1. However long time may flow, a term is coming
That will clear your hands of the faithful friend.
١. أَجَلٌ وَإِن طالَ الزَمانُ مُوافي
أَخلى يَدَيكَ مِنَ الخَليلِ الوافي
2. Summoning to the truth, he donned humility
And wore the garments of guidance and chastity.
٢. داعٍ إِلى حَقٍّ أَهابَ بِخاشِعٍ
لَبِسَ النَذيرَ عَلى هُدىً وَعَفافِ
3. Youth has gone, with nothing to grieve for;
Only the finest of men feel its agony.
٣. ذَهَبَ الشَبابُ فَلَم يَكُن رُزئي بِهِ
دونَ المُصابِ بِصَفوَةِ الأُلّافِ
4. He was great, like the cedars, in his qualities,
Though spirits of solace are few in supply.
٤. جَلَلٌ مِنَ الأَرزاءِ في أَمثالِهِ
هِمَمُ العَزاءِ قَليلَةُ الإِسعافِ
5. Sorrows were light for him, however hard,
In the events of fate, which nothing can defy.
٥. خَفَّت لَهُ العَبَراتُ وَهيَ أَبِيَّةٌ
في حادِثاتِ الدَهرِ غَيرُ خِفافِ
6. Of all the lovely things you have lost,
Only the love of good men can replace and satisfy.
٦. وَلِكُلِّ ما أَتلَفتَ مِن مُستَكرَمٍ
إِلّا مَوَدّاتِ الرِجالِ تَلافِ
7. O world! Are you a sleeper's dream,
A night of revelry, a feast laid out?
٧. ما أَنتِ يا دُنيا أَرُؤيا نائِمٍ
أَم لَيلُ عُرسٍ أَم بِساطُ سُلافِ
8. Your luxuries are gardens, but brushed
By the blight of misery on their edges.
٨. نَعماؤُكِ الرَيحانُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
مَسَّت حَواشيهِ نَقيعَ زُعافِ
9. I kept an unwavering nature with you
Until I grasped your fickle, shifting quality.
٩. ما زِلتُ أَصحَبُ فيكِ خُلقاً ثابِتاً
حَتّى ظَفِرتُ بِخُلقِكِ المُتَنافي
10. The sacrificial lamb, so gentle, passed away,
Like the one who sacrificed him, in purity.
١٠. ذَهَبَ الذَبيحُ السَمحُ مِثلَ سَمِيِّهِ
طُهرَ المُكَفَّنِ طَيِّبَ الأَلفافِ
11. He who wore the shroud perfumed and pure
Spent the night slaughtering his own heart for his agonies -
١١. كَم باتَ يَذبَحُ صَدرَهُ لِشَكاتِهِ
أَتُراهُ يَحسَبُها مِنَ الأَضيافِ
12. Did he think they were guests to entertain?
Sorrows descended on his gentle dawn
١٢. نَزَلَت عَلى سَحرِ السَماحِ وَنَحرِهِ
وَتَقَلَّبَت في أَكرَمِ الأَكنافِ
13. And turned in the most generous of homes.
They clung to the most forgiving of chests
١٣. لَجَّت عَلى الصَدرِ الرَحيبِ وَبَرَّحَت
بِالكاظِمِ الغَيظَ الصَفوحِ العافي
14. And were soothed by the patient concealer of pain.
Nothing was harder than their cause -
١٤. ما كانَ أَقسى قَلبَها مِن عِلَّةٍ
عَلِقَت بِأَرحَمِ حَبَّةٍ وَشَغافِ
15. An illness clinging to the most merciful of hearts.
A heart whose care, if hearts could intertwine,
١٥. قَلبٌ لَوِ اِنتَظَمَ القُلوبَ حَنانُهُ
لَم يَبقَ قاسٍ في الجَوانِحِ جافي
16. Would leave none hardened in the souls.
So destiny cast him with mortality;
