
They pitched tents upon the plains

ضربوا القباب على اليباب

1. They pitched tents upon the plains
And settled until the Day of Reckoning

١. ضَرَبوا القِبابَ عَلى اليَبابِ
وَثَوَوا إِلى يَومِ الحِسابِ

2. They became still, though all things move
One day all shall rest in dust

٢. هَمَدوا وَكُلُّ مُحَرَّكٍ
يَوماً سَيَسكُنُ في التُرابِ

3. They descended upon the wolf of decay
Thus the worst of wolves they guested

٣. نَزَلوا عَلى ذِئبِ البِلى
فَتَضَيَّفوا شَرَّ الذِئابِ

4. As though felled by wine
In the lowlands or by drink ensnared

٤. وَكَأَنَّهُم صَرعى كَرى
بِالقاعِ أَو صَرعى شَرابِ

5. When they wake and become aware
God knows best what their state shall be

٥. فَإِذا صَحَوا وَتَنَبَّهوا
فَاللَهُ أَعلَمُ بِالمَآبِ

6. Of all whose glory is fleeting
There the shunned of mantle shall be

٦. مِن كُلِّ مُنقَضِّ الوُفو
دِ هُناكَ مَهجورِ الجَنابِ

7. Inheritor of every tribulation
Save the store of rewards

٧. مَوروثِ كُلَّ مَضِنَّةٍ
إِلّا الذَخيرَةِ مِن ثَوابِ

8. O you who weep for Muhammad
Veiling him, sadness enshrouded

٨. يا نائِحاتِ مُحَمَّدٍ
نُحتُنَّهُ غَضَّ الإِهابِ

9. In a funeral where the noble
Were not bereft of selection

٩. في مَأتَمٍ لَم تَخلُ في
هِ المَكرُماتُ مِن اِنتِحابِ

10. You weep for the generous unto eve
And for the beloved among comrades

١٠. تَبكي الكَريمَ عَلى العَشي
رَةِ وَالحَبيبَ إِلى الصِحابِ

11. The tears of you doves suffice
As blame poured forth in profusion

١١. حَسبُ الحِمامِ دُموعُكُن
نَ المُستَهِلَّةُ مِن عِتابِ

12. So turn back to wisdom therein
Or come to acceptance serene

١٢. فَاِرجِعنَ فيهِ لِحِكمَةٍ
أَو جِئنَ فيهِ إِلى اِحتِسابِ

13. In the transient world the fate
Of world's dwellers is to pass

١٣. في العالَمِ الفاني مَصي
رُ العالَمينَ إِلى ذَهابِ

14. Who travelled chided not fortune
And who stayed to his ruins drawn near

١٤. مَن سارَ لَم يَثنِ العِنا
نَ وَمَن أَقامَ إِلى اِقتِرابِ

15. O inheritor of honor pure
Seeker of manners refined

١٥. يا وارِثَ الحَسَبِ الصَمي
مِ وَكاسِبَ الأَدَبِ اللُبابِ

16. Son of him who taught men
Modesty from all reproach aloof

١٦. وَاِبنَ الَّذي عَلِمَ الرِجا
لُ حَيائَهُ مِن كُلِّ عابِ

17. In his books he is as though
Uthman in Quran's shade enwrapped

١٧. وَكَأَنَّهُ في كُتبِهِ
عُثمانُ في ظِلِّ الكِتابِ

18. What indignity have you seen
While in youth's bounty engulfed?

١٨. ماذا نَقَمتَ مِنَ الشَبابِ
وَأَنتَ في نِعَمِ الشَبابِ

19. Bestowed the gift of genius
Adorned with wishes granted

١٩. مُتَحَلِّياً هِبَةَ النُبو
غِ مُطَوَّقَ المِنَحِ الرِغابِ

20. Why roam from a life
Where you stand in its stirrups?

٢٠. وَلِمَ التَرَحُّلُ عَن حَيا
ةٍ أَنتَ مِنها في رِكابِ

21. Its coast you frequent not
Nor its billows' depths attain

٢١. لَم تَعدُ شاطِئَها وَلَم
تَبلُغ إِلى ثَبَجِ العُبابِ

22. Gently, upon the sorrowful verses
Desolate, mantled in grief

