
O Denshawai, peace be upon your land,

يا دنشواي على رباك سلام

1. O Denshawai, peace be upon your land,
The days of your pleasant dwellings have passed.

١. يا دِنشِوايَ عَلى رُباكِ سَلامُ
ذَهَبَت بِأُنسِ رُبوعِكِ الأَيّامُ

2. Witnesses of your rule scattered in the country,
Alas, the scattered will never reunite.

٢. شُهَداءُ حُكمِكِ في البِلادِ تَفَرَّقوا
هَيهاتَ لِلشَملِ الشَتيتِ نِظامُ

3. New moons passed over them in shackles,
And a year went by with them in chains.

٣. مَرَّت عَلَيهِم في اللُحودِ أَهِلَّةٌ
وَمَضى عَلَيهِم في القُيودِ العامُ

4. How are the widows after their husbands?
And in what state are the orphans now?

٤. كَيفَ الأَرامِلُ فيكِ بَعدَ رِجالِها
وَبِأَيِّ حالٍ أَصبَحَ الأَيتامُ

5. Twenty homes were emptied and inhabited
By gloom and darkness after cheerfulness.

٥. عِشرونَ بَيتاً أَقفَرَت وَاِنتابَها
بَعدَ البَشاشَةِ وَحشَةٌ وَظَلامُ

6. I wonder, are there doves in the constellations?
Or is there perdition and pigeons in the constellations?

٦. يا لَيتَ شِعري في البُروجِ حَمائِمٌ
أَم في البُروجِ مَنِيَّةٌ وَحِمامُ

7. Nero, had you lived in Cromer's days,
You would have known how laws are executed.

٧. نَيرونُ لَو أَدرَكتَ عَهدَ كَرومِرٍ
لَعَرَفتَ كَيفَ تُنَفَّذُ الأَحكامُ

8. Inspire, O doves of Denshawai, a people
In the Nile Valley who never sleep.

٨. نوحي حَمائِمَ دِنشِوايَ وَرَوِّعي
شَعباً بِوادي النيلِ لَيسَ يَنامُ

9. If the living slept, dreams would come between them
And their bed at night.

٩. إِن نامَتِ الأَحياءُ حالَت بَينَهُ
سَحراً وَبَينَ فِراشِهِ الأَحلامُ

10. Suffering, remembering the day when
Feet shook from the horror.

١٠. مُتَوَجِّعٌ يَتَمَثَّلُ اليَومَ الَّذي
ضَجَّت لِشِدَّةِ هَولِهِ الأَقدامُ

11. The whip works and the gallows are four,
United, and the soldiers standing.

١١. السوطُ يَعمَلُ وَالمَشانِقُ أَربَعٌ
مُتَوَحِّداتٌ وَالجُنودُ قِيامُ

12. The advisor is watching the atrocities,
Bones and skins bleed around him.

١٢. وَالمُستَشارُ إِلى الفَظائِعِ ناظِرٌ
تَدمى جُلودٌ حَولَهُ وَعِظامُ

13. In every region and every neighborhood,
A crowd terrified of the naked swords.

١٣. في كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ وَكُلِّ مَحَلَّةٍ
حَزعاً مِنَ المَلَأِ الأَسيَفِ زِحامُ

14. On the faces of the bereaved, gloom,
And on the faces of the bereaved women, dust.

١٤. وَعَلى وُجوهِ الثاكِلينَ كَآبَةٌ
وَعَلى وُجوهِ الثاكِلاتِ رُغامُ