
A greeting from the cold of morning whose chill makes me shiver,

سلام من صبا بردى أرق

1. A greeting from the cold of morning whose chill makes me shiver,
And tears that cannot be stemmed, oh Damascus!

١. سَلامٌ مِن صَبا بَرَدى أَرَقُّ
وَدَمعٌ لا يُكَفكَفُ يا دِمَشقُ

2. Excuse the dialect and rhymes,
The calamity is too grave for description to match.

٢. وَمَعذِرَةُ اليَراعَةِ وَالقَوافي
جَلالُ الرُزءِ عَن وَصفٍ يَدِقُّ

3. Memories stir feelings in my heart,
Thoughts of you forever pulsate within me.

٣. وَذِكرى عَن خَواطِرِها لِقَلبي
إِلَيكِ تَلَفُّتٌ أَبَداً وَخَفقُ

4. The nights have wounded me with what they inflicted upon you,
Injuries that cut deep into the heart.

٤. وَبي مِمّا رَمَتكِ بِهِ اللَيالي
جِراحاتٌ لَها في القَلبِ عُمقُ

5. I entered while the roots were entangled,
Your face of beaming features so serene.

٥. دَخَلتُكِ وَالأَصيلُ لَهُ اِئتِلاقٌ
وَوَجهُكِ ضاحِكُ القَسَماتِ طَلقُ

6. Beneath your orchards rivers flow,
Your meadows filled with leaves and plants.

٦. وَتَحتَ جِنانِكِ الأَنهارُ تَجري
وَمِلءُ رُباكِ أَوراقٌ وَوُرقُ

7. Around me young men, morning's first light,
Excelling in merit and lead.

٧. وَحَولي فِتيَةٌ غُرٌّ صِباحٌ
لَهُم في الفَضلِ غاياتٌ وَسَبقُ

8. Poets of eloquence sparkle at their gatherings,
Orators of influence at their assemblies.

٨. عَلى لَهَواتِهِم شُعَراءُ لُسنٌ
وَفي أَعطافِهِم خُطَباءُ شُدقُ

9. My poems are recited by transmitters, and wondrous in every place they reach,
The lions' noses twisted, their caves ignited.

٩. رُواةُ قَصائِدي فَاِعجَب لِشِعرٍ
بِكُلِّ مَحَلَّةٍ يَرويهِ خَلقُ

10. Each freeman among the Umayyads cried out,
Noble and resolute against their grasp.

١٠. غَمَزتُ إِباءَهُم حَتّى تَلَظَّت
أُنوفُ الأُسدِ وَاِضطَرَمَ المَدَقُّ

11. News reached the Caliph in succession, grieving his ears,
Detailed in his mail, summarized across horizons in his messages.

