1. With the praise of Allah, Lord of the Worlds
And praise to you, O Commander of the Faithful
١. بِحَمدِ اللَهِ رَبِّ العالَمينا
وَحَمدِكَ يا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينا
2. We have faced in your enemy what we have faced
We have attained victory and clear triumph
٢. لَقينا في عَدُوِّكَ ما لَقينا
لَقينا الفَتحَ وَالنَصرَ المُبينا
3. They have caused harm and you have waged war
So you were the greatest in valor and striking
٣. هُمُ شَهَروا أَذىً وَشَهَرتَ حَرباً
فَكُنتَ أَجَلَّ إِقداماً وَضَربا
4. You have taken their borders in the east and west
And purified the lands and fortresses
٤. أَخَذتَ حُدودَهُم شَرقاً وَغَرباً
وَطَهَّرتَ المَواقِعَ وَالحُصونا
5. And before the war you already waged a war
Whose outcomes became apparent and evident to us
٥. وَقَبلَ الحَربِ حَربٌ مِنكَ كانَت
نَتائِجُها لَنا ظَهَرَت وَبانَت
6. You made incidents submit through it and relent
And left the emperors confused
٦. أَلَنتَ الحادِثاتِ بِها فَلانَت
وَغادَرتَ القَياصِرَ حائِرينا
7. You have gathered for us kingdoms and peoples
And they had types of policies
٧. جَمَعتَ لَنا المَمالِكَ وَالشُعوبا
وَكانَت في سِياسَتِها ضُروبا
8. So when their George erupted arrogantly
He found no helper against you
٨. فَلَمّا هَبَّ جورجِيَهُم هُبوباً
تَلَفَّتَ لا يُصيبُ لَهُ مَعينا
9. He saw how the path was to destruction
And the consequences of excessive recklessness
٩. رَأى كَيفَ السَبيلُ إِلى كَريدٍ
وَكَيفَ عَواقِبُ الطَيشِ المَزيدِ
10. And how you sleep, O Abdul Hamid
Oblivious to the blood of humankind
١٠. وَكَيفَ تَنامُ يا عَبدَ الحَميدِ
وَتَغفُلُ عَن دِماءِ العالَمينا
11. No, by God, and the honorable messengers
And your house, the best house among people
١١. وَلا وَاللَهِ وَالرُسلِ الكِرامِ
وَبَيتِكَ خَيرُ بَيتٍ في الأَنامِ
12. When they were there while your vengeance sword
Equals their whole group against our fetus
١٢. لَما كانوا وَسَيفُكَ ذو اِنتِقامٍ
يُعادِلُ جَمعُهُم مِنّا جَنينا
13. You saw when impudence increased
And emboldened their king until he was brazen
١٣. رَأَيتَ الحِلمَ لَمّا زادَ غَرّا
وَجَرَّأَ مَلكَهُم حَتّى تَجَرّا
14. So claims from him came one after another
And your armies came invalidating them
١٤. فَجاءَتكَ الدَعاوى مِنهُ تَترى
وَجاءَتهُ جُنودُكَ مُبطِلينا
15. With cavalry in the plateaus and prairies
And fire on the citadels and hills
١٥. بِخَيلٍ في الهِضابِ وَفي الرَوابي
وَنارٍ في القِلاعِ وَفي الطَوابي
16. And a sword that does not relent or be partial
When terms become flexible to it
١٦. وَسَيفٍ لا يَلينُ وَلا يُحابي
إِذا الآجالُ رَجَّت مِنهُ لينا
17. And an army of conquerors after conquerors
They are the heroes of the past and future
١٧. وَجَيشٍ مِن غُزاةٍ عَن غُزاةٍ
هُمُ الأَبطالُ في ماضٍ وَآتي
18. And of generosity they humiliated every rebel
And humiliated in the battle of the faithful
١٨. وَمِن كَرَمٍ أَذَلّوا كُلَّ عاتي
وَذَلّوا في قِتالِ المُؤمِنينا
19. After their affliction in every war
And blow to the kingdoms, what blow?
