1. On which gardens are we passing,
And in which gardens are we settling?
١. عَلى أَيِّ الجِنانِ بِنا تَمُرُّ
وَفي أَيِّ الحَدائِقِ تَستَقِرُّ
2. Go slowly, O greatest ship!
You have taken us to spacious lands, so you are free.
٢. رُوَيداً أَيُّها الفُلكُ الأَبَرُّ
بَلَغتَ بِنا الرُبوعَ فَأَنتَ حُرُّ
3. You stayed up while the people slept
As if their boredom and where to did not bother you.
٣. سَهِرتَ وَلَم تَنَم لِلرَكبِ عَينُ
كَأَن لَم يُضوِهِم ضَجَرٌ وَأَينُ
4. The sea waves urge your pace, or even two seas,
No, it is the Ibreez, no, it is a wider horizon.
٤. يَحُثُّ خُطاكَ لُجٌّ بَل لُجَينُ
بَلِ الإِبريزُ بَل أُفقٌ أَغَرُّ
5. On something like plains amidst the waters
The islands surround you like gray-haired elders,
٥. عَلى شِبهِ السُهولِ مِنَ المِياهِ
تُحيطُ بِكَ الجَزائِرُ كَالشِياهِ
6. And you are for them an alert, attentive shepherd
Who returns with the darkness and does not flee.
٦. وَأَنتَ لَهُنَّ راعٍ ذو اِنتِباهِ
تَكُرُّ مَعَ الظَلامِ وَلا تَفِرُّ
7. The moon floats above you in the haze,
Lofty in highness without end,
٧. يُنيفُ البَدرُ فَوقَكَ بِالهَباءِ
رَفيعاً في السُمُوِّ بِلا اِنتِهاءِ
8. Your eyes meet as if destined to unite,
While below the meeting lies the universe and time.
٨. تَخالُكُما العُيونُ إِلى اِلتِقاءِ
وَدونَ المُلتَقى كَونٌ وَدَهرُ
9. Until it was said this is the Dardanelles,
So you sailed to it while dawn was the guide
٩. إِلى أَن قيلَ هَذا الدَردَنيلُ
فَسِرتَ إِلَيهِ وَالفَجرُ الدَليلُ
10. That allowed you safe passage through it.
For if it did not allow, the water was wine.
١٠. يُجيزُكَ وَالأَمانُ بِهِ سَبيلُ
إِذا هُوَ لَم يُجِز فَالماءُ خَمرُ
11. You pass the fortresses and mountains
With one height above another, behind a high peak,
١١. تَمُرُّ مِنَ المَعاقِلِ وَالجِبالِ
بِعالٍ فَوقَ عالٍ خَلفَ عالي
12. Whenever it gestured, the nights would stop
And events would protect you, so you pass unaffected.
١٢. إِذا أَومَأنَ وَقَّفَتِ اللَيالي
وَتَحمي الحادِثاتُ فَلا تَمُرُّ
13. Some facing each other, artillery batteries,
Some ascending, some descending,
١٣. مَدافِعُ بَعضَها مُتَقابِلاتُ
وَمِنها الصاعِداتُ النازِلاتُ
14. Some visible, others concealed
Hidden in rocks or covered.
١٤. وَمِنها الظاهِراتُ وَأُخرَياتُ
تَوارى في الصُخورِ وَتَستَسِرُّ
15. If only the seas had flowed two hundred folds,
And if all the waves were ships,
١٥. فَلَو أَنَّ البِحارَ جَرَت مِئينا
وَكانَ اللُجُّ أَجمَعُهُ سَفينا
16. In order to meet a way out, we would have met for a while,
Before reaching the strait, harm touches.
١٦. لِتَلقى مَنفَذاً لَلَقينَ حَينا
وَلَمّا يَمسَسِ البوغازَ ضُرُّ
17. After the archipelago and what follows it
And getting lost in the worlds, lost,
١٧. وَبَعدَ الأَرخَبيلُ وَما يَليهِ
وَتيهٍ في العَيالِمِ تيهِ
18. The light of dawn appeared, so you sailed in it
To the Bosphorus, and the berth drew near.