٢٢. رِفقاً عَلى مَحزونَةِ ال
أَبياتِ موحِشَةِ الحِجابِ

23. I lost you in tender years
And in life's prime, forlorn

٢٣. فَقَدتُكَ في العُمرِ الطَري
رِ وَفي زَها الدُنيا الكِعابِ

24. It weeps and wails for its intimates
Amidst mortals fleet and brief

٢٤. تَبكي وَتَندُبُ إِلفَها
بَينَ الأَفانينِ الرِطابِ

25. Look upon your father, his mourning
And his misery beneath the blow

٢٥. وَاِنظُر أَباكَ وَثُكلَهُ
وَرُزوحَهُ تَحتَ المُصابِ

26. If he could command your return
He would redden your set sun

٢٦. لَو كانَ يَملُكُ سِرَّ يو
شَعَ رَدَّ شَمسَكَ مِن غِيابِ

27. Did you notify others than him
Of representing the new attire?

٢٧. أَعَلِمتَ غَيرَكَ مِن جَلا التَم
ثيلِ في جُدُدِ الثِيابِ

28. And don the curios of his ancestors
In garb of wit and wonder arrayed

٢٨. وَكَسا غَرائِبَ جِدِّهِ
حُلَلاً مِنَ الهَزلِ العُجابِ

29. Distinguished, when distinction
Comes not by the common herd

٢٩. مُتَمَيِّزاً حينَ التَمَيُّ
زُ لَيسَ مِن أَرَبِ الشَبابِ

30. The peak of glory you were
No sin upon you the shooting stars hurled

٣٠. أُفُقُ العُلا كُنتَ الشِها
بَ عَلَيهِ وَلا ذَنَبَ الشِهابِ

31. Oh Lord of a day narrowed
By envy and malice for you

٣١. يا رُبَّ يَومٍ ضاقَ ذَر
عُكَ فيهِ بِالحُسُدِ الغِضابِ

32. Vast for them, while you combined them
Carrion the feast of flies

٣٢. سَعهُم فَأَنتَ جَمَعتُهُمُ
الشَهدُ مائِدَةُ الذُبابِ

33. Take from them payment of pardon
And leave them payment of curses

٣٣. خُذ مِنهُمُ نَقدَ العَفا
فِ وَدَع لَهُم نَقدَ السِبابِ

34. Below brilliance, their paths
Are not reckoned arduous climbs

٣٤. دونَ النُبوغِ وَأَوجِهِ
ما لا تَعُدُّ مِنَ الصِعابِ

35. For when you reach the summit
You are the sun ridiculing clouds

٣٥. فَإِذا بَلَغتَ الأَوجَ كُن
تَ الشَمسَ تَهزَءُ بِالضَبابِ

36. Draw not away, for here
Are your people's hopes nearing

٣٦. لا تَبعُدَنَّ فَهَذِهِ
آمالُ قَومِكَ في اِقتِرابِ

37. Ascend with your spirit angelic
Fluttering lofty in sky

٣٧. اِشرُف بِروحِكَ فَوقَهُم
مَلَكاً يُرَفرِفُ في السَحابِ

38. And see, due to your charm, a nation
Who clothed homelands in awe

٣٨. وَاِنظُر بِعَينٍ نُزِّهَت
عَن زُخرُفِ الدُنيا الكِذابِ

39. A lion prowling without anger
Or roaring without vicious bite

٣٩. تَرَ مِن لِداتِكَ أُمَّةً
كَسَتِ الدِيارَ جَلالَ غابِ

40. As their steadfastness their weapon
Fine weapon with what is right

٤٠. أُسدٌ تَجولُ بِغَيرِ ظُف
رٍ أَو تَصولُ بِغَيرِ نابِ

41. While matters have come
To decisive statement's domain

٤١. جَعَلوا الثَباتَ سِلاحَهُم
نِعمَ السِلاحُ مَعَ الصَوابِ

42. If you hold orientation to God
In sanctum of shrine sublime

٤٢. أَمّا الأُمورُ فَإِنَّها
بَلَغَت إِلى فَصلِ الخِطابِ

43. Ask the Opener of Gates to open
For retreat the best of gates

٤٣. فَإِذا مَلَكتَ تَوَجُّهاً
لِلَّهِ في قُدسِ الرِحابِ

٤٤. سَل فاتِحَ الأَبوابِ يَف
تَح لِلكِنانَةِ خَيرَ بابِ