١٩. أَبَعدَ بَلائِهِم في كُلِّ حَربٍ
وَضَربٍ في المَمالِكِ أَيِّ ضَربِ
20. Foolish boys in the attire of a nation
Coveting to trample their den
٢٠. تُحاوِلُ صِبيَةٌ في زِيِّ شَعبٍ
وَتَطمَعُ أَن تَدوسَ لَهُم عَرينا
21. Soldiers whose wounds time is a remedy
Healed by the far-famed ruddy dark knight
٢١. جُنودٌ لِلجِراحِ الدَهرَ مِرهَم
يُدَبِّرُها البَعيدُ الصيتِ أَدهَم
22. So he helped in Tesalya and more
And it was an impregnable fortress for the enemy
٢٢. فَأَنجَدَ في تَسالِيَةٍ وَأَتهَم
وَكانَت لِلعِدا حِصناً حَصينا
23. Routier, do not tread snakes silently
And stop your recklessness, O reckless one
٢٣. أَروتَرُ لا تَدُسَّ السُمَّ دَسّاً
وَمَهلاً في التَهَوُّسِ يا هَوَسا
24. Ask the Greeks, did their fleet stand firm
And was the path to Athens preserved?
٢٤. سَلِ اليونانَ هَل ثَبَتَت لِرِسّا
وَهَل حُفِظَ الطَريقُ إِلى أَثينا
25. God forbid! Never, never!
They are the weak ignoble sailors
٢٥. مَعاذَ اللَهِ كَلّا ثُمَّ كَلّا
هُمُ البَحّارَةُ الغُرُّ الأَجِلّا
26. And their fleet at sea is nothing
But flotsam, jetsam, neither sailing nor coming
٢٦. وَما أُسطولُهُم في البَحرِ إِلّا
شَخاشِخُ ما يَرُحنَ وَما يَجينا
27. And how many armies of wishes they sent
That came to the Abode of Felicity in safety
٢٧. وَكَم بَعَثوا جُيوشاً مِن أَماني
أَتَت دارَ السَعادَةِ في أَمانِ
28. And marched no more than two days
So welcome, O conquering invaders
٢٨. وَما سارَت سِوى يَومَي زَمانٍ
فَأَهلاً بِالغُزاةِ الفاتِحينا
29. And in Istanbul they were victorious a victory
And they besieged Petersburg, bombarding it
٢٩. وَكَم باتوا عَلى هَرجٍ وَمَرجِ
وَقالوا المالُ مَبذولٌ لِجورجي
30. So for the Muslims and the Christians
And for the Tsar and other kings!
٣٠. وَكُلُّ المالِ مِن دَخلٍ وَخَرجٍ
دُيونٌ لا تُقَدِّرُها دُيونا
31. And William, where can you flee
When George and his soldiers raided
٣١. وَكَم فَتَحوا الثُغورَ بِلا تَواني
وَبِالأُسطولِ جاؤوا مِن مَواني
32. So the sea was too narrow for their ships
And the land was too narrow as they fled in panic
٣٢. وَلِلبُسفورِ طاروا في ثَواني
فَأَهلاً بِالأَوَزِّ العائِمينا
33. Matters that make children laugh
And the wise do not know their essence
٣٣. وَفي الآسِتانَةِ اِنتَصَروا اِنتِصاراً
وَبُطرُسبُرجَ دَكّوها حِصارا
34. So ask Reuters and Havas about them
For they both have certain knowledge
٣٤. فَيا لِلمُسلِمينَ وَلِلنَصارى
وَقَيصَرَ وَالمُلوكِ الآخَرينا
35. And the day of Malouna when we screamed and shouted
We remembered God in joy and lamented
٣٥. وَيا غَليومُ أَينَ لَكَ الفِرارُ
إِذا جورجي وَعَسكَرَهُ أَغاروا
36. And consolation revolved among them in the souls
And the consolation of faith revolved within us
٣٦. فَضاقَت عَن سَفينِهِمُ البِحارُ
وَضاقَ البَرُّ عَنهُمُ واجِفينا
37. On the two mountains we spent the night
And we killed them, their wished-for death, and they died
٣٧. أُمورٌ تَضحَكُ الصِبيانُ مِنها
وَلا تَدري لَها العُقَلاءُ كُنها
38. And we have died with steadfastness and they resisted unto death
But the stoics are not like those who endure patiently
٣٨. فَسَل روتَر وَسَل هافاسَ عَنها
