1. There is no blame on you in prolonging estrangement
How long will the blamer go on blaming?
١. لامَ فيكُم عَذولُهُ وَأَطالا
كَم إِلى كَم يُعالِجُ العُذّالا
2. Every day they have new tales of blame
That began in comfort and ended in boredom
٢. كُلَّ يَومٍ لَهُم أَحاديثُ لَومٍ
بَدَأَت راحَةً وَعادَت مَلالا
3. I awakened thoughts of you and they came light as a breeze
But parting with you demanded a heavy load
٣. بَعَثتُ ذِكرَكُم فَجاءَت خِفافاً
وَاِقتَضَت هَجرَكُم فَراحَت ثِقالا
4. O you who deny love is upon us
God forbid that you deny beauty
٤. أَيُّها المُنكِرُ الغَرامَ عَلَينا
حَسبُكَ اللَهُ قَد جَحَدتَ الجَمالا
5. The sign of beauty has appeared to hearts
How could eyes not fall in love at the sight?
٥. آيَةُ الحُسنِ لِلقُلوبِ تَجَلَّت
كَيفَ لا تَعشَقُ العُيونُ اِمتِثالا
6. My advice to you, though I argue not
The flaw of advice is to turn into argument
٦. لَكَ نُصحي وَما عَلَيكَ جِدالي
آفَةُ النُصحِ أَن يَكونَ جِدالا
7. Grant me wisdom, I ask
No mind seeks the impossible
٧. وَهَبِ الرُشدَ أَنَّني أَنا أَسلو
ما مِنَ العَقلِ أَن تَرومَ مُحالا