١١. وَضَجَّ مِنَ الشَكيمَةِ كُلُّ حُرٍّ
أَبِيٍّ مِن أُمَيَّةَ فيهِ عِتقُ

12. The events seem almost legendary,
Yet are in fact reality in their truth.

١٢. لَحاها اللَهُ أَنباءً تَوالَت
عَلى سَمعِ الوَلِيِّ بِما يَشُقُّ

13. It's said the landmarks of history were obscured,
That they were damaged and burned.

١٣. يُفَصِّلُها إِلى الدُنيا بَريدٌ
وَيُجمِلُها إِلى الآفاقِ بَرقُ

14. Are you not, Damascus, the bosom-mate of Islam,
The nurturer of glorious leadership, steadfast.

١٤. تَكادُ لِرَوعَةِ الأَحداثِ فيها
تُخالُ مِنَ الخُرافَةِ وَهيَ صِدقُ

15. Saladin's crown did not adorn you more beautifully,
No insignia made you shine brighter.

١٥. وَقيلَ مَعالِمُ التاريخِ دُكَّت
وَقيلَ أَصابَها تَلَفٌ وَحَرقُ

16. Every civilization rising on this earth
Has roots in your exalted soil.

١٦. أَلَستِ دِمَشقُ لِلإِسلامِ ظِئراً
وَمُرضِعَةُ الأُبُوَّةِ لا تُعَقُّ

17. Your sky is a book of bygone treasures,
Your land pages of history's manuscript.

١٧. صَلاحُ الدينِ تاجُكَ لَم يُجَمَّل
وَلَم يوسَمَ بِأَزيَنَ مِنهُ فَرقُ

18. You built the great state and the kingdom,
Civilizations' dust not dimming their brilliance.

١٨. وَكُلُّ حَضارَةٍ في الأَرضِ طالَت
لَها مِن سَرحِكِ العُلوِيِّ عِرقُ

19. In Syria its flags and weddings,
Good tidings reaching Andalusia's shores.

١٩. سَماؤُكِ مِن حُلى الماضي كِتابٌ
وَأَرضُكِ مِن حُلى التاريخِ رِقُّ

20. Eternity's meadows and the tales of their beauty,
Are they truer that they have faded?

٢٠. بَنَيتِ الدَولَةَ الكُبرى وَمُلكاً
غُبارُ حَضارَتَيهِ لا يُشَقُّ

21. Are the gardens' chambers still luxurious,
Does their bliss remain as before?

٢١. لَهُ بِالشامِ أَعلامٌ وَعُرسٌ
بَشائِرُهُ بِأَندَلُسٍ تَدُقُّ

22. Where are the citadels' statues in their finery,
Scattered and torn covers?

٢٢. رُباعُ الخلدِ وَيحَكِ ما دَهاها
أَحَقٌّ أَنَّها دَرَسَت أَحَقُّ

23. They came out while fires blazed in the palace corners,
Chicks chirping behind the palace.

٢٣. وَهَل غُرَفُ الجِنانِ مُنَضَّداتٌ
وَهَل لِنَعيمِهِنَّ كَأَمسِ نَسقُ

24. If safety was sort from one path,
Other paths led to death's door.

٢٤. وَأَينَ دُمى المَقاصِرِ مِن حِجالٍ
مُهَتَّكَةٍ وَأَستارٍ تُشَقُّ

25. Nights of shelling and death,
Behind the sky, seizure and thunder.

٢٥. بَرَزنَ وَفي نَواحي الأَيكِ نارٌ
وَخَلفَ الأَيكِ أَفراخٌ تُزَقُّ

26. When iron storms reddened horizons,
Darkening horizons on their fringes.

٢٦. إِذا رُمنَ السَلامَةَ مِن طَريقٍ
أَتَت مِن دونِهِ لِلمَوتِ طُرقُ

27. Greet whoever guarded your dignity after frailty,
Whose heart defied the stone's hardness.

٢٧. بِلَيلٍ لِلقَذائِفِ وَالمَنايا
وَراءَ سَمائِهِ خَطفٌ وَصَعقُ

28. And to the colonists, even if
Their hearts remain unmoved as rocks.

٢٨. إِذا عَصَفَ الحَديدُ اِحمَرَّ أُفقٌ
عَلى جَنَباتِهِ وَاِسوَدَّ أُفقُ

29. France struck you in its arrogance, a warlike
Dullard in its insolence and foolishness.

٢٩. سَلي مَن راعَ غيدَكِ بَعدَ وَهنٍ
أَبَينَ فُؤادِهِ وَالصَخرِ فَرقُ

30. When freedom's seekers come to it
It says: 'A gang came out and rebelled.'

٣٠. وَلِلمُستَعمِرينَ وَإِن أَلانو
قُلوبٌ كَالحِجارَةِ لا تَرِقُّ

31. France knows that blood of revolution
Is light and truth.

٣١. رَماكِ بِطَيشِهِ وَرَمى فَرَنسا
أَخو حَربٍ بِهِ صَلَفٌ وَحُمقُ

32. In its land life once flowed,
As rain from the sky and bounty within.

٣٢. إِذا ماجاءَهُ طُلّابُ حَقٍّ
يَقولُ عِصابَةٌ خَرَجوا وَشَقّوا

33. A country whose youth died for it to live,
And vanished so their people survive.

٣٣. دَمُ الثُوّارِ تَعرِفُهُ فَرَنسا
وَتَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ نورٌ وَحَقُّ

34. Rivers flowed with the nations' freedom,
How then can their freedom be denied?

٣٤. جَرى في أَرضِها فيهِ حَياةٌ
كَمُنهَلِّ السَماءِ وَفيهِ رِزقُ

35. Sons of Syria, cast away your wishes,
Abandon your dreams.

٣٥. بِلادٌ ماتَ فِتيَتُها لِتَحيا
وَزالوا دونَ قَومِهِمُ لِيَبقوا

36. For political tricks may fool you
With princely titles while in chains.

٣٦. وَحُرِّرَتِ الشُعوبُ عَلى قَناها
فَكَيفَ عَلى قَناها تُستَرَقُّ

37. How the lowly seemed easy prey,
Bending like the crucified.

٣٧. بَني سورِيَّةَ اِطَّرِحوا الأَماني
وَأَلقوا عَنكُمُ الأَحلامَ أَلقوا

38. Rulers' favors come and go,
But the oppressed remain in shards.

٣٨. فَمِن خِدَعِ السِياسَةِ أَن تُغَرّوا
بِأَلقابِ الإِمارَةِ وَهيَ رِقُّ

39. I counseled though we differed in homes,
Yet we are one in worry and plight.

٣٩. وَكَم صَيَدٍ بَدا لَكَ مِن ذَليلٍ
كَما مالَت مِنَ المَصلوبِ عُنقُ

40. When homelands differ, unity of word
Brings us together in speech and call.

٤٠. فُتوقُ المُلكِ تَحدُثُ ثُمَّ تَمضي
وَلا يَمضي لِمُختَلِفينَ فَتقُ

41. You stood between death or life,
If you seek this life's bliss--then tear it down!

٤١. نَصَحتُ وَنَحنُ مُختَلِفونَ داراً
وَلَكِن كُلُّنا في الهَمِّ شَرقُ

42. In every freeman's blood nations have
A pledged hand and owed debt.

٤٢. وَيَجمَعُنا إِذا اِختَلَفَت بِلادٌ
بَيانٌ غَيرُ مُختَلِفٍ وَنُطقُ

43. Who drinks and sates himself on death
While the free go thirsty--this cannot be justice!

٤٣. وَقَفتُم بَينَ مَوتٍ أَو حَياةٍ
فَإِن رُمتُم نَعيمَ الدَهرِ فَاِشقوا

44. Victims do not build kingdoms,
Do not draw near to rights or make them just.

٤٤. وَلِلأَوطانِ في دَمِ كُلِّ حُرٍّ
يَدٌ سَلَفَت وَدَينٌ مُستَحِقُّ

45. For in the dead generations find life,
In prisoners, ransom and liberation.

٤٥. وَمَن يَسقى وَيَشرَبُ بِالمَنايا
إِذا الأَحرارُ لَم يُسقوا وَيَسقوا

46. To freedom's red dawn every blood-stained hand
Is a gate that will be knocked down.

٤٦. وَلا يَبني المَمالِكَ كَالضَحايا
وَلا يُدني الحُقوقَ وَلا يُحِقُّ

47. May He of Majesty reward you, Damascus' sons,
The East's glory begins with Damascus.

٤٧. فَفي القَتلى لِأَجيالٍ حَياةٌ
وَفي الأَسرى فِدىً لَهُمو وَعِتقُ

48. You helped your brother in his ordeal,
Each brother helping his brother is but right.

٤٨. وَلِلحُرِّيَّةِ الحَمراءِ بابٌ
بِكُلِّ يَدٍ مُضَرَّجَةٍ يُدَقُّ

49. The Druze were never evil folk,
Though blamed beyond what they deserved.

٤٩. جَزاكُم ذو الجَلالِ بَني دِمَشقٍ
وَعِزُّ الشَرقِ أَوَّلُهُ دِمَشقُ

50. Yet protection of a guest,
Like the spring of purity, dirtied and disturbed.

٥٠. نَصَرتُم يَومَ مِحنَتِهِ أَخاكُم
وَكُلُّ أَخٍ بِنَصرِ أَخيهِ حَقُّ

51. They have a lofty mountain, with peaks and cliffs,
Wells in the clouds filled during the wet season.

٥١. وَما كانَ الدُروزُ قَبيلَ شَرٍّ
وَإِن أُخِذوا بِما لَم يَستَحِقّوا

52. For every lion cub and each young lion,
A struggle below its goal and path.

٥٢. وَلَكِن ذادَةٌ وَقُراةُ ضَيفٍ
كَيَنبوعِ الصَفا خَشُنوا وَرَقّوا

53. As if it carries something of the heavens,
Each of its sides noble and sincere.

٥٣. لَهُم جَبَلٌ أَشَمُّ لَهُ شَعافٌ
مَوارِدُ في السَحابِ الجونِ بُلقُ

٥٤. لِكُلِّ لَبوءَةٍ وَلِكُلِّ شِبلٍ
نِضالٌ دونَ غايَتِهِ وَرَشقُ

٥٥. كَأَنَّ مِنَ السَمَوأَلِ فيهِ شَيئاً
فَكُلُّ جِهاتِهِ شَرَفٌ وَخَلقُ