1. Stand tall, O youths of passion
Before the time of departure in rhyming verse;
١. قِف حَيِّ شُبّانَ الحِمى
قَبلَ الرَحيلِ بِقافِيَه
2. I have made you used to the likes of it
Among the everlasting good deeds.
٢. عَوَّدتُهُم أَمثالَها
في الصالِحاتِ الباقِيَه
3. From every sign that is not hidden from them,
I say: "O youths! An advice
٣. مِن كُلِّ ذاتِ إِشارَةٍ
لَيسَت عَلَيهِم خافِيَه
4. Of what is provided precious:
Did you notice that the abode
٤. قُل يا شَبابُ نَصيحَة
مِمّا يُزَوَّدُ غالِيَه
5. Lies empty in the beehive?
Every cell was abandoned;
٥. هَل راعَكُم أَنَّ المَدا
رِسَ في الكِنانَةِ خاوِيَه
6. Empty of all honey.
Its circles have stopped working for you,
٦. هُجِرَت فَكُلُّ خَلِيَّةٍ
مِن كُلِّ شَهدٍ خالِيَه
7. And they were confused.
Politics has become controlling it
٧. وَتَعَطَّلَت هالاتُها
مِنكُم وَكانَت حالِيَه
8. With prohibitions.
So you deserted the dear homeland
٨. غَدَتِ السِياسَةُ وَهيَ آ
مِرَةٌ عَلَيها ناهِيَه
9. To the farthest countries.
Tomorrow you are in a world
٩. فَهَجَرتُمو الوَطَنَ العَزيـ
ـزَ إِلى البِلادِ القاصِيَه
10. That is with civilization inclining away.
And I saw in it my youth,
١٠. أَنتُم غَداً في عالَمٍ
هُوَ وَالحَضارَةُ ناحِيَه
11. And spent in it eight years.
I was not of the gruff heart
١١. وارَيتُ فيهِ شَبيبَتي
وَقَضَيتُ فيهِ ثَمانِيَه
12. Or the rough nature.
Walk in it to learn
١٢. ما كُنتُ ذا القَلبِ الغَليـ
ـظِ وَلا الطِباعِ الجافِيَه
13. The secret of the lofty life.
And contemplate the building and
١٣. سيروا بِهِ تَتَعَلَّموا
سِرَّ الحَياةِ العالِيَه
14. Recall the efforts spent constructing.
Taste the ripened fruits
١٤. وَتَأَمَّلوا البُنيانَ وَاد
دَكِروا الجُهودَ البانِيَه
15. And return to the clear springs.
And spend your youth, for its
١٥. ذوقوا الثِمارَ جَنِيَّةً
وَرِدوا المَناهِلَ صافِيَه
16. Short hours are fleeting.
By God, there is no shame on you
١٦. وَاِقضوا الشَبابَ فَإِنَّ سا
عَتَهُ القَصيرَةَ فانِيَه
17. In talking of singing girls,
Or coveting the magic of the glance
١٧. وَاللَهِ لا حَرَجٌ عَلَيـ
ـكُم في حَديثِ الغانِيَه
18. Of the enchanting eyes,
Or in theaters, for they refine
١٨. أَو في اِشتِهاءِ السِحرِ مِن
لَحظِ العُيونِ الساجِيَه
19. The gentle soul."
١٩. أَو في المَسارِحِ فَهيَ بِالنـ
ـفسِ اللَطيفَةِ راقِيَه