1. O my heart, woe to you, and love is an obligation
What have you done with the covenant of Abdullah
١. يا قَلبُ وَيحَكَ وَالمَوَدَّةُ ذِمَّةٌ
ماذا صَنَعتَ بِعَهدِ عَبدِ اللَهِ
2. You pulled me to your side on the eve of his death
And throbbed with the throbbing of anguish, oh how pained
٢. جاذَبتَني جَنبي عَشِيَّةَ نَعيِهِ
وَخَفَقتَ خَفقَةَ موجَعٍ أَوّاهِ
3. If a heart melted for its beloved
This weak, crumbling chamber would have collapsed for you
٣. وَلَوَ اَنَّ قَلباً ذابَ إِثرَ حَبