1. Arise, outrun time and forestall its promise
The earth has narrowed for you, so split open its sheath
١. قُم سابِقِ الساعَةَ وَاِسبِق وَعدَها
الأَرضُ ضاقَت عَنكَ فَاِصدَع غِمدَها
2. And fill its interior and its plateau with spears
And unlock the sources of the Nile and reclaim them
٢. وَاِملَأ رِماحاً غَورَها وَنَجدَها
وَاِفتَح أُصولَ النيلِ وَاِستَرِدَّها
3. Its cataracts, its sweetness, and its course
And divert its islands and its flood back to us
٣. شَلّالَها وَعَذبَها وَعِدَّها
وَاِصرِف إِلَينا جَزرَها وَمَدَّها
4. Those are the faces we have long missed
Our kin have whitened their darkened faces for us
٤. تِلكَ الوُجوهُ لا شَكَونا فَقدَها
بَيَّضَتِ القُربى لَنا مُسوَدَّها
5. Extracted from the valley of kings, it rose high
And the sun cast its first rays upon it
٥. سُلِلَت مِن وادي المُلوكِ فَاِزدَهى
وَأَلقَتِ الشَمسُ عَلَيهِ رَأدَها
6. Its rule regained its magnificence
It whitened the meadows and restored its freshness
٦. وَاِستَرجَعَت دَولَتُهُ إِفرِندَها
أَبيَضَ رَيّانَ المُتونِ وَردَها
7. It wore out the lions of time and broke its edge
And created eras anew and renewed them
٧. أَبلى ظُبى الدَهرِ وَفَلَّ حَدَّها
وَأَخلَقَ العُصورَ وَاِستَجَدَّها
8. It traveled forty centuries counting them
Until it reached the house and found next to it
٨. سافَرَ أَربَعينَ قَرناً عَدَّها
حَتّى أَتى الدارَ فَأَلفى عِندَها
9. England, its army, and its lords
Weakened India protecting its India
٩. إِنجِلتِرا وَجَيشَها وَلوردَها
مَسلولَةَ الهِندِيِّ تَحمي هِندَها
10. Standing over Sudan building its dam
And planted at the Canal its crops
١٠. قامَت عَلى السودانِ تَبني سَدَّها
وَرَكَزَت دونَ القَناةِ بَندَها
11. So it said while the deepest regrets consumed it
Would that the grave's wall had not crumbled
١١. فَقالَ وَالحَسرَةُ ما أَشَدَّها
لَيتَ جِدارَ القَبرِ ما تَدَهدَها
12. Would that my eyes had not left its sleep
Arise, my lady, what has passed is past
١٢. وَلَيتَ عَيني لَم تُفارِق رَقدَها
قُم نَبِّني يا بَنتَؤورُ ما دَها
13. Egypt, my girl, did not respect its ancestors
It knocked behind my resting place, driving its poles
١٣. مِصرُ فَتاتي لَم تُوَقِّر جَدَّها
دَقَّت وَراءَ مَضجَعي جازَبَندَها
14. And confused its gazelles and its lions
And the cupbearer spilled the wine, wasting it
١٤. وَخَلَطَت ظِباءَها وَأُسدَها
وَسَكَبَ الساقي الطِلا وَبَدَّها
15. It dragged over my glory its curtain
Would that the glory of death had blocked it
١٥. قَد سَحَبَت عَلى جَلالي بُردَها
لَيتَ جَلالَ المَوتِ كانَ صَدَّها
16. So I said: O you, its glory and its wound
Had you not been the son of the sun you would have been its monkey
١٦. فَقُلتُ يا ماجِدَها وَجَعدَها
لَو لَم تَكُ اِبنَ الشَمسِ كُنتَ رِئدَها
17. Your rule, the stars desired its rule
You showed us the world through it, and we loved it
١٧. لَحدُكَ وَدَّتهُ النُجومُ لَحدَها
أَرَيتَنا الدُنيا بِهِ وَجِدَّها
18. Its sultanate, its honor, and its prosperity
And how can the pious be granted its eternity?
