
We are swayed by events or we coexist

نراوح بالحوادث أو نغادى

1. We are swayed by events or we coexist
And we deny them and give them the lead

١. نُراوِحُ بِالحَوادِثِ أَو نُغادى
وَنُنكِرُها وَنُعطيها القِيادا

2. And we praise them though they didn't graze the victims
Nor rewarded the stands and the jihad

٢. وَنَحمِدُها وَما رَعَتِ الضَحايا
وَلا جَزَتِ المَواقِفَ وَالجِهادا

3. Allah has blinded it with our minds illusorily
Of dreams and bought unity

٣. لَحاها اللَهُ باعَتنا خَيالاً
مِنَ الأَحلامِ وَاِشتَرَتِ اِتِّحادا

4. We walked yesterday, we all met them
And today we meet them one by one

٤. مَشَينا أَمسِ نَلقاها جَميعاً
وَنَحنُ اليَومَ نَلقاها فُرادى

5. It has shaded us from reform until
We were unable to discuss the corruption

٥. أَظَلَّتنا عَنِ الإِصلاحِ حَتّى
عَجَزنا أَن نُناقِشها الفَسادا

6. We meet but we do not find the means
And we find them but we do not find the supplies

٦. تُلاقينا فَلا نَجِدُ الصَياصي
وَنَلقاها فَلا نَجِدُ العَتادا

7. And whoever met the beasts without gaining
Nor fang, was torn apart or avoided

٧. وَمَن لَقِيَ السِباعَ بِغَيرِ ظَفرٍ
وَلا نابٍ تَمَزَّقَ أَو تَفادى

8. We lowered from the height of truth until
We imagined sovereignty that we master

٨. خَفَضنا مِن عُلُوِّ الحَقِّ حَتّى
تَوَهَّمنا السِيادَةَ أَن نُسادا

9. And when we did not find a response to the sword
We disputed the litters and the carpets

٩. وَلَمّا لَم نَنل لِلسَيفِ رَدّاً
تَنازَعنا الحَمائِلَ وَالنِجادا

10. And we indulged in false words
Delusion comes to turn it to guidance

١٠. وَأَقبَلنا عَلى أَقوالِ زورٍ
تَجيءُ الغَيَّ تَقلِبُهُ رَشادا

11. And if we returned to it after a century
We would have mercy on the lineage and the ink

١١. وَلَو عُدنا إِلَيها بَعدَ قَرنٍ
رَحَمنا الطِرسَ مِنها وَالمِدادا

12. And how much sorcery we have heard recently
Faded between our eyes and called

١٢. وَكَم سِحرٍ سَمِعنا مُنذُ حينٍ
تَضاءَلَ بَينَ أَعيُنِنا وَنادى

13. Good fortune to every enemy
If he settled in a hostile country

١٣. هَنيئاً لِلعَدُوِّ بِكُلِّ أَرضٍ
إِذا هُوَ حَلَّ في بَلَدٍ تَعادى

14. And away with sovereignty and dignities
If it severs kinship and amity

١٤. وَبُعداً لِلسِيادَةِ وَالمَعالي
إِذا قَطَعَ القَرابَةَ وَالوِدادا

15. And many a truth is inevitable
The youth and the commons have been deceived about it

١٥. وَرُبَّ حَقيقَةٍ لا بُدَّ مِنها
خَدَعنا النَشءَ عَنها وَالسَوادا

16. And if they realized it, they would treat it
With the resolve of great souls they intended

١٦. وَلَو طَلَعوا عَلَيها عالَجوها
بِهِمَّةِ أَنفُسٍ عَظُمَت مُرادا

17. It prepares for the events of days, patience
And a shelter that prepares for it obstinacy

١٧. تُعِدُّ لِحادِثِ الأَيّامِ صَبراً
وَآوِنَةً تُعِدُّ لَهُ عِنادا

18. And it leaves with prohibition the pure terrains
And with refined manners the mounts

١٨. وَتُخلِفُ بِالنَهيِ البيضَ المَواضي
وَبِالخُلقِ المُثَقَّفَةِ الصِعادا

19. We glimpsed fortune inclined so when
We reached it, it sensed us and deviated

١٩. لَمَحنا الحَظَّ ناحِيَةً فَلَمّا
بَلَغناها أَحَسَّ بِنا فَحادا

20. And fortune is nothing but ingenious
Loving leisureliness and integrity

٢٠. وَلَيسَ الحَظُّ إِلّا عَبقَرِيّاً
يُحِبُّ الأَريَحِيَّةَ وَالسَدادا

21. And we are the sons of a fickle time
That has moved as a merchant and walked aimlessly

٢١. وَنَحنُ بَنو زَمانٍ حُوَّلِيٍّ
تَنَقَّلَ تاجِراً وَمَشى وَرادا

22. If the slaves sat down for it in a market
It bought in the market or sold the slaves

٢٢. إِذا قَعَدَ العِبادُ لَهُ بِسوقٍ
شَرى في السوقِ أَو باعَ العِبادا

23. And it admires emotions in a book
And in the tear of the weeping, however composed

٢٣. وَتُعجِبُهُ العَواطِفُ في كِتابٍ
وَفي دَمعِ المُشَخِّصِ ما أَجادا

24. It reassures us about the constitution that
We see behind its school a heart

٢٤. يُؤَمِّنُنا عَلى الدُستورِ أَنّا
نَرى مِن خَلفِ حَوزَتِهِ فُؤادا

25. Abu Al-Farouq we hope for his grace
And we do not fear the regression he granted

٢٥. أَبو الفاروقِ نَرجوهُ لِفَضلٍ
وَلا نَخشى لِما وَهَبَ اِرتِدادا

26. We filled our mouths with his name pride
And we labeled him yesterday the intended

٢٦. مَلَأنا بِاِسمِهِ الأَفواهَ فَخراً
وَلَقَّبناهُ بِالأَمسِ المَكادا

27. We whisper to him so we summon a sage
And we ask him so we implore a generous one

٢٧. نُناجيهِ فَنَستَرعي حَكيماً
وَنَسأَلُهُ فَنَستَجدي جَوادا

28. And he has not ceased to be the beloved and the proxy
And a balm for every wound and bandage

٢٨. وَلَم يَزَلِ المُحَبَّبَ وَالمُفَدّى
وَمَرهَمَ كُلِّ جُرحٍ وَالضِمادا

29. The outflow of the valley streamed and irrigated
And its clouds poured and gave generously

٢٩. تَدَفَّقَ مَصرِفُ الوادي فَرَوّى
وَصابَ غَمامُهُ فَسقى وَجادا

30. He invoked so souls competed in him
In Egypt for every good that is called

٣٠. دَعا فَتَنافَسَت فيهِ نُفوسٌ
بِمِصرَ لِكُلِّ صالِحَةٍ تُنادى

31. It offers its support confidently and money
And sometimes it offers it striving

٣١. تُقَدِّمُ عَونَها ثِقَةً وَمالاً
وَأَحياناً تُقَدِّمُهُ اِجتِهادا

32. And a group of the people's youth came
As the elders built, built and elevated

٣٢. وَأَقبَلَ مِن شَبابِ القَومِ جَمعٌ
كَما بَنَتِ الكُهولُ بَنى وَشادا

33. As if the sides of the house were beehives
And they were like bees swarming in the house

٣٣. كَأَنَّ جَوانِبَ الدارِ الخَلايا
وَهُم كَالنَحلِ في الدارِ اِحتِشادا

34. So O house of the most lofty resolve
You were watered with goodness, I do not accept weariness

٣٤. فَيا داراً مِن الهِمَمِ العَوالي
سُقيتِ التِبرَ لا أَرضى العِهادا

35. It took its time when the son of Harb founded you
And when the firm built your pillars

