1. I made its necklaces and its statues
The eyes of rhymes and their examples
١. جَعَلتُ حُلاها وَتِمثالَها
عُيونَ القَوافي وَأَمثالَها
2. And I sent it into the sky of imagination
Dragging its train upon the stars
٢. وَأَرسَلتُها في سَماءِ الخَيالِ
تَجُرُّ عَلى النَجمِ أَذيالَها
3. And I chirp this plain
Its branches grew and its chains jingled
٣. وَإِنّي لِغِرّيدُ هَذي البِطاحِ
تَغَذّى جَناها وَسَلسالَها
4. You see Egypt like the Kaaba of poetry
And every suspended piece said it
٤. تَرى مِصرَ كَعبَةَ أَشعارِهِ
وَكُلِّ مُعَلَّقَةٍ قالَها
5. And you glimpse between the houses of poetry
The ornaments of the bride and her anklets
٥. وَتَلمَحُ بَينَ بُيوتِ القَصيد
حِجالَ العَروسِ وَأَحجالَها
6. Al-Nasib turned to his love for her
And the eulogies turned to her majesty
٦. أَدارَ النَسيبَ إِلى حُبِّها
وَوَلّى المَدائِحَ إِجلالَها
7. Al-Abkariyy sang of her past glory
And sang the likes of crying her state
٧. أَرَنَّ بِغابِرِها العَبقَرِيُّ
وَغَنّى بِمِثلِ البُكا حالَها
8. And he recounts events in his poetry
Training cubs on valor its lads
٨. وَيَروي الوَقائِعَ في شِعرِهِ
يَروضُ عَلى البَأسِ أَطفالَها
9. And they have not yet seen the water of swords
So no harm if they saw its kin
٩. وَما لَمَحوا بَعدُ ماءَ السُيوف
فَما ضَرَّ لَو لَمَحوا آلَها
10. And a day with shaded forenoon from Bashenas
Brought over Egypt its hopes
١٠. وَيَومٍ ظَليلِ الضُحى مِن بَشنَسَ
أَفاءَ عَلى مِصرَ آمالَها
11. Its shade narrated of the youth of time
The rustling of margins and their bending
١١. رَوى ظُلُّهُ عَن شَبابِ الزَمانِ
رَفيفَ الحَواشي وَإِخضالَها
12. Egypt walked in it, retracing eras
And the mention of youth overwhelms its mindlessness
١٢. مَشَت مِصرُ فيهِ تُعيدُ العُصورَ
وَيَغمُرُ ذِكرُ الصِبا بالَها
13. And it displays in the grand festival
Its ornaments the diadems and its finery
١٣. وَتَعرِضُ في المِهرَجانِ العَظيمِ
ضُحاها الخَوالي وَآصالَها
14. And Ramses of perfect majesty came
Ancient of processions pretentiously walking
١٤. وَأَقبَلَ رَمسيسُ جَمَّ الجَلالِ
سَنِيَّ المَواكِبِ مُختالَها
15. And he did not rule except by the council of affairs
Nor was arrogant nor haughtily ruled
١٥. وَما دانَ إِلّا بِشورى الأُمورِ
وَلا اِختالَ كِبراً وَلا اِستالَها
16. So he greeted in most eloquent
The faces of the countries and their messengers
١٦. فَحَيّا بِأَبلَجَ مِثلِ الصِباحِ
وُجوهَ البِلادِ وَأَرسالَها
17. And he plunged into the darkness of centuries
Ripping for art its concealments
١٧. وَأَوما إِلى ظُلُماتِ القُرونِ
فَشَقَّ عَنِ الفَنِّ أَسدالَها
18. So who can reach El Karnak the Luxorian
And inform Thebes its ruins
١٨. فَمَن يُبلِغُ الكَرنَكَ الأَقصُرِيَّ
وَيُنبِئُ طَيبَةَ أَطلالَها
19. And make hear then in the Valley of the Kings
The kings of the abode and their pyramids
١٩. وَيُسمِعُ ثَمَّ بِوادي المُلوكِ
مُلوكَ الدِيارِ وَأَقيالَها
20. And all immortalized in the mounds
There we did not enumerate their conditions
٢٠. وَكُلَّ مُخَلَّدَةٍ في الدُمى
هُنالِكَ لَم نُحصِ أَحوالَها
21. Upon them is a brocade of revelation
Time insisted but did not wear it away
٢١. عَلَيها مِنَ الوَحيِ ديباجَةٌ
أَلَحَّ الزَمانُ فَما اِزدالَها
22. They almost, even if not attached
To a spirit that moves their joints
٢٢. تَكادُ وَإِن هِيَ لَم تَتَّصِل
بِروحٍ تُحَرِّكُ أَوصالَها
23. Art is only the beautiful shrine
When it mingles with the soul it suggests to it
٢٣. وَما الفَنُّ إِلّا الصَريحُ الجَميلُ
إِذا خالَطَ النَفسَ أَوحى لَها
24. It is only the beauty of minds
When they dedicate to it their totality
٢٤. وَما هُوَ إِلّا جَمالُ العُقولِ
إِذا هِيَ أَولَتهُ إِجمالَها
25. God sent the age of arts
And the earth brought forth its examples
٢٥. لَقَد بَعَثَ اللَهُ عَهدَ الفُنونِ
وَأَخرَجَتِ الأَرضُ مَثّالَها
26. Come let us see how he fashioned Al-Safa
A girl gathering up her garb
٢٦. تَعالَوا نَرى كَيفَ سَوّى الصَفاةَ
فَتاةً تُلَملِمُ سِربالَها
27. She approached Abu Al-Haul walking the pace of the willowy
To a seat raging with her thrashing
٢٧. دَنَت مِن أَبي الهَولِ مَشيَ الرَؤومِ
إِلى مُقعَدٍ هاجَ بَلبالَها
28. And he had traversed in the intoxications of destinies
The meters of nights and their lengths
٢٨. وَقَد جابَ في سَكَراتِ الكَرى
عُروضَ اللَيالي وَأَطوالَها
29. And cast upon the sands his corridors
And anchored upon the ground their burdens
٢٩. وَأَلقى عَلى الرَملِ أَرواقَهُ
وَأَرسى عَلى الأَرضِ أَثقالَها
30. He imagines for his collapse in the sands
The downfall of eras and their sweepers
٣٠. يُخالُ لِإِطراقِهِ في الرِملِ
سَطيحَ العُصورِ وَرَمّالَها
31. She said, move, so the inert understood
As if the inert comprehended her saying
٣١. فَقالَت تَحَرَّك فَهمَ الجَماد
كَأَنَّ الجَمادَ وَعى قالَها
32. Did she pour into his wrinkles
The rays of life and its runnels?