١٨. سُلطانَها وَعِزَّها وَرَغدَها
وَكَيفَ يُعطى المُتَّقونَ خُلدَها
19. Your deeds, counting surpasses their count
Time collapsed, and you did not support it
١٩. آثارُكُم يُخطي الحِسابُ عَدَّها
اِنهَدَمَ الدَهرُ وَلَم يَهُدَّها
20. Your doors, which we frequented, frequented them
Carter turned away the delegations from them
٢٠. أَبوابُكَ اللاتي قَصَدنا قَصدَها
كارتِرُ في وَجهِ الوُفودِ رَدَّها
21. Were it not for efforts we do not want to deny
And sanctity, from your proximity we drew it
٢١. لَولا جُهودٌ لا نُريدُ جَحدَها
وَحُرمَةٌ مِن قُربِكَ اِستَمَدَّها
22. I said to you: Strike his hand and drive him
And send him some flies to vex him
٢٢. قُلتُ لَكَ اِضرِب يَدَهُ وَقُدَّها
وَاِبعَث لَهُ مِنَ البَعوضِ نُكدَها
23. Egypt, the girl, has come of age
And the pure blood has proven her maturity
٢٣. مِصرُ الفَتاةُ بَلَغَت أَشُدَّها
وَأَثبَتَ الدَمُ الزَكِيُّ رُشدَها
24. She played on the ropes alone
She tried its loosening and its pulling
٢٤. وَلَعِبَت عَلى الحِبالِ وَحدَها
وَجَرَّبَت إِرخائَها وَشَدَّها
25. So she sent her troops and her children
In the West, they closed to him its closure
٢٥. فَأَرسَلَت دُهاتَها وَلُدَّها
في الغَربِ سَدّوا عِندَهُ مَسَدَّها
26. And she sent to Parliament her soldiers
And she mobilized for the festival her masses
٢٦. وَبَعَثَت لِلبَرلَمانِ جُندَها
وَحَشَدَت لِلمِهرَجانِ حَشدَها
27. She marched to it her elderliness and her refusal
And showed her dimples and her cheeks
٢٧. حَدَت إِلَيهِ شيبَها وَمُردَها
وَأَبرَزَت كِعابَها وَخَودَها
28. And scattered roses over the road
And welcomed its heart and its delegation
٢٨. وَنَثَرَت فَوقَ الطَريقِ وَردَها
وَاِستَقبَلَت فُؤادَها وَوَفدَها
29. Its shelters, its caves, and its pasture
And the son who straightened its tilting pillar
٢٩. مَوئِلَها وَكَهفَها وَرِدَّها
وَاِبنَ الَّذينَ قَوَّموا مَقَدَّها
30. And united after separation its knot
And made Libya's desert its boundary
٣٠. وَأَلَّفوا بَعدَ اِنفِراطٍ عِقدَها
وَجَعَلوا صَحراءَ ليبيا حَدَّها
31. And spread over Hijaz its hands
And made the rebel in it its slave
٣١. وَبَسَطوا عَلى الحِجازِ أَيدَها
وَصَيَّروا العاتِيَ فيهِ عَبدَها
32. Until it reached the house it had prepared
For Egypt to build in its lands its glory
٣٢. حَتّى أَتى الدارَ الَّتي أَعَدَّها
لِمِصرَ تَبني في ذَراها مَجدَها
33. So it established the council and tied its bond
And empowered the blessed generation with its era
٣٣. فَثَبَّتَ الشورى وَشَدَّ عَقدَها
وَقَلَّدَ الجيلَ السَعيدَ عَهدَها
34. Its authority it restored to our children
O Lord, strengthen its hand and embolden it
٣٤. سُلطَتُهُ إِلى بَنينا رَدَّها
35. And pave for it the paths, do not obstruct them
And for each step measure what comes after it
٣٥. يا رَبِّ قَوِّ يَدَها وَشُدَّها
وَاِفتَح لَها السُبلُ وَلا تَسُدَّها
36. And turn it away from trivial matters
And divert it to the essence of matters
٣٦. وَقِس لِكُلِّ خُطوَةٍ ما بَعدَها
وَعَن صَغيراتِ الأُمورِ حُدَّها
37. And do not overburden the victims with their efforts
And curb the soul's whims and break its hatred
٣٧. وَاِصرِف إِلى جِدِّ الشُؤونِ جَدَّها
وَلا تُضِع عَلى الضَحايا جُهدَها
38. And unite upon the merciful mother her children
And fill her breast with the milk of brilliance
٣٨. وَاِكبَح هَوى الأَنفُسِ وَاِكسِر حِقدَها
وَاِجمَع عَلى الأُمِّ الرَؤومِ وِلدَها
39. And do not let an autocrat revive to rule her
Or stamp with its feet and drive away its individuals
٣٩. وَاِملَأ بِأَلبانِ النُبوغِ نَهدَها
وَلا تَدَعها تُحيِ مُستَبِدَها
٤٠. وَتَنتَحِت بِراحَتَيها فَردَها