
The lion is the king of the deserts

الليث ملك القفار

1. The lion is the king of the deserts
And all the barren lands contain

١. اللَيثُ مَلكُ القِفارِ
وَما تَضُمُّ الصَحاري

2. The subjects flocked to him one day
In total submission and despair

٢. سَعَت إِلَيهِ الرَعايا
يَوماً بِكُلِّ اِنكِسارِ

3. They said may you live long and reign
O one with claws that tear and maim

٣. قالَت تَعيشُ وَتَبقى
يا دامِيَ الأَظفارِ

4. The minister died, so who will now
Rule over the affairs of feral game

٤. ماتَ الوَزيرُ فَمَن ذا
يَسوسُ أَمرَ الضَواري

5. The donkey said I choose as vizier
Myself, for I the role acclaim

٥. قالَ الحِمارُ وَزيري
قَضى بِهَذا اِختِياري

6. At this she laughed and then proclaimed
What merit did you find to name

٦. فَاِستَضحَكَت ثُمَّ قالَت
ماذا رَأى في الحِمارِ

7. Yourself as minister, you fool
And spread this jest both far and wide

٧. وَخَلَّفَتهُ وَطارَت
بِمُضحِكِ الأَخبارِ

8. Until a month or day had passed
The lion did not realize

٨. حَتّى إِذا الشَهرُ وَلّى
كَلَيلَةٍ أَو نَهارِ

9. That his kingdom was in shards
The ape stood to his right-hand side

٩. لَم يَشعُرِ اللَيثُ إِلّا
وَمُلكُهُ في دَمارِ

10. The dog was posted to his left
The cat before him, batting, eyed

١٠. القِردُ عِندَ اليَمينِ
وَالكَلبُ عِندَ اليَسارِ

11. A rat for play, without respect
He said, which of my ancestors

١١. وَالقِطُّ بَينَ يَدَيهِ
يَلهو بِعَظمَةِ فارِ

12. Would act with such disgrace, devoid
Of all my might and massacres

١٢. فَقالَ مَن في جُدودي
مِثلي عَديمُ الوَقارِ

13. My awe, repute that was enjoyed
The ape approached him secretively

١٣. أَينَ اِقتِداري وَبَطشي
وَهَيبَتي وَاِعتِباري

14. And after making his excuses
Said, O exalted one, let be

١٤. فَجاءَهُ القِردُ سِرّاً
وَقالَ بَعدَ اِعتِذارِ

15. Keep high your noblest attributes
For the subjects' views of you

١٥. يا عالِيَ الجاهِ فينا
كُن عالِيَ الأَنظارِ

16. Come from your views of the witless brute

١٦. رَأيُ الرَعِيَّةِ فيكُم
مِن رَأيِكُم في الحِمارِ