٣٥. تَأَنّى حينَ أَسَّسَكِ اِبنُ حَربٍ
وَحينَ بَنى دَعائِمَكِ الشِدادا

36. And durability is not hoped for in a building
If the builder was not given support

٣٦. وَلا تُرجى المَتانَةُ في بِناءٍ
إِذا البَنّاءُ لَم يُعطَ اِتِّئادا

37. He built the house we used to see
As the fanciful's wishes or slumber

٣٧. بَنى الدارَ الَّتي كُنّا نَراها
أَمانِيَّ المُخَيَّلِ أَو رُقادا

38. And the intended is not far for a soul
If the resolves rode to it from afar

٣٨. وَلَم يَبعُد عَلى نَفسٍ مَرامٌ
إِذا رَكِبَت لَهُ الهِمَمُ البِعادا

39. And I have not seen after His power, praise be to Him,
Like the power of the son of Adam if he intended

٣٩. وَلَم أَرَ بَعدَ قُدرَتِهِ تَعالى
كَمَقدِرَةِ اِبنِ آدَمَ إِن أَرادا

40. He flowed while the people were in doubt and suspicion
Aiming for precedence so he penetrated the steeds

٤٠. جَرى وَالناسُ في رَيبٍ وَشَكٍّ
يَرومُ السَبقَ فَاِختَرَقَ الجِيادا

41. And go back to it until you build it
And it is the renewer's way to be opposed

٤١. وَعودِيَ دونَها حَتّى بَناها
وَمِن شَأنِ المُجَدِّدِ أَن يُعادى

42. The plot of the fiercest enemy is easier
Upon you if the guardian strove and intended

٤٢. يَهونُ الكَيدُ مِن أَعدى عَدُوٍّ
عَلَيكَ إِذا الوَلِيُّ سَعى وَكادا

43. So it came like the day when it manifests
Elevated in the horizons and rallying

٤٣. فَجاءَت كَالنَهارِ إِذا تَجَلى
عُلُوّاً في المَشارِقِ وَاِنطِيادا

44. We protect the dignities of money in it
And we store it in the treasuries and pantries

٤٤. نَصونُ كَرائِمَ الأَموالِ فيها
وَنُنزِلُها الخَزائِنَ وَالنِضادا

45. And we take it out so it earns, then returns
Like the return of bees loaded with provision

٤٥. وَنُخرِجُها فَتَكسِبُ ثُمَّ تَأوي
رُجوعَ النَحلِ قَد حُمِّلنَ زادا

46. And I have not seen a land that produced more
And was not watered or fertilized with manure

٤٦. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَها أَرضاً أَغَلَّت
وَما سُقِيَت وَلا طَعَمَت سَمادا

47. Nor a repository of money for people
Who when they returned to it, it paid and increased

٤٧. وَلا مُستَودَعاً مالاً لِقَومٍ
إِذا رَجَعوا لَهُ أَدّى وَزادا

48. And from wonder we establish it principles
While those are its branches covering the countries

٤٨. وَمِن عَجَبٍ نُثَبِّتُها أُصولاً
وَتِلكَ فُروعُها تَغَشى البِلادا

49. As if the drops from longing to it
Ascended before the foundation with its pillars

٤٩. كَأَنَّ القُطرَ مِن شَوقٍ إِلَيها
سَما قَبلَ الأَساسِ بِها عِمادا

50. And if I owned the earth's treasures, it suffices me
I would make its foundation solid and flowing

٥٠. وَلَو مَلَكَت كُنوزَ الأَرضِ كَفّي
جَعَلتُ أَساسَها ماساً وَرادا

51. And if the stars consented to my rule
I would carpet the rivers as its bedding

٥١. وَلَو أَنَّ النُجومَ عَنَت لِحُكمي
فَرَشتُ النَيِّراتِ لَها مِهادا