فَإِنَّ لَدَيهِما الخَبَرَ اليَقينا
39. We made the ground sink to swallow the citadels
Growing more defiant, so we increase the bombardment
٣٩. وَيَومَ مَلَونَ إِذ صِحنا وَصاحوا
ذَكَرنا اللَهَ مِن فَرَحٍ وَناحوا
40. With fire that annihilates generations entirely
And takes up their fire, even those who ignite it
٤٠. وَدارَت بَينَهُم بِالراحِ راحُ
وَدارَت راحَةُ الإيمانِ فينا
41. Cannons that do not relent without provision
Volcanoes that target without depletion
٤١. عَلَى الجَبَلَينِ قَد بِتنا وَباتوا
وَقُتناهُم مَنِيَّتَهُم وَقاتوا
42. We have set them up for them in every valley
So be death or the dearest wish of the eyes
٤٢. وَقَد مِتنا ثَباتاً وَاِستَماتوا
وَما البُسَلاءُ كَالمُستَبسِلينا
43. We have made the ground beneath them blood
And we have made the smoke a sky for them
٤٣. خَسَفنا بِالحُصونِ الأَرضَ خَسفاً
تَزيدُ تَأَبِّياً فَنَزيدُ قَذفا
44. And when they sought shelter from the fire
Our swords protected us from them in groups
٤٤. بِنارٍ تَنسُفُ الأَجيالَ نَسفاً
وَتَلقَفُ نارَهُم وَالمُطلِقينا
45. And how many revered, elderly holy warrior
Mountains bowed down before him but he did not bow
٤٥. مَدافِعُ ما تَثوبُ بِغَيرِ زادٍ
بَراكينٌ تَصوبُ بِلا نَفادِ
46. He wanted to mount death bedecked
To his ancestors, the martyrs
٤٦. نَصَبناها لَهُم في كُلِّ وادي
فَكُنَّ المَوتَ أَو أَهدى عُيونا
47. He bid his steed farewell as he grieved for it
As their rifles were pointed at him
٤٧. جَعَلنا الأَرضَ تَحتَهُمُ دِماءَ
وَصَيَّرنا الدُخانَ لَهُم سَماءَ
48. And their bullets struck to bloody his hands
And his arms were about to betray him
٤٨. وَإِذ راموا مِنَ النارِ اِحتِماءَ
حَمَت أَسيافُنا مِنهُم مِئينا
49. He was accustomed to strike and be struck
So he was addressed to descend but did not answer
٤٩. وَرُبَّ مُجاهِدٍ شَيخٍ مُبَجَّل
تَرَجَّلَتِ الجِبالُ وَما تَرَجَّل
50. And he spoke, having uttered appropriately:
His valor increased from dignity
٥٠. أَرادَ لِيَركَبَ المَوتَ المُحَجَّل
إِلى أَجدادِهِ المُستَشهِدينا
51. A roaring lion of the fierce Turks
He went towards a fire - what fire!
٥١. وَفى لِجَوادِهِ وَحَنا عَلَيهِ
وَقَد شَخَصَت بَنادِقُهُم إِلَيهِ
52. To precede his Creator as a friend
So the regiments and chiefs besieged him
٥٢. وَصابَ رَصاصُها يُدمي يَدَيهِ
وَأَوشَكَتِ السَواعِدُ أَن تَخونا
53. And our crescent banner revolved on the right
When they submitted that we are demise
٥٣. تَعَوَّدَ أَن يُصيبَ وَأَن يُصابا
فَخوطِبَ في النُزولِ فَما أَجابا
54. And we are the best who have led elite forces
Their group dispersed except the remnants
٥٤. وَقالَ وَقَد قَضى قَولاً صَوابا
هُنا فَليَطلُبِ المَرءُ المَنونا
55. On the mountain peaks wavering
The prayer of God, my Lord, and peace
٥٥. وَقَد زادَ البَسالَةَ مِن وَقارِ
هِزَبرٌ مِن لُيوثِ التُركِ ضاري
56. Upon those killed at Plevna who stayed
They are the martyrs around God they thronged
٥٦. تَقَدَّمَ نَحوَ نارٍ أَيُّ نارِ
لِيَسبِقَ نَحوَ خالِقِهِ القَرينا
57. So He brought them near, and they were the winners
They attained the kingdom - what an opening!
