1. Discreet in public and private speech
He fulfilled his duties yesterday
١. عَفيفُ الجَهرِ وَالهَمسِ
قَضى الواجِبَ بِالأَمسِ
2. And did no injustice to anyone's rights
By diminution or avarice
٢. وَلَم يَعرِض لِذي حَقٍّ
بِنُقصانٍ وَلا بَخسِ
3. Though to people unknown
And from their tongues forgotten
٣. وَعِندَ الناسِ مَجهولٌ
وَفي أَلسُنِهِم مَنسي
4. Yet in him is tenderness of heart
For people's sorrows and pains
٤. وَفيهِ رِقَّةُ القَلبِ
لِآلامِ بَني الجِنسِ
5. So he envies not the prosperous
And grieves for the wretched
٥. فَلا يَغبِطُ ذا نُعمى
وَيَرثي لِأَخي البُؤسِ
6. To the deprived and healthy
His food he shares
٦. وَلِلمَحرومِ وَالعافي
حَوالَي زادِهِ كُرسي
7. He never slept or cared
For any intrigue or gossip
٧. وَما نَمَّ وَلا هَمَّ
بِبَعضِ الكَيدِ وَالدَسِّ
8. He sleeps at night content
With little worry or anguish
٨. يَنامُ اللَيلَ مَسروراً
قَليلَ الهَمِّ وَالهَجسِ
9. And wakes with no stain upon
His conscience as when he slept
٩. وَيُصبِحُ لا غُبارَ عَلى
سَريرَتِهِ كَما يُمسي
10. So happiest is he who walks
The earth among mankind
١٠. فَيا أَسعَدَ مَن يَمشي
عَلى الأَرضِ مِنَ الإِنسِ
11. And whom God has purified
Of doubt and impurity
١١. وَمَن طَهَّرَهُ اللَهُ
مِنَ الريبَةِ وَالرِجسِ
12. Grant me the honor of your nearness
And give me your sacred proximity
١٢. أَنِل قَدرِيَ تَشريفاً
وَهَب لي قُربَكَ القُدسي
13. Perhaps your soul may pour
Into my dreams your spirit
١٣. عَسى نَفسُكَ أَن تُد
مَجَ في أَحلامِها نَفسي
14. That I may find some of the bliss
And intimacy you possess
١٤. فَأَلقى بَعضَ ما تَلقى
مِنَ الغِبطَةِ وَالأُنسِ