١٨. بَدا ضَوءُ الصَباحِ فَسِرتَ فيهِ
إِلى البُسفورِ وَاِقتَرَبَ المَقَرُّ
19. The cities accompany you, and the people,
A ship between sailing and anchoring,
١٩. تُسايِرُكَ المَدائِنُ وَالأَناسي
وَفُلكٌ بَينَ جَوّالٍ وَراسي
20. And the islands and headlands embrace you,
And the rocks flow gently for you, yet they are rock.
٢٠. وَتَحضُنُكَ الجَزائِرُ وَالرَواسي
وَتَجري رِقَّةً لَكَ وَهيَ صَخرُ
21. You sail from the horizon to the strait,
Now you are on the open sea,
٢١. تَسيرُ مِنَ الفَضاءِ إِلى المَضيقِ
فَآناً أَنتَ في بَحرٍ طَليقِ
22. And another time by a mighty valley,
As if a waterfall stood by it, a river.
٢٢. وَآوِنَةً لَدى مَجرىً سَحيقٍ
كَما الشَلّالُ قامَ لَدَيهِ نَهرُ
23. And you come to the horizon, folding it like a register,
To another like a mirage when it strays.
٢٣. وَتَأَتي الأُفقَ تَطويهِ سِجِلّاً
لِآخَرَ كَالسَرابِ إِذا أَضَلّا
24. If we say the ports of call, it is said no,
For before reaching them, there is a plain and an evening.
٢٤. إِذا قُلنا المَنازِلُ قيلَ كَلّا
فَدونَ بُلوغِها ظُهرٌ وَعَصرُ
25. Until the daylight settled at its prime,
And to the beholder, the lands became clear.
٢٥. إِلى أَن حَلَّ في الأَوجِ النَهارُ
وَلِلرائي تَبَيَّنَتِ الدِيارُ
26. So we said, “Is that the sun in it or blossoms?”
It is ruby, coral, and pearls.
٢٦. فَقُلنا الشَمسُ فيها أَم نُضارُ
وَياقوتٌ وَمُرجانٌ وَدُرُّ
27. And we wished you would take us floating,
And where is eternity through you, where?
٢٧. وَدِدنا لَو مَشَيتَ بِنا الهُوَينا
وَأَينَ الخُلودُ لَدَيكَ أَينا
28. So our spirit would delight and our eye be content
With the best it saw in the voyage of the sea,
٢٨. لِنَبهَجَ خاطِراً وَنَقَرَّ عَيناً
بِأَحسَنِ ما رَأى في البَحرِ سَفرُ
29. With a tablet combining beautiful images,
And a book singular in imagination,
٢٩. بِلَوحٍ جامِعِ الصُّوَرِ الغَوالي
وَديوانٍ تَفَرَّدَ بِالخَيالِ
30. And a mirror of scenes and spaces,
Through which nature passes as it passes.
٣٠. وَمِرآةِ المَناظِرِ وَالمَجالي
تَمُرُّ بِها الطَبيعَةُ ما تَمُرُّ
31. A space exemplified as paradise in it,
And a sight in the seas without equal.
٣١. فَضاءٌ مُثِّلَ الفِردَوسُ فيهِ
وَمَرأَىً في البِحارِ بِلا شَبيهِ
32. So alas, O daughters of poetry, alas!
What is your excuse for neglecting poetry?
٣٢. فَإيهٍ يا بَناتِ الشِعرِ إيهِ
فَمالَكِ في عُقوقِ الشِعرِ عُذرُ
33. For your sake I traveled by land and sea,
And you, for ages, you in every place
٣٣. لِأَجلِكِ سِرتُ في بَرٍّ وَبَحرِ
وَأَنتِ الدَهرَ أَنتِ بِكُلِّ قُطرِ
34. Were affectionate to nature except Egypt.
And you said in the presence of nature, where is Egypt?
٣٤. حَنَنتِ إِلى الطَبيعَةِ دونَ مِصرِ
وَقُلتِ لَدى الطَبيعَةِ أَينَ مِصرُ
35. Why didn't the melting lead shake you,
And this tablet and the wondrous pen,
٣٥. فَهَلّا هَزَّكِ التِبرُ المُذابُ
وَهَذا اللَوحُ وَالقَلَمُ العُجابُ
36. With no barrier between them and me,
Nor over the signs is there any veil on me.