٣٢. فَهَل سَكَبَت في تَجاليدِهِ
شُعاعَ الحَياةِ وَسَيّالَها
33. Do you remember when she raged like a lioness
And whipped from the darkness her cubs?
٣٣. أَتَذكُرُ إِذ غَضِبَت كَاللُباةِ
وَلَمَّت مِنَ الغيلِ أَشبالَها
34. And she threw them into the thick of perils
And they waded through perils and terrors
٣٤. وَأَلقَت بِهِم في غِمارِ الخُطوبِ
فَخاضوا الخُطوبَ وَأَهوالَها
35. And they revolted so the madness of winds raged
And the earth quaked its quaking
٣٥. وَثاروا فَجُنَّ جُنونُ الرِياحِ
وَزُلزِلَتِ الأَرضُ زِلزالَها
36. And their chief felt them in the dark
The discourse of nations and their preoccupations
٣٦. وَباتَ تَلَمُّسُهُم شَيخَهُم
حَديثَ الشُعوبِ وَأَشغالَها
37. And who has seen a jungle that struggled
And repelled from captivity its dens
٣٧. وَمَن ذا رَأى غابَةً كافَحَت
فَرَدَّت مِن الأَسرِ رِئبالَها
38. And I fear what was the despair of nations
When right arms its vulnerable
٣٨. وَأَهيَبُ ما كانَ يَأسُ الشُعوبِ
إِذا سَلَّحَ الحَقُّ أَعزالَها
39. My heart, lift the veil from a renaissance
Your ancestors led its heroes
٣٩. فُوادُ اِرفَعِ السِترَ عَن نَهضَةٍ
تَقَدَّمَ جَدُّكَ أَبطالَها
40. And the son of many a man the countries did not birth
He nurtured it and roused its progeny
٤٠. وَرُبَّ اِمرِئٍ لَم تَلِدهُ البِلادُ
نَماها وَنَبَّهَ أَنسالَها
41. And pearls are not owned by the seas
But owned by those who attained them
٤١. وَلَيسَ اللَآلِئُ مِلكَ البُحورِ
وَلَكِنَّها مِلكُ مَن نالَها
42. Neither Ali nor his generation
If Egypt paraded its generations
٤٢. وَما كَعَلِيٍّ وَلا جيلِهِ
إِذا عَرَضَت مِصرُ أَجيالَها
43. Built a state from the daughters of spears
The Nile never witnessed its like
٤٣. بَنَوا دَولَةً مِن بَناتِ الأَسِنَّ
ةِ لَم يَشهَدِ النيلُ أَمثالَها
44. If its fleet adorned the sea
The land wore its coat of mail
٤٤. لَئِن جَلَّلَ البَحرَ أُسطولُها
لَقَد لَبِسَ البَرُّ قِسطالَها
45. As for your father, the world of civilization, if fate were friendly to its prosperity
Africa chose its crown
٤٥. فأَمّا أَبوكَ فَدُنيا الحَضا
رَةِ لَو سالَمَ الدَهرُ إِقبالَها
46. And embedded in the crown its Somalia
Your steeds, O son of al-Muizz, are succor
٤٦. تَخَيَّر إِفريقيا تاجَهُ
وَرَكَّبَ في التاجِ صومالَها
47. And excel in good their grants
If they walked the land they made it forget
٤٧. رِكابُكَ يا اِبنَ المُعِزِّ الغُيوثُ
وَيَفضُلنَ في الخَيرِ مِنوالَها
48. The steeds of the sky and their grants
So you did not leave the palace except having healed
٤٨. إِذا سِرنَ في الأَرضِ نَسَّينَها
رِكابَ السَماءِ وَأَفضالَها
49. The wounds of minds and their impairments
God has surely placed in your arms
٤٩. فَلَم تَبرِحِ القَصرَ إِلّا شَفيتَ
جُدوبَ العُقولِ وَإِمحالَها
50. The right of ancestors and their left
You draft and build citadels of knowledge
٥٠. لَقَد رَكَّبَ اللهُ في ساعِدَيكَ
يَمينَ الجُدودِ وَشيمالَها
51. And you open for the East its locks
٥١. تَخُطُّ وَتَبني صُروحَ العُلومِ
وَتَفتَحُ لِلشَرقِ أَقفالَها