١٦. حَتّى رَماهُ بِالمَنِيَّةِ فَاِنجَلَت
مَن يَبتَلي بِقَضائِهِ وَيُعافي
17. He who is tried by His decree finds healing.
You set upon the orbiting sky, which did not turn,
١٧. أَخَنتَ عَلى الفَلَكِ المُدارِ فَلَم يَدُرِ
وَعَلى العُبابِ فَقَرَّ في الرَجّافِ
18. And the clouds, so you roamed the wastes.
The fire of genius blazed, leaving naught
١٨. وَمَضَت بِنارِ العَبقَرِيَّةِ لَم تَدَع
غَيرَ الرَمادِ وَدارِساتِ أَثافي
19. But ashes, and pages for the studious.
They carried on their shoulders the light of glory
١٩. حَمَلوا عَلى الأَكتافِ نورَ جَلالَةٍ
يَذَرُ العُيونَ حَواسِدَ الأَكتافِ
20. That shames the envious shoulders of others.
They shouldered the precious, orphaned bier -
٢٠. وَتَقَلَّدوا النَعشَ الكَريمَ يَتيمَةً
وَلَكَم نُعوشٍ في الرِقابِ زِيافِ
21. Far fewer litters are borne with honour.
The swaying poles had touched such nobility,
٢١. مُتَمايِلَ الأَعوادِ مِمّا مَسَّ مِن
كَرَمٍ وَمِمّا ضَمَّ مِن أَعطافِ
22. Such cherishing sides and encircling arms.
When the glory of death and the glory of genius are one,
٢٢. وَإِذا جَلالُ المَوتِ وافٍ سابِغٌ
وَإِذا جَلالُ العَبقَرِيَّةِ ضافي
23. How excellent they are when paired together!
O youths, reveling in your prime -
٢٣. وَيحَ الشَبابِ وَقَد تَخَطَّرَ بَينَهُم
هَل مُتِّعوا بِتَمَسُّحٍ وَطَوافِ
24. Will you enjoy such circling and rituals?
If he had lived, their leader and lord,
٢٤. لَو عاشَ قُدوَتُهُمُ وَرَبُّ لِوائِهِم
نَكَسَ اللِواءَ لِثابِتٍ وَقّافِ
25. The banner would be folded for resolute, halting feet.
How often when his love poured friendship
٢٥. فَلَكَم سَقاهُ الوُدَّ حينَ وِدادُهُ
حَربٌ لِأَهلِ الحُكمِ وَالإِشرافِ
26. It was war to the people of rule and command!
The people have no day until they rise again
٢٦. لا يَومَ لِلأَقوامِ حَتّى يَنهَضوا
بِقَوادِمٍ مِن أَمسِهِم وَخَوافي
27. With news of their past and terrified thoughts.
Do not let any domes that you see please you -
٢٧. لا يُعجِبَنَّكَ ما تَرى مِن قُبَّةٍ
ضَرَبوا عَلى مَوتاهُمُ وَطِرافِ
28. They built them over their dead with side chambers.
They attacked the clear truth with falsehood
٢٨. هَجَموا عَلى الحَقِّ المُبينِ بِباطِلٍ
وَعَلى سَبيلِ القَصدِ بِالإِسرافِ
29. And the straight path with prodigality.
They build God's house however they wish -
٢٩. يَبنونَ دارَ اللَهِ كَيفَ بَدا لَهُم
غُرُفاتِ مُثرٍ أَو سَقيفَةَ عافي
30. Adorned alcoves or a simple roof.
They embellish their graves like their palaces
٣٠. وَيُزَوِّرونَ قُبورَهُم كَقُصورِهُم
وَالأَرضُ تَضحَكُ وَالرُفاتُ السافي
31. While the earth laughs, and the empty dirt mocks.
The doe of the valley grieved for just one, my friend,
٣١. فُجِعَت رُبى الوادي بِواحِدِ أَيكِها
وَتَجَرَّعَت ثُكلَ الغَديرِ الصافي
32. And swallowed the agony of the clear brook.
She lost a beauty like springtime,
٣٢. فَقَدَت بَناناً كَالرَبيعِ مُجيدَةً
وَشيَ الرِياضِ وَصَنعَةَ الأَفوافِ
33. Which adorned the gardens and skilled cultivation.
If he lacked the ancestry of approval, then perhaps -
٣٣. إِن فاتَهُ نَسَبُ الرَضِيِّ فَرُبَّما
جَرَيا لِغايَةِ سُؤدُدٍ وَطِرافِ
34. Lineages often flow to the mean and lowly.
Or he was less of a father than Abu al-Rida,
٣٤. أَو كانَ دونَ أَبي الرَضِيِّ أُبُوَّةً
فَلَقَد أَعادَ بَيانَ عَبدِ مَنافِ
35. For he restored the eloquence of slaves.
