
Jinns attacked the sanctity of the sky,

جن على حرم السماء أغاروا

1. Jinns attacked the sanctity of the sky,
Or were they youths who flew on wings?

١. جِنٌّ عَلَى حَرَمِ السَماءِ أَغاروا
أَم فِتيَةٌ رَكِبوا الجَناحَ فَطاروا

2. Every unruly one in the air, his reins
Are the fury of the winds and its saddle, the storm.

٢. مِن كُلِّ أَهوَجَ في الهَواءِ عِنانُهُ
هَوَجُ الرِياحِ وَسَرجُهُ الإِعصارُ

3. It seeks the veil of the sun, it wants from it
Glory that ancestors bore and marched on.

٣. يَبغي حِجابَ الشَمسِ يَطلُبُ عِندَها
عِزّاً تَحَمَّلَهُ الجُدودُ وَساروا

4. Nothing remains of it or the civilization of its time
Except faint voices and minarets.

٤. لَم يَبقَ مِنهُ وَمِن حَضارَةِ عَهدِهِ
إِلّا صُوى مَحجوبَةٌ وَمَنارُ

5. The saying of generations did not catch up with them
Nor did any builder or digger reach them.

٥. وَمَقالَةُ الأَجيالِ لَم يَلحَق بِهِم
بانٍ وَلَم يُدرِكُهُمُ حَفّارُ

6. They rose above the valley under the banner of their time,
For each time has a banner and motto.

٦. طَلَعوا عَلى الوادي بِرايَةِ عَصرِهِم
وَلِكُلِّ عَصرٍ رايَةٌ وَشِعارُ

7. Two, then you see many eagles
From every direction, each has its nest.

٧. اِثنانِ ثَمَّ تَرى النُسورَ كَثيرَةً
مِن كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ لَها أَوكارُ

