في غَدِ

34. Would not have stood up or sat down
So every evil or harm between them

٣٤. لَولا ضَلالٌ سابِقٌ لَم يَقُم
مِن أَجلِكَ الخَلقُ وَلَم يَقعُدِ

35. You are innocent of it, Most Pure of Hands

٣٥. فَكُلُّ شَرٍّ بَينَهُم أَو أَذى
أَنتَ بَراءٌ مِنهُ طُهرُ اليَدِ