1. Your leader has responded to the call
To console Dimyat's people, giving consolation
١. لَقَد لَبّى زَعيمُكُمُ النِداءَ
عَزاءً أَهلَ دِمياطٍ عَزاءَ
2. Though the consoler and the consoled are equal
And all people share in tribulation
٢. وَإِن كانَ المُعَزّي وَالمُعَزّى
وَكُلُّ الناسِ في البَلوى سَواءَ
3. We all grieved for Al-'Alayli
Like stars in Taurus or the lofty plateau
٣. فُجِعنا كُلُّنا بِعَلائِلِيٍّ
كَرُكنِ النَجمِ أَو أَسنى عَلاءَ
4. The finest of Dimyat's youth upon it
And the most active to fulfill its needs
٤. أَرَقُّ شَبابِ دِمياطٍ عَلَيها
وَأَنشَطُهُم لِحاجَتِها قَضاءَ
5. The best of its homes in generosity and piety
And origin in leadership and climax
٥. وَخَيرُ بُيوتِها كَرَماً وَتَقوى
وَأَصلاً في السِيادَةِ وَاِنتِهاءَ
6. A young man like a towering, thundering spear
And like a drawn sword, gallant and ready
٦. فَتىً كَالرُمحِ عالِيَةً رُعوداً
وَكَالصَمصامِ إِفرِنداً وَماءَ
7. He gave wealth and lofty ambitions
But did not give dignity and refusal
٧. وَأَعطى المالَ وَالهِمَمَ العَوالي
وَلَم يُعطِ الكَرامَةَ وَالإِباءَ
8. A youth who rivaled the basil in fragrance
And competed with cheerfulness and splendor
٨. شَبابٌ ضارَعَ الرَيحانَ طيباً
وَنازَعَهُ البَشاشَةَ وَالبَهاءَ
9. A soldier for the cause since it began
He learned under its banner readiness for sacrifice
٩. وَجُندِيُّ القَضِيَةِ مُنذُ قامَت
تَعَلَّمَ تَحتَ رايَتِها اللِقاءَ
10. And its venerable elder was frightened one day
So he gave him protection with his shoulders
١٠. وَرُوِّعَ شَيخُها العالي بِيَومٍ
فَكانَ بِمَنكِبَيهِ لَهُ وِقاءَ
11. He strove for his conscience and Egypt's dignity
And did not hesitate waiting for reward
١١. سَعى لِضَميرِهِ وَلَوَجهِ مِصرٍ
وَلَم يَتَوَلَّ يَنتَظِرُ الجَزاءَ
12. A funeral procession like a shady cloud
When the crowds depart and it comes
١٢. وَنَعشٍ كَالغَمامِ يَرِفُّ ظِلّاً
إِذا ذَهَبَ الزِحامُ بِهِ وَجاءَ
13. And no eyes fell upon it except
It stirred grief or awakened crying
١٣. وَلَم تَقَعِ العُيونُ عَلَيهِ إِلّا
أَثارَ الحُزنَ أَو بَعَثَ البُكاءَ
14. We wondered how the plank did not grow green
When it carried chivalry and loftiness
١٤. عَجِبنا كَيفَ لَم يَخضَرَّ عوداً
وَقَد حَمَلَ المُروءَةَ والرُفاءَ
15. Dimyat walked, turning toward it
Competing with it for provision and hope
١٥. مَشَت دِمياطُ فَاِلتَفَّت عَلَيهِ
تُنازِعُهُ الذَخيرَةَ وَالرَجاءَ
16. O people of Dimyat, nothing remains
Except the One who alone possesses eternity
١٦. بَني دِمياطَ ما شَيءٌ بِباقٍ
سِوى الفَردِ الَّذي اِحتَكَرَ البَقاءَ
17. God Most High, none but Him remains
When His creation passes into oblivion
١٧. تَعالى اللَهُ لا يَبقى سِواهُ
إِذا وَرَدَت بِرِيَّتَهُ الفَناءَ
18. And you are people of faith and piety
Do you accept fate's rebuke?
١٨. وَأَنتُم أَهلُ إيمانٍ وَتَقوى
فَهَل تَلقَونَ بِالعَتبِ القَضاءَ
19. You filled the earth with God's houses
And the heaven with the dawn caller's summons
١٩. مَلَأتُم مِن بُيوتِ اللَهِ أَرضاً
وَمِن داعي البُكورِ لَها سَماءَ
20. You greet the dawn only
With feet set for prayer when it lights up
٢٠. وَلا تَستَقبِلونَ الفَجرَ إِلّا
عَلى قَدَمِ الصَلاةِ إِذا أَضاءَ
21. You watch for its rising, children
And women hasten its first glow
٢١. وَتَرتَقِبونَ مَطلَعَهُ صِغاراً
وَتَستَبِقونَ غُرَّتَهُ نِساءَ
22. And how many past stances you took
When you were ransom for the nation
٢٢. وَكَم مِن مَوقِفٍ ماضٍ وَقَفتُم
فَكُنتُم فيهِ لِلوَطَنِ الفِداءَ
23. You repelled a ferocious raid from it
And protected its cities from tribulation
٢٣. دَفَعتُم غارَةً شَعواءَ عَنهُ
وَذُدتُم عَن حَواضِرِهِ البَلاءَ
24. My brother Abdel Halim, I do not know
Should I say brother-in-law or brotherhood?
٢٤. أَخي عَبدَ الحَليمِ وَلَستُ أَدري
أَأَدعو الصِهرَ أَم أَدعو الإِخاءَ
25. How much affection grew into kinship
And was like the closest blood ties in purity
٢٥. وَكَم صَحَّ الوِدادُ فَكانَ صِهراً
وَكانَ كَأَقرَبِ القُربى صَفاءَ
26. Strange that you left the world ill
When you were honey that healing fills
٢٦. عَجيبٌ تَركُكَ الدُنيا سَقيماً
وَكُنتَ النَحلَ تَملَؤُها شِفاءَ
27. And when all maladies posed riddles
We would come to you making you the cure
٢٧. وَكُنّا حينَ يُعضِلُ كُلُّ داءٍ
نَجيءُ إِلَيكَ نَجعَلُكَ الدَواءَ
28. A crooked instrument took you away
Rider of time and fate's mount
٢٨. مَضَت بِكَ آلَةٌ حَدباءُ كانَت
عَلى الزَمَنِ المَطِيَّةَ وَالوِطاءَ
29. And the parties walked behind you in rows
While you were the banner in the row
٢٩. وَسارَت خَلفَكَ الأَحزابُ صَفّاً
وَسِرتَ فَكُنتَ في الصَفِّ اللِواءَ
30. Bringing them together dead, remaining loyal
As was your way in life, giving them allegiance
٣٠. تُوَلِّفُ بَينَهُم مَيتاً وَتَبني
كَعَهدِكَ في الحَياةِ لَهُم وَلاءَ