1. He startled her, so she turned away angry
Do you know how gazelles are startled?
١. رَوَّعوهُ فَتَوَلّى مُغضَبا
أَعَلِمتُم كَيفَ تَرتاعُ الظِبا
2. She was created gentle and carefree
Maybe the passing breeze alarmed her
٢. خُلِقَت لاهِيَةً ناعِمَةً
رُبَّما رَوَّعَها مُرُّ الصَبا
3. I have a beloved, whenever told
He believes the words and purifies any doubt
٣. لي حَبيبٌ كُلَّما قيلَ لَهُ
صَدَّقَ القَولَ وَزَكّى الرِيَبا
4. The blamers lied in what they claimed
My hope in my darling didn't lie
٤. كَذَبَ العُذّالُ فيما زَعَموا
أَمَلي في فاتِني ما كَذَبا
5. If we were seen, love between us
And darkness spreading its veils over us
٥. لَو رَأَونا وَالهَوى ثالِثُنا
وَالدُجى يُرخي عَلَينا الحُجُبا
6. Under cover of night in its custody
We'd mention dawn so it wouldn't come near
٦. في جِوارِ اللَيلِ في ذِمَّتِهِ
نَذكُرُ الصُبحَ بِأَن لا يَقرُبا
7. Our embrace was chaste love and passion
Protecting beauty and virtuous manners
٧. مِلءُ بُردَينا عَفافٌ وَهَوى
حَفظَ الحُسنَ وَصُنتُ الأَدَبا
8. O gazelle who filled my heart with him
My heart slopes and bends as his playground
٨. يا غَزالاً أَهِلَ القَلبُ بِهِ
قَلبِيَ السَفحُ وَأَحنى مَلعَبا
9. For you whatever you loved of his love
A fresh, sweet spring and pleasant meadow
٩. لَكَ ما أَحبَبتَ مِن حَبَّتِهِ
مَنهَلاً عَذباً وَمَرعىً طَيِّبا
10. He's owned by the First Master of him
How can I complain that he was taken
١٠. هُوَ عِندَ المالِكِ الأَولى بِهِ
كَيفَ أَشكو أَنَّهُ قَد سُلِبا
11. If He saw best to keep his possession
Or saw best to destroy him and was content
١١. إِن رَأى أَبقى عَلى مَملوكِهِ
أَو رَأى أَتلَفَهُ وَاِحتَسَبا
12. For you a tall lithe form that bent before him
And the rubies wished they could wear him
١٢. لَكَ قَدٌّ سَجَدَ البانُ لَهُ
وَتَمَنَّت لَو أَقَلَّتهُ الرُبى
13. And a gaze of the magic of his eyes
That gathered arrows and antelope
١٣. وَلِحاظٌ مِن مَعاني سِحرِهِ
جَمَعَ الجَفنُ سِهاماً وَظُبى
14. My heart had enough of this
What's left for my heart and love after youth?
١٤. كانَ عَن هَذا لِقَلبي غُنيَةٌ
ما لِقَلبِيَ وَالهَوى بَعدَ الصِبا
15. My nature is not to captivate hearts with it
The poet was created generous and enchanting
١٥. فِطرَتي لا آخُذُ القَلبَ بِها
خُلِقَ الشاعِرُ سَمحاً طَرِبا
16. If they extolled your beauty or sang of it
Labid would be in his eighties youthful
١٦. لَو جَلَوا حُسنَكَ أَو غَنّوا بِهِ
لِلَبيدٍ في الثَمانينَ صَبا
17. O soul, you find life futile
Have you seen life as anything but play?
١٧. أَيُّها النَفسُ تَجِدّينَ سُدىً
هَل رَأَيتِ العَيشَ إِلّا لَعِبا
18. Try the world, and you'll find it - as you've tried -
The world is most disdained by those who've tried
١٨. جَرِّبي الدُنيا تَهُن عِندَكِ ما
أَهوَنَ الدُنيا عَلى مَن جَرَّبا
19. You've gained from its appearance what you've gained
And you were granted eternity in name and deeds
١٩. نِلتِ فيما نِلتِ مِن مَظهَرِها
وَمُنِحتِ الخُلدَ ذِكراً وَنَبا