8. The secret of success and the pillar of civilization
Are ambitions from senior volunteers.

٨. سِرُّ النَجاحِ وَرُكنُ حَضارَةٍ
هِمَمٌ مِنَ المُتَطَوِّعينَ كِبارُ

9. With the heroes of the sky, a heroism was copied
On earth, its pillar is about to collapse.

٩. نُسِخَت بِأَبطالِ السَماءِ بُطولَةٌ
في الأَرضِ يوشِكُ رُكنُها يَنهارُ

10. This is a time when neither spears are homes
For valor in it, nor tongues homes.

١٠. هَذا زَمانٌ لا الأَعِنَّةُ مَنزِلٌ
لِلبَأسِ فيهِ وَلا الأَسِنَّةُ دارُ

11. Valor is nothing but two wings of a kidnapper
On land and sea named the aviator.

١١. ما البَأسُ إِلّا مِن جَناحَي خاطِفٍ
في البَرِّ وَالبَحرِ اِسمُهُ الطَيّارُ

12. Do you see safety in the sky and its shade
Or does colonialism rage in the sky?

١٢. أَتُرى السَلامَةُ في السَماءِ وَظِلِّها
أَم بِالسَماءِ يَصولُ الاِستِعمارُ

13. The sanctuary of guidance and truth - its glory spree -
And tomorrow and evening, destruction is on its sides.

١٣. حَرَمُ الهُدى وَالحَقُّ ريعَ جَلالُهُ
وَغَدا وَراحَ بِجانِبَيهِ دَمارُ

14. O you who brings mirage to the desert, filling it
With delusions and filling its dust with dangers.

١٤. يا جائِبَ الصَحراءِ مِلءُ سَرابِها
غَرَرٌ وَمِلءُ تُرابِها أَخطارُ

15. One night of courageous resolve is enough for you
Dawn and dusk have passed with its perils for you.

١٥. يَكفيكَ مِن هِمَمِ الشَجاعَةِ لَيلَةٌ
لَكَ مِن غَوائِلِها خَلَت وَنَهارُ

16. When you relied on the wing, you wrapped
Your hand and the deserts turned their eyes.

١٦. لَمّا اِعتَمَدتَ عَلى الجَناحِ تَلَفَّتَت
بيدٌ وَقَلَّبَتِ العُيونَ قِفارُ

17. In every desert and every oasis
The land envies you from the sky.

١٧. في كُلِّ صَحراءٍ وَكُلِّ تَنوفَةٍ
أَرضٌ عَلَيكَ مِنَ السَماءِ تَغارُ

18. Beautiful ones, even if they did not excuse you, would have offered
From the tongue of your wounds, excuses.

١٨. حَسَنَينُ لَو لَم يَعذِروكَ لبادَرَت
لَكَ مِن لِسانِ جِراحِكَ الأَعذارُ

19. To God belongs your saddle in the sky, it is
The saddle of the crescent, no dust is upon it.

١٩. لِلَّهِ سَرجُكَ في السَماءِ فَإِنَّهُ
سَرجُ الأَهِلَّةِ ما عَلَيهِ غُبارُ

20. An eclipse occurred but did not affect it
No dishonor is upon the crescent from an eclipse.

٢٠. عَرَضَ الخُسوفُ لَهُ فَما أَزرى بِهِ
ما في الخُسوفِ عَلى الأَهِلَّةِ عارُ

21. Or have you not stepped on the land of the sky or known
Where suns and moons rotate?

٢١. أَوَ لَم تَطَءُ أَرضَ السَماءِ وَلَم تَدُر
حَيثُ الشُموسُ تَدورُ وَالأَقمارُ

22. Abu Al-Fadl threw his gaze towards you
And a nation and its lands were busy with you.

٢٢. أَلقى أَبو الفاروقِ نَحوَكَ بالَهُ
وَتَشاغَلَت بِكَ أُمَّةٌ وَدِيارُ

23. A king you were pitied for his proximity and neighborhood
As if you were a neighbor of Providence.

٢٣. مَلِكٌ رُحِمتَ بِقُربِهِ وَجِوارِهِ
حَتّى كَأَنَّكَ لِلعِنايَةِ جارُ

24. The canopy was erected and it drizzled and eyes
Flew in the air touching your figure.

٢٤. نُصِبَ السُرادِقُ وَالمَطارُ وَحَلَّقَت
في الجَوِّ تَلمَسُ شَخصَكَ الأَبصارُ

25. So you touched the destinies of the sky and they appeared
Until their faces, the fates, looked.

٢٥. فَلَمَستَ أَقضِيَةِ السَماءِ وَأَسفَرَت
حَتّى نَظَرَت وُجوهَها الأَقدارُ

26. A destiny on his right hand is safety for you
Where you inclined and in the sky is misfortune.

٢٦. قَدَرٌ عَلى يُمنى يَدَيهِ سَلامَةٌ
لَكَ حَيثُ مِلتَ وَفي السَماءِ عِثارُ

27. So if you fell on glowing iron
The iron collided but the fire did not touch you.

٢٧. فَإِذا سَقَطتَ عَلى حَديدٍ مُضرَمٍ
صَدَفَ الحَديدُ وَلَم تَنَلكَ النارُ

28. What did you encounter from all calamities?
Tell me, do you have revenge against calamities?

٢٨. ماذا لَقيتَ مِنَ النَجائِبِ كُلِّها
قُل لي أَعِندَكَ لِلنَجائِبِ ثارُ

29. This one stumbles in the bridle and that one does not
Proceed and another wanders in conduct.

٢٩. هَذي تَعَثَّرُ في الزِمامِ وَتِلكَ لا
تَمضي وَأُخرى في السُلوكِ تَحارُ

30. Failure is magnified like success over it from
The honor of wounds and the light of them, pride.

٣٠. فَشَلٌ يُعَظَّمُ كَالنَجاحِ عَلَيهِ مِن
شَرَفِ الجُروحِ وَنورِهِنَّ فَخارُ

31. If there were no dead and wounded in the fray
The cave of the victorious would not be known.

٣١. لَو لَم يَكُن قَتلى وَجَرحى في الوَغى
لَم يَعلُ هامَ الظافِرينَ الغارُ