
It is said there was a field mouse

يقال كانت فأرة الغيطان

1. It is said there was a field mouse
Who wandered with her two sons over the haystacks

١. يُقالُ كانَت فَأرَةُ الغيطانِ
تَتيهُ بِاِبنَيها عَلى الفيرانِ

2. She named the elder Light of the Field
And taught him to walk over thread

٢. قَد سَمَّتِ الأَكبَرَ نورَ الغَيطِ
وَعَلَّمَتهُ المَشيَ فَوقَ الخَيطِ

3. So he came to know the meadows and pastures
And mastered going in and coming out

٣. فَعَرَفَ الغِياضَ وَالمُروجا
وَأَتقَنَ الدُخولَ وَالخُروجا

4. And became in his craft like his forebears
And lived happily like a farmer

٤. وَصارَ في الحِرفَةِ كَالآباءِ
وَعاشَ كَالفَلّاحِ في هَناءِ

5. But the younger broke his mother's heart
With arrogance, and she was perplexed what to name him

٥. وَأَتعَبَ الصَغيرُ قَلبَ الأُمِّ
بِالكِبرِ فَاِحتارَت بِما تُسَمّي

6. So he said, name me Light of the Palace
For I, mother, am the mouse of the age

٦. فَقالَ سَمّيني بِنورِ القَصرِ
لِأَنَّني يا أُمُّ فَأرُ العَصرِ

7. I see what my brother cannot see
So I have a path and he has a path

٧. إِنّي أَرى ما لَم يَرَ الشَقيقُ
فَلي طَريقٌ وَلَهُ طَريقُ

8. I will enter house after house
Leaping from shelf to jar

٨. لَأَدخُلَنَّ الدارَ بَعدَ الدارِ
وَثباً مِنَ الرَفِّ إِلى الكَرارِ

9. Perhaps if my feet prove steady
And I attain, O all I wish, my hopes

٩. لَعَلَّني إِن ثَبَتَت أَقدامي
وَنُلتُ يا كُلَّ المُنى مَرامي

10. I will bring you what I find in the house
Of honey or cheese or oil

١٠. آتيكُما بِما أَرى في البَيتِ
مِن عَسَلٍ أَو جُبنَةٍ أَو زَيتِ

11. So his mother inclined to the younger one
And drew him close, hugging him

١١. فَعَطَفَت عَلى الصَغيرِ أُمُّه
وَأَقبَلَت مِن وَجدِها تَضُمُّه

12. Saying, I fear for you, O victim of appetite
The darkness of houses

١٢. تَقولُ إِنّي يا قَتيلَ القوتِ
أَخشى عَلَيكَ ظُلمَةَ البُيوتِ

13. Your father saw it fit
For you to be a farmer like him

١٣. كانَ أَبوكَ قَد رَأى الفَلاحا
في أَن تَكونَ مِثلَهُ فَلّاحا

14. So do as he advised and gladden my soul
Or go safely under God's protection

١٤. فَاِعمَل بِما أَوصى تُرِح جَناني
أَو لا فَسِر في ذِمَّةِ الرَحمَنِ

15. But the mouse just laughed and shook his shoulder
And said, whoever said that is senile

١٥. فَاِستَضحَكَ الفَأرُ وَهَزَّ الكَتِفا
وَقالَ مَن قالَ بِذا قَد خَرِفا

16. Then he went ahead with his resolve
And swore his mother to secrecy

١٦. ثُمَّ مَضى لِما عَلَيهِ صَمَّما
وَعاهَدَ الأُمَّ عَلى أَن تَكتُما

17. So every Friday he came
With cheese in his mouth or candle fat

١٧. فَكانَ يَأتي كُلَّ يَومِ جُمعَه
وَجُبنَةٌ في فَمِهِ أَو شَمعَه

18. Until a month passed and the next month
And the thief was found out and the matter spread

١٨. حَتّى مَضى الشَهرُ وَجاءَ الشَهرُ
وَعُرِفَ اللِصُّ وَشاعَ الأَمرُ

19. So one day he came to her in turmoil
And she asked him where did he leave his tail

١٩. فَجاءَ يَوماً أُمَّهُ مُضطَرِباً
فَسَأَلتُهُ أَينَ خَلّى الذَنَبا

20. He said there's nothing strange
In honey to have sunk and in honey to be lost

٢٠. فَقالَ لَيسَ بِالفَقيدِ مِن عَجَب
في الشَهدِ قَد غاصَ وَفي الشَهدِ ذَهَب

21. And he came to her a second time, ashamed
Hiding from her that he had lost a leg

٢١. وَجاءَها ثانِيَةً في خَجَلِ
مِنها يُداري فَقدَ إِحدى الأَرجُلِ

22. He said, "A shelf I did not jump well from
Has left me limping in the heights."

٢٢. فَقالَ رَفٌّ لَم أصِبهُ عالي
صَيَّرَني أَعرج في المَعالي

23. And on the third time the mouse's son
Had broken his custom of visiting

٢٣. وَكانَ في الثالِثَةِ اِبنُ الفارَه
قَد أَخلَفَ العادَةَ في الزِيارَه

24. So her heart was troubled for him and aflame
And the mother set out to him in haste

٢٤. فَاِشتَغَلَ القَلبُ عَلَيهِ وَاِشتَعَل
وَسارَتِ الأُمُّ لَهُ عَلى عَجَل

25. And found him on the road, flung down
His bones crushed to powder

٢٥. فَصادَفتهُ في الطَريقِ مُلقى
قَد سُحِقَت مِنهُ العِظامُ سَحقا

26. So the mother cried out wailing, "Woe!"
"The heights have killed my son!"

٢٦. فَناحَتِ الأُمُّ وَصاحَت واها
إِنَّ المَعالي قَتَلَت فَتاها