
Your harshness has made his resting place miserable

مضناك جفاه مرقده

1. Your harshness has made his resting place miserable
And your crying and pitying has accustomed him

١. مُضناكَ جَفاهُ مَرقَدُهُ
وَبَكاهُ وَرَحَّمَ عُوَّدُهُ

2. The heart is confused, tortured
The eyelids are wounded, laid down

٢. حَيرانُ القَلبِ مُعَذَّبُهُ
مَقروحُ الجَفنِ مُسَهَّدُهُ

3. He almost ran out of words except a breath
That remains for you, and you deplete

٣. أَودى حَرَفاً إِلّا رَمَقاً
يُبقيهِ عَلَيكَ وَتُنفِدُهُ

4. The foliage sways to his sighing
And the rock melts at his lament

٤. يَستَهوي الوُرقَ تَأَوُّهُهُ
وَيُذيبُ الصَخرَ تَنَهُّدُهُ

5. He confides in the stars and tires them
And spends the night awake and seated

٥. وَيُناجي النَجمَ وَيُتعِبُهُ
وَيُقيمُ اللَيلَ وَيُقعِدُهُ

6. And teaches every turtledove
A yearning in the orchards that echoes him

٦. وَيُعَلِّمُ كُلَّ مُطَوَّقَةٍ
شَجَناً في الدَوحِ تُرَدِّدُهُ

7. How much he lowered himself to your phantom
And was well-mannered without intending it

٧. كَم مَدَّ لِطَيفِكَ مِن شَرَكٍ
وَتَأَدَّبَ لا يَتَصَيَّدُهُ

8. May you be comforted by a blink that aids him
Perhaps your imagination makes him happy

٨. فَعَساكَ بِغُمضٍ مُسعِفُهُ
وَلَعَلَّ خَيالَكَ مُسعِدُهُ

9. By the beauty of Joseph I swear
And the chapter, you are uniquely it

٩. الحُسنُ حَلَفتُ بِيوسُفِهِ
وَالسورَةِ إِنَّكَ مُفرَدُهُ

10. The houri of eternity wished for your beauty
Or even a fleeting glimpse

١٠. قَد وَدَّ جَمالَكَ أَو قَبَساً
حَوراءُ الخُلدِ وَأَمرَدُهُ

11. And every severed hand wished
If revived, to witness you

١١. وَتَمَنَّت كُلُّ مُقَطَّعَةٍ
يَدَها لَو تُبعَثُ تَشهَدُهُ

12. My truthful eyes denied your pure blood
Does your cheek thus deny it too?

١٢. جَحَدَت عَيناكَ زَكِيَّ دَمي
أَكَذلِكَ خَدُّكَ يَجحَدُهُ

13. My witnesses grew helpless when they glanced
So for your cheek I pointed it out to bear witness

١٣. قَد عَزَّ شُهودي إِذ رَمَتا
فَأَشَرتُ لِخَدِّكَ أُشهِدُهُ

14. I intended to join your locks but
It refused, too proud for that

١٤. وَهَمَمتُ بِجيدِكِ أَشرَكُهُ
فَأَبى وَاِستَكبَرَ أَصيَدُهُ

15. I swayed your slender figure to bend it
But it recoiled, too dignified for that

١٥. وَهَزَزتُ قَوامَكَ أَعطِفُهُ
فَنَبا وَتَمَنَّعَ أَملَدُهُ

16. I smooth the way to please you
Why does the waist make it difficult?

١٦. سَبَبٌ لِرِضاكَ أُمَهِّدُهُ
ما بالُ الخَصرِ يُعَقِّدُهُ

17. Between me in love, and you, nothing
That a slanderer can spoil

١٧. بَيني في الحُبِّ وَبَينَكَ ما
لا يَقدِرُ واشٍ يُفسِدُهُ

18. Why does the blamer open for me
The door of intimacy, yet bar it?

١٨. ما بالُ العاذِلِ يَفتَحُ لي
بابَ السُلوانِ وَأوصِدُهُ

19. And say, you almost go mad for him
And I say, I'm about to worship him

١٩. وَيَقولُ تَكادُ تُجَنُّ بِهِ
فَأَقولُ وَأوشِكُ أَعبُدُهُ

20. My master, my soul is in his hands
He has wasted it, surrendered to his grasp

٢٠. مَولايَ وَروحي في يَدِهِ
قَد ضَيَّعَها سَلِمَت يَدُهُ

21. The bell of the heart rings for him
And the ribs of my bosom are his dwelling

٢١. ناقوسُ القَلبِ يَدُقُّ لَهُ
وَحَنايا الأَضلُعِ مَعبَدُهُ

22. I swear by your smooth pearls
The rubies stacked have sworn it too

٢٢. قَسَماً بِثَنايا لُؤلُؤها
قَسَمَ الياقوتُ مُنَضَّدُهُ

23. And a saliva that promises its river
The slain of passion, its scene

٢٣. وَرُضابٍ يوعَدُ كَوثَرُهُ
مَقتولُ العِشقِ وَمُشهَدُهُ

24. By a mole that nearly performs pilgrimage to it
If its blackness were kissed

٢٤. وَبِخالٍ كادَ يُحَجُّ لَهُ
لَو كانَ يُقَبَّلُ أَسوَدُهُ

25. By a figure whose branch is watered with lineage
And the spear unravels its ancestry

٢٥. وَقَوامٍ يَروي الغُصنُ لَهُ
نَسَباً وَالرُمحُ يُفَنِّدُهُ

26. By a waist weaker than my skin
And estrangement assails, scattering it

٢٦. وَبِخَصرٍ أَوهَنَ مِن جَلَدي
وَعَوادي الهَجرِ تُبَدِّدُهُ

27. I have not betrayed your love, nor has
Any diversion with the heart cooled it

٢٧. ما خُنتُ هَواكَ وَلا خَطَرَت
سَلوى بِالقَلبِ تُبَرِّدُهُ