٣٦. وَما بَيني وَبَينَهُما حِجابُ
وَلا دوني عَلى الآياتِ سِترُ
37. Directions or virgins, seas or sky or plants?
And are those islands or lamps?
٣٧. جِهاتٌ أَم عَذارى حالِياتُ
وَماءٌ أَم سَماءٌ أَم نَباتُ
38. And how is their rising while the time is noon?
The horizon framed them yellow, yet they are green,
٣٨. وَتِلكَ جَزائِرٌ أَم نَيِّراتُ
وَكَيفَ طُلوعُها وَالوَقتُ ظُهرُ
39. Like flowers below them in the meadow, flowers.
The sea leaned towards them and coiled.
٣٩. جَلاها الأُفقُ صُفراً وَهيَ خُضرُ
كَزَهرٍ دونَهُ في الرَوضِ زَهرُ
40. As if the sides of the basin betrayed them suddenly.
Through them mosques loom with minarets,
٤٠. لَوى نَحرٌ بِها وَاِلتَفَّ بَحرُ
كَما مَلَكَت جِهاتِ الدَوحِ غُدرُ
41. And forts connect, towering,
Tiered above unevenly,
٤١. تَلوحُ بِها المَساجِدُ باذِخاتِ
وَتَتَّصِلُ المَعاقِلُ شامِخاتُ
42. The land with them sank and the land rose.
And how much land beyond, above land,
٤٢. طِباقاً في العُلى مُتَفاوِتاتِ
سَما بَرٌّ بِها وَاِنحَطَّ بَرُّ
43. And meadows above meadows, above meadows,
And houses some above others,
٤٣. وَكَم أَرضٍ هُنالِكَ فَوقَ أَرضِ
وَرَوضٍ فَوقَ رَوضٍ فَوقَ رَوضِ
44. Like lines in a book, above them lines,
Lines no drawing can encompass
٤٤. وَدورٍ بَعضُها مِن فَوقِ بَعضِ
كَسَطرٍ في الكِتابِ عَلاهُ سَطرِ
45. And no knowledge can count their meanings,
Which if read together compose an ode,
٤٥. سُطورٌ لا يُحيطُ بِهِنَّ رَسمٌ
وَلا يُحصي مَعانيهِنَّ عِلمُ
46. And if read individually, compose prose.
They grow more fragrant as they draw near and purify,
٤٦. إِذا قُرِئَت جَميعاً فَهيَ نَظمُ
وَإِن قُرِئَت فُرادى فَهيَ نَثرُ
47. And a thread connects them from the horizons.
They resemble what - so the palace is a ship,
٤٧. تَأَرَّجُ كُلَّما اِقتَرَبَت وَتَزكو
وَيَجمَعُها مِنَ الآفاقِ سِلكُ
48. At a distance from us, and the ship a palace.
And a letter N sails below them in the sea,
٤٨. تُشاكِلُ ما بِهِ فَالقَصرُ فُلكُ
عَلى بُعدٍ لَنا وَالفُلكُ قَصرُ
49. Dotted by the ship from the Bosphorus.
As if the paths in it are springs for us,
٤٩. وَنونٌ دونَها في البَحرِ نونُ
مِنَ البُسفورِ نَقَّطَها السَفينُ
50. And the sailor does not settle.
There safety surrounded us in its shelter,
٥٠. كَأَنَّ السُبلَ فيهِ لَنا عُيونٌ
وَإِنسانُ السَفينَةِ لا يَقِرُّ
51. And wellbeing encircled us in its refuge.
So we cast the anchors and settled
٥١. هُنالِكَ حَفَّتِ النُعمى خُطانا
وَحاطَتنا السَلامَةُ في حِمانا
52. In a building for the caliphate, most splendid.
O you who seek the most wondrous sight,
٥٢. فَأَلقَينا المَراسِيَ وَاِحتَوانا
بِناءٌ لِلخِلافَةِ مُشمَخِرُّ
53. And loves it, conscious or listening!
You have seen all the beauties of the world,
٥٣. فَيا مَن يَطلُبِ المَرأى البَديعا
وَيَعشَقهُ شَهيداً أَو سَميعا
54. For they are the Waw and the Bosphorus is Amrou.
٥٤. رَأَيتَ مَحاسِنَ الدُنيا جَميعاً
فَهُنَّ الواوُ وَالبُسفورُ عَمرو