٥٧. جَرى فَأَذَلَّ هاتيكَ الأُلوفا
وَزَحزَحَ عَن مَواضِعِها الصُفوفا
58. And built the caliphate - what a marvel!
And they came to their Lord with a sacrifice
٥٨. فَخاضَ إِلى مَكامِنِها الحُتوفا
وَما هابَ الرُماةَ مُسَدِّدينا
59. He accepted, and He was pleased with it
Peace upon Plevna, peace
٥٩. دَعا لِلَّهِ في وَجهِ الأَعادي
كَلَيثٍ زائِرٍ في بَطنِ وادي
60. And be the best place for he who stayed
And He was pleased with it even if its bones withered
٦٠. فَلَبَّتهُ الفَيالِقُ وَالأَرادي
وَدارَ هِلالُ رايَتِنا يَمينا
61. The angels revolve around it hovering
O Edhem, are glories achieved thus?
٦١. فَلَمّا أَذعَنوا أَنّا المَنايا
وَأَنّا خَيرُ مَن قادَ السَرايا
62. Are they achieved with ships and transports?
You have whitened the nights for the kingdom
٦٢. تَفَرَّقَ جَمعُهُم إِلّا بَقايا
عَلى قُلَلِ الجِبالِ مُجَندِلينا
63. With a sword that exposes the clear dawn
You have taken victory at the two mountains by force
٦٣. صَلاةُ اللَهِ رَبّي وَالسَلامُ
عَلى قَتلى بِفِرسالو أَقاموا
64. You were the pouncing, leaping lion
You carried cannons, so cheeks filled with fright
٦٤. هُمُ الشُهَداءُ حَولَ اللَهِ حاموا
فَأَدناهُم وَكانوا الفائِزينا
65. The ignorant assume them to be fighters
And in Plevna you have come with wonders
٦٥. أَنالوا المُلكَ فَتحاً أَيَّ فَتحٍ
وَشادوا لِلخِلافَةِ أَيَّ صَرحِ
66. You laid the army, reading it like a book
And you counted it gate by gate
٦٦. وَجاؤوا رَبَّهُم مِنهُم بِذَبحٍ
تَقَبَّلَهُ وَكانَ بِهِ ضَنينا
67. While they were oblivious to your book
The resolution remained hopeful of you
٦٧. سَلاماً سَفحَ فِرسالو سَلاما
وَكُن خَيرَ المُقامِ لِمَن أَقاما
68. Messages and couriers come to you
And around you are the trusted consultants
٦٨. وَضَنَّ بِها وَإِن بَلِيَت عِظاماً
تُطيفُ بِها المَلائِكُ حائِمينا
69. Who lead the armies victoriously
There the newspapers told tales
٦٩. أَأَدهَمُ هَكَذا تُقنى المَعالي
وَتُقنى بِالقَواضِبِ وَالعَوالي
70. And telegrams communicated news
And the kingdoms talked holding
٧٠. لَقَد بَيَّضتَ لِلمُلكِ اللَيالي
بِسَيفٍ يَفضَحُ الفَجرَ المُبينا
71. Sciences of war and skills from you
O sons of Othman, we have determined
٧١. أَخَذتَ النَصرَ بِالجَبَلَينِ غَصباً
وَكُنتَ اللَيثَ تَخطاراً وَوَثبا
72. Your great conquests and have thanked
We asked God for victory, so we were victorious
٧٢. حَمَلتَ فَماجَتِ الحُملانُ رُعباً
يَظُنُّهُمُ الجَهولُ مُقاتِلينا
73. Through you, and God is best guardian
٧٣. وَفي فِرسالَ قَد جِئتَ العُجابا
بَسَطتَ الجَيشَ تَقرَؤُهُ كِتابا
٧٤. وَقَد أَحصَيتَهُ باباً فَبابا
وَكانوا عَن كِتابِكَ غافِلينا
٧٥. ثَبَتَّ مُؤَمِّلاً مِنكَ الثَباتُ
تُوافيكَ الرَسائِلُ وَالسُعاةُ
٧٦. وَحَولَكَ أَهلُ شوراكَ الثُقاتُ
تَسوسونَ الجُيوشَ مُظَفَّرينا
٧٧. هُناكَ الصُحفُ سارَت حاكِياتٍ
وَطَيَّرَتِ البُروقُ مُحَدِّثاتِ
٧٨. وَحَدَّثَتِ المَمالِكُ آخِذاتِ
عُلومَ الحَربِ عَنكُمُ وَالفُنونا
٧٩. بَني عُثمانَ إِنّا قَد قَدَرنا
فُتوحَكُمُ الكِبارَ وَقَد شَكَرنا
٨٠. سَأَلنا اللَهَ نَصراً فَاِنتَصَرنا
بِكُم وَاللَهُ خَيرُ الناصِرينا