
They asked me why I did not eulogize my father

سألوني لم لم أرث أبي

1. They asked me why I did not eulogize my father
Is eulogizing one's father a duty? What duty?

١. سَأَلوني لِمَ لَم أَرثِ أَبي
وَرِثاءُ الأَبِ دَينٌ أَيُّ دَين

2. O blamers, how unjust you are to me
Where is the rationale that brings happiness? Where?

٢. أَيُّها اللُوّامُ ما أَظلَمَكُم
أَينَ لي العَقلُ الَّذي يُسعِدُ أَين

3. O father, you were not the first
Every soul has death as an obligatory duty

٣. يا أَبي ما أَنتَ في ذا أَوَّلٌ
كُلُّ نَفسٍ لِلمَنايا فَرضُ عَين

4. People and villages perished before you
And the bier announced the best of the two burdens

٤. هَلَكَت قَبلَكَ ناسٌ وَقُرى
وَنَعى الناعونَ خَيرَ الثِقَلَين

5. A person's goal, though the journey be long
Is seized by the most trivial of matters

٥. غايَةُ المَرءِ وَإِن طالَ المَدى
آخِذٌ يَأخُذُهُ بِالأَصغَرَين

6. A doctor who busies himself with the incurable
Exhaling from his healing a hidden sigh

٦. وَطَبيبٌ يَتَوَلّى عاجِزاً
نافِضاً مِن طِبَّهُ خُفَّي حُنَين

7. Indeed death's blow, if it strikes
Would nearly shatter kinship's bond

٧. إِنَّ لِلمَوتِ يَداً إِن ضَرَبَت
أَوشَكَت تَصدَعُ شَملَ الفَرقَدَين

8. It penetrates the air on its heels
And meets the lion between two mountains

٨. تَنفُذُ الجَوَّ عَلى عِقبانِهِ
وَتُلاقي اللَيثَ بَينَ الجَبَلَين

9. And drops the chick from its nest
And gets the parrot at two hundred

٩. وَتَحُطُّ الفَرخَ مِن أَيكَتِهِ
وَتَنالُ البَبَّغا في المِئَتَين

10. I am the one who died and the one who died is me
We both met death twice

١٠. أَنا مَن ماتَ وَمَن ماتَ أَنا
لَقِيَ المَوتَ كِلانا مَرَّتَين

11. We were a fetus in one body
Then we became a fetus in two bodies

١١. نَحنُ كُنّا مُهجَةً في بَدَنٍ
ثُمَّ صِرنا مُهجَةً في بَدَنَين

12. Then we returned a fetus in one body
Then we will be a corpse in two shrouds

١٢. ثُمَّ عُدنا مُهجَةً في بَدَنٍ
ثُمَّ نُلقى جُثَّةً في كَفَنَين

13. Then we will live through Ali after us
And through him we will be resurrected the first of the two resurrections

١٣. ثُمَّ نَحيا في عَلِيٍّ بَعدَنا
وَبِهِ نُبعَثُ أولى البِعثَتَين

14. Look at the universe and describe it
All this originated from two parents

١٤. اِنظُرِ الكَونَ وَقُل في وَصفِهِ
كُلُّ هَذا أَصلُهُ مِن أَبَوَين

15. So if it is asked what their origin is
Say they are mercy in two wombs

١٥. فَإِذا ما قيلَ ما أَصلُهُما
قُل هُما الرَحمَةُ في مَرحَمَتَين

16. They lost Heaven by creating us
And we enjoyed it in two gardens

١٦. فَقَدا الجَنَّةَ في إيجادِنا
وَنَعِمنا مِنهُما في جَنَّتَين

17. And they are the excuse when they get angry
And they are the ones who forgive us appeased

١٧. وَهُما العُذرُ إِذا ما أُغضِبا
وَهُما الصَفحُ لَنا مُستَرضِيَين

18. I wish I knew which living being did not
Worship what we worshipped in the beginning

١٨. لَيتَ شِعري أَيُّ حَيٍّ لَم يَدِن
بِالَّذي دانا بِهِ مُبتَدِأَين

19. And God stopped us where they stopped
And caused the messengers to die except the two parents

١٩. وَقَفَ اللَهُ بِنا حَيثُ هُما
وَأَماتَ الرُسلَ إِلّا الوالِدَين

20. My father is but a brother I parted from
His affection is honesty and people's affection is disloyalty

٢٠. ما أَبي إِلّا أَخٌ فارَقتُهُ
وُدُّهُ الصِدقُ وَوُدُّ الناسِ مَين

21. We have long stood up to a table
On which the piece of bread was split in two

٢١. طالَما قُمنا إِلى مائِدَةٍ
كانَتِ الكِسرَةُ فيها كِسرَتَين

22. And we drank from one cup
And after that we washed our hands twice in it

٢٢. وَشَرِبنا مِن إِناءٍ واحِدٍ
وَغَسَلنا بَعدَ ذا فيهِ اليَدَين

23. And we walked hand in hand
Whoever saw us said they are two brothers

٢٣. وَتَمَشَّينا يَدي في يَدِهِ
مَن رَآنا قالَ عَنّا أَخَوَين

24. Fate looked upon us with one look
Making mischief equal, so it was two looks

٢٤. نَظَرَ الدَهرُ إِلَينا نَظرَةً
سَوَّتِ الشَرَّ فَكانَت نَظرَتَين

25. O father, and death is a bitter cup
The soul does not taste it twice

٢٥. يا أَبي وَالمَوتُ كَأسٌ مُرَّةٌ
لا تَذوقُ النَفسُ مِنها مَرَّتَين

26. How was the hour you spent
When everything before or after was insignificant

٢٦. كَيفَ كانَت ساعَةٌ قَضَّيتَها
كُلُّ شَيءٍ قَبلَها أَو بَعدُ هَين

27. Did you drink death in it one draught
Or did you drink death in it two draughts

٢٧. أَشَرِبتَ المَوتَ فيها جُرعَةً
أَم شَرِبتَ المَوتَ فيها جُرعَتَين

28. Do not fear, after you, sorrow or crying
My eye and your eye froze today

٢٨. لا تَخَف بَعدَكَ حُزناً أَو بُكاً
جَمَدَت مِنّي وَمِنكَ اليَومَ عَين

29. You taught me to leave grief behind
All beauty, its end is death, disgrace

٢٩. أَنتَ قَد عَلَّمتَني تَركَ الأَسى
كُلُّ زَينٍ مُنتَهاهُ المَوتُ شَين

30. I wonder, will we meet again
Or is this the separation of two intimates

٣٠. لَيتَ شِعري هَل لَنا أَن نَلتَقي
مَرَّةً أَم ذا اِفتِراقُ المَلَوَين

31. And when I die and am buried
Will I be put in one grave or two

٣١. وَإِذا مُتُّ وَأودِعتُ الثَرى
أَنَلقَّى حُفرَةً أَو حُفرَتَين