
They said the mansion of kingship is fraught with fear,

قالوا فروق الملك دار مخاوف

1. They said the mansion of kingship is fraught with fear,
Foreboding never ceases for its dweller,

١. قالوا فَروقُ المُلكِ دارُ مَخاوِفٍ
لا يَنقَضي لِنَزيلِها وُسواسُ

2. How strange that its dogs live in safety,
The dogs live in security, yet people are afraid.

٢. وَكِلابُها في مَأمَنٍ فَاِعجَب لَها
أَمِنَ الكِلابُ بِها وَخافَ الناسُ