1. O great among the noble ones
Though you despise me, I must reproach you
١. كَبيرُ السابِقينَ مِنَ الكِرامِ
بِرُغمي أَن أَنالَكَ بِالمَلامِ
2. Your status seemed higher than what they claimed
Yet I saw truth was higher than you and your status
٢. مَقامُكَ فَوقَ ما زَعَموا وَلَكِن
رَأَيتُ الحَقَّ فَوقَكَ وَالمَقامِ
3. They found you infatuated, so they said
You lost dignity and self-respect
٣. لَقَد وَجَدوكَ مَفتوناً فَقالوا
خَرَجتَ مِنَ الوَقارِ وَالاِحتِشامِ
4. Some said your cunning has no cover
And that you threw randomly without aiming
٤. وَقالَ البَعضُ كَيدُكَ غَيرُ خافٍ
وَقالوا رَميَةٌ مِن غَيرِ رامِ
5. It was said you went too far into disbelief
Wanting to take revenge on your benefactors
٥. وَقيلَ شَطَطتَ في الكُفرانِ حَتّى
أَرَدتَ المُنعِمينَ بِالاِنتِقامِ
6. You smothered the people with flattery and praise
While they smothered you with massive favors
٦. غَمَرتَ القَومَ إِطراءً وَحَمداً
وَهُم غَمَروكَ بِالنِعَمِ الجسامِ
7. Yesterday, they saw your face among the elite
How today has it become covered in mud?
٧. رَأَوا بِالأَمسِ أَنفَكَ في الثُرَيّا
فَكَيفَ اليَومَ أَصبَحَ في الرِغامِ
8. By God, they only knew you were small
In your loyalty and quarrel
٨. أَما وَاللَهِ ما عَلِموكَ إِلّا
صَغيراً في وَلائِكَ وَالخِصامِ
9. If you're not qualified for words
Why take stands and speak?
٩. إِذا ما لَم تَكُن لِلقَولِ أَهلاً
فَما لَكَ في المَواقِفِ وَالكَلامِ
10. You made a speech but were not an orator
You added to our great misfortunes
١٠. خَطَبتَ فَكُنتَ خَطباً لا خَطيباً
أُضيفَ إِلى مَصائِبِنا العِظامِ
11. You were accused of occupation and what it brought
Yet your own wound, had you felt it, would bleed
١١. لُهِجتَ باِلاِحتِلالِ وَما أَتاهُ
وَجُرحُكَ مِنهُ لَو أَحسَستَ دامي
12. It did not benefit who it accused
Nor did it benefit you, this rambling
١٢. وَما أَغناهُ عَمَّن قالَ فيهِ
وَما أَغناكَ عَن هَذا التَرامي
13. The countries loved you for ages
Such is the price of loyalty and respect
١٣. أَحَبَّتكَ البِلادُ طَويلَ دَهرٍ
وَذا ثَمَنُ الوَلاءِ وَالاِحتِرامِ
14. You despised a bridle you once held
Playing with rule and the reins
١٤. حَقَرتَ لَها زِماماً كُنتَ فيهِ
لَعوباً بِالحُكومَةِ وَالذِمامِ
15. Its beauty is your own planting, and the fruits
Are for you, be they praise or blame
١٥. مَحاسِنُهُ غِراسُكَ وَالمَساوي
لَكَ الثَمَرانِ مِن حَمدٍ وَذامِ
16. Why not say to the elite words
Befitting your excellent past?
١٦. فَهَلّا قُلتَ لِلشانِ قَولاً
يَليقُ بِحاِلِ الماضِيَ الهُمامِ
17. Sowing in them life's experiences
Calling those asleep to awaken
١٧. يَبُثُّ تَجارِبَ الأَيّامِ فيهِم
وَيَدعو الرابِضينَ إِلى القِيامِ
18. You scolded the youth without awareness
That you were seeing yourself in a dream
١٨. خَطَبتَ عَلى الشَبيبَةِ غَيرَ دارٍ
بِأَنَّكَ مِن مَشيبِكَ في مَنامِ
19. Were it not for a land's love
That makes one deaf to gossip, like passion itself
١٩. وَلَولا أَنَّ لِلأَوطانِ حُبّاً
يُصِمُّ عَنِ الوِشايَةِ كَالغَرامِ
20. You would have sown despair in people's hearts
As if you were the caller to mourning among them
٢٠. جَنَيتَ عَلى قُلوبِ الجَمعِ يَأساً
كَأَنَّكَ بَينَهُم داعي الحِمامِ
21. A killing in Egypt alarmed you
So you added arrows to the arrows
٢١. أَراعَكَ مَقتَلٌ مِن مِصرَ باقٍ
فَقُمتَ تَزيدُ سَهماً في السِهامِ
22. Did seventy years leave you
Knowledge of right and wrong?
٢٢. وَهَل تَرَكَت لَكَ السَبعونَ عَقلاً
لِعِرفانِ الحَلالِ مِنَ الحَرامِ
23. Shall I not warn you of a time now gone
That you may remember with tears of regret?
٢٣. أَلا أُنبيكَ عَن زَمَنٍ تَوَلّى
فَتَذكُرَهُ وَدَمعُكَ في اِنسِجامِ
24. Ask the fragrant pharaohs about it
And ask a house filled with light in the darkness
٢٤. سَلِ الحِلمِيَّةَ الفَيحاءَ عَنهُ
وَسَل داراً عَلى نورِ الظَلامِ
25. Ask those who were around you - were they slaves of glory
Showing you love, or seekers of ruin?
٢٥. وَسَل مَن كانَ حَولَكَ عَبدَ جاهٍ
يُريكَ الحُبَّ أَو باغي حُطامِ
26. They saw an inheritance soon to disappear
So they banded together to divide it
٢٦. رَأَوا إِرثاً سَيَذهَبُ بَعدَ حينٍ
فَكانوا عُصبَةً في الاِقتِسامِ
27. They got a listen from a generous ear
And so took from it all they desired
٢٧. وَنالوا السَمعَ مِن أُذُنٍ كَريمٍ
فَنالوا مِنهُ أَنواعَ المَرامِ
28. They're a party, and all Egypt's a party
While you're deaf to the caller of unity
٢٨. هُمُ حِزبٌ وَسائِرُ مِصرَ حِزبٌ
وَأَنتَ أَصَمُّ عَن داعي الوِئامِ
29. How can a people have God's support
When their elite causes division?
٢٩. وَكَيفَ يَنالُ عَونَ اللَهِ قَومٌ
سَراتُهُمُ عَوامِلُ الاِنقِسامِ
30. When dreams overtake a people
The great ones act like tyrants
٣٠. إِذا الأَحلامُ في قَومٍ تَوَلَّت
أَتى الكُبَراءُ أَفعالَ الطَغامِ
31. O those nights, do not return
O time of hypocrisy, without peace
٣١. فَيا تِلكَ اللَيالي لا تَعودي
وَيا زَمَنَ النِفاقِ بِلا سَلامِ
32. I love you, Egypt, from my heart's depths
And this love is rooted in my heart's core
٣٢. أُحِبُّكِ مِصرُ مِن أَعماقِ قَلبي
وَحُبُّكِ في صَميمِ القَلبِ نامي
33. History will unite me with you one day
When the noble appear over the vile
٣٣. سَيَجمَعُني بِكِ التاريخُ يَوماً
إِذا ظَهَرَ الكِرامُ عَلى اللِئامِ
34. For your sake I roamed the world miserable
Turning my face from the world before me
٣٤. لِأَجلِكِ رُحتُ بِالدُنيا شَقِيّاً
أَصُدُّ الوَجهَ وَالدُنيا أَمامي
35. I see a paradise filled with wolves
So pride makes me shun the crowds
٣٥. وَأَنظُرُ جَنَّةً جَمَعَت ذِئاباً
فَيَصرُفُني الإِباءُ عَنِ الزِحامِ
36. Fearless, I gifted you a guardian
More firm against enemies than a sword
٣٦. وَهَبتُكِ غَيرَ هَيّابٍ يَراعاً
أَشَدَّ عَلى العَدُوِّ مِنَ الحُسامِ
37. They will write over meadows' soil about you
And in history - a page of blame
٣٧. سَيَكتُبُ عَنكِ فَوقَ ثَرى رِياضٍ
وَفي التاريخِ صَفحَةَ الاِتِّهامِ
38. At seventy, with the world in tatters
What's left but a good ending to hope for?
٣٨. أَفي السَبعينَ وَالدُنيا تَوَلَّت
وَلا يُرجى سِوى حُسنِ الخِتامِ
39. You who were Egypt's meadow
Are today just tribesmen in people's eyes
٣٩. تَكونُ وَأَنتَ رِياضُ مِصرٍ
عُرابي اليَومَ في نَظَرِ الأَنامِ