The nobility of the Othmanis was the making of their souls -
٣٥. شَرَفُ العِصامِيّينَ صُنعُ نُفوسِهِم
مَن ذا يَقيسُ بِهِم بَني الأَشرافِ
36. Who can compare them to the nobility of others?
Say to one who points to his father and grandfather -
٣٦. قُل لِلمُشيرِ إِلى أَبيهِ وَجَدِّهِ
أَعَلِمتَ لِلقَمَرَينِ مِن أَسلافِ
37. Do you know the ancestry of the two moons?
If your builder Imran had not lived,
٣٧. لَو أَنَّ عُمراناً نِجارُكَ لَم تَسُد
حَتّى يُشارَ إِلَيكَ في الأَعرافِ
38. You would not be pointed to among the noble.
The Judge of Judges - a case befell him
٣٨. قاضي القُضاةِ جَرَت عَلَيهِ قَضِيَّةٌ
لِلمَوتِ لَيسَ لَها مِنِ اِستِئنافِ
39. With no appeal against death's decree.
The Ordainer of Rules is subject
٣٩. وَمُصَرِّفُ الأَحكامِ مَوكولٌ إِلى
حُكمِ المَنِيَّةِ ما لَهُ مِن كافي
40. To the rule of mortality, for which nothing suffices.
The boon companion of kings beneath their domes
٤٠. وَمُنادِمُ الأَملاكِ تَحتَ قِبابِهِم
أَمسى تُنادِمُهُ ذِئابُ فَيافي
41. Is entertained at night by howling wolves.
In a home where prey once circled,
٤١. في مَنزِلٍ دارَت عَلى الصيدِ العُلا
فيهِ الرَحى وَمَشَت عَلى الأَردافِ
42. The millstone turns, and feet tread upon the threshing floor.
The beauty of faces and their glory is gone -
٤٢. وَأُزيلَ مِن حُسنِ الوُجوهِ وَعِزِّها
ماكانَ يُعبَدُ مِن وَراءِ سِجافِ
43. What was worshipped behind the curtains.
Of every smooth charmer of bliss,
٤٣. مِن كُلِّ لَمّاحِ النَعيمِ تَقَلَّبَت
ديباجَتاهُ عَلى بِلىً وَجَفافِ
44. His silks turned to tatters and rags.
You see the skulls equalized in dust
٤٤. وَتَرى الجَماجِمَ في التُرابِ تَماثَلَت
بَعدَ العُقولِ تَماثُلَ الأَصدافِ
45. After intellects, like oyster shells.
You see the slaying eyes, robbed
٤٥. وَتَرى العُيونَ القاتِلاتِ بِنَظرَةٍ
مَنهوبَةَ الأَجفانِ وَالأَسيافِ
46. Of their lids and lashes in the sword's swipe.
You watch the laughing mouths - how often
٤٦. وَتُراعُ مِن ضَحِكِ الثُغورِ وَطالَما
فَتَنَت بِحُلوِ تَبَسُّمٍ وَهُتافِ
47. They seduced with the sweetness of smiles and calls!
The ages charge past generations like does
٤٧. غَزَتِ القُرونَ الذاهِبينَ غَزالَةٌ
دَمُهُم بِذِمَّةِ قَرنِها الرَعّافِ
48. Whose blood is owed to the prey of its claws.
Fate runs its course through them, and time runs
٤٨. يَجري القَضاءُ بِها وَيَجري الدَهرُ عَن
يَدِها فَيا لِثَلاثَةٍ أَحلافِ
49. From their hands - O three fast allies!
It casts the innocent with snares, and at times
٤٩. تَرمي البَرِيَّةَ بِالحُبولِ وَتارَةً
بِحَبائِلٍ مِن خَيطِها وَكَفافِ
50. With ropes from its threads, enough to suffice.
It wove three turbans and innovated
٥٠. نَسَجَت ثَلاثَ عَمائِمٍ وَاِستَحدَثَت
أَكفانَ مَوتى مِن ثِيابِ زَفافِ
51. Shrouds for the dead from wedding clothes.
O father of al-Husayn, greetings to your grave
٥١. أَأَبا الحُسَينِ تَحِيَّةً لِثَراكَ مِن
روحٍ وَرَيحانٍ وَعَذبِ نِطافِ
52. From a soul, a basil plant, and sweet blossoms!
Peace upon a family, companions in innocence,
٥٢. وَسَلامُ أَهلٍ وُلَّهٍ وَصَحابَةٍ
حَسرى عَلى تِلكَ الخِلالِ لِهافِ
53. Longing for those bygone days.
Have I anything but immortal verse
٥٣. هَل في يَدَيَّ سِوى قَريضٍ خالِدٍ
أُزجيهِ بَينَ يَدَيكَ لِلإِتحافِ
54. To present before you as a gift?
Nothing was nobler than this gift for you -
٥٤. ما كانَ أَكرَمَهُ عَلَيكَ فَهَل تَرى
أَنّي بَعَثتُ بِأَكرَمِ الأَلطافِ
55. Do you see me sending the noblest favours?
This is basil, but its breezes
٥٥. هَذا هُوَ الرَيحانُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
نَفَحاتُ تِلكَ الرَوضَةِ المِئنافِ
56. Are from the bloom of your meadow.
This is a pearl, but the cradle of its orphanhood
٥٦. وَالدُرُّ إِلّا أَنَّ مَهدَ يَتيمِهِ
بِالأَمسِ لُجَّةُ بَحرِكِ القَذّافِ
57. Was yesterday the surge of your sea.
Days I would rush in your dust as a youth,
٥٧. أَيّامَ أَمرَحُ في غُبارِكَ ناشِئاً
نَهجَ المِهارِ عَلى غُبارِ خِصافِ
58. Taking the path to excellence on the dust of threshing.
I learned the goals - how they are attained
٥٨. أَتَعَلَّمُ الغاياتِ كَيفَ تُرامُ في
مِضمارِ فَضلٍ أَو مَجالِ قَوافي
59. In the racecourse of virtue or the field of poetry.
O rider of the hump, release its reins -
٥٩. يا راكِبَ الحَدباءِ خَلِّ زِمامَها
لَيسَ السَبيلُ عَلى الدَليلِ بِخافي
60. The way is not hidden from the guide.
The people have bent to what is not to be ridden
٦٠. دانَ المَطِيَّ الناسُ غَيرَ مَطِيَّةٍ
لِلحَقِّ لا عَجلى وَلا ميجافِ
61. To truth, neither hurried nor indifferent.
Not to steeds or camels, but created
٦١. لا في الجِيادِ وَلا النِياقِ وَإِنَّما
خُلِقَت بِغَيرِ حَوافِرٍ وَخِفافِ
62. Without hooves, gentle of step.
It carries the riders to the station of guidance
٦٢. تَنتابُ بِالرُكبانِ مَنزِلَةَ الهُدى
وَتَؤُمُّ دارَ الحَقِّ وَالإِنصافِ
63. And leads to the abode of truth and equity.
It reached the Lord of Cities and ended
٦٣. قَد بَلَّغَت رَبَّ المَدائِنِ وَاِنتَهَت
حَيثُ اِنتَهَيتَ بِصاحِبِ الأَحقافِ
64. Where you ended with the Lord of the Trench.
Sleep a full sleep - morning is heedless
٦٤. نَم مِلءَ جَفنِكَ فَالغُدُوُّ غَوافِلٌ
عَمّا يَروعُكَ وَالعَشِيُّ غَوافي
65. Of what alarms you, and evening makes you forget.
On a bed whose merits suffice you -
٦٥. في مَضجَعٍ يَكفيكَ مِن حَسَناتِهِ
أَن لَيسَ جَنبُكَ عَنهُ بِالمُتَجافي
66. Your side does not turn from it in dislike.
Laugh at the decrees, undefeated -
٦٦. وَاِضحَك مِنَ الأَقدارِ غَيرَ مُعَجَّزٍ
فَاليَومَ لَستَ لَها مِنَ الأَهدافِ
67. Today you are not one of their targets.
Death, which you feared, you conquered,
٦٧. وَالمَوتُ كُنتَ تَخافُهُ بِكَ ظافِراً
حَتّى ظَفِرتَ بِهِ فَدعهُ كَفافِ
68. So leave it be, for that suffices.
Tell me, does theprecedence of affection fight
٦٨. قُل لي بِسابِقَةِ الوِدادِ أَقاتِلٌ
هُوَ حينَ يَنزِلُ بِالفَتى أَم شافي
69. Or heal when the young man falls?
In the earth, your parents are a treasure,
٦٩. في الأَرضِ من أَبَوَيكَ كِنزا رَحمَةٍ
وَهَوىً وَذَلِكَ مِن جِوارٍ كافي
70. Affection and longing - enough company.
With it is your youth, and the gentle ones wept -
٧٠. وَبِها شَبابُكَ وَاللِداتُ بَكَيتُهُ
وَبَكَيتُهُم بِالمَدمَعِ الذَرّافِ
71. I wept for them with a flooding tear.
Go like the lamp of the sky - both of you
٧١. فَاِذهَب كَمِصباحِ السَماءِ كِلاكُما
مالَ النَهارُ بِهِ وَلَيسَ بِطافي
72. The day leans upon, and neither hovers.
The sun is succeeded by stars, and you by
٧٢. الشَمسُ تُخلَفُ بِالنُجومِ وَأَنتَ بِال
آثارِ وَالأَخبارِ وَالأَوصافِ
73. Traces, news, and descriptions.
He conquered life, a youth who fills its place
٧٣. غَلَبَ الحَياةَ فَتىً يَسُدُّ مَكانَها
بِالذِكرِ فَهوَ لَها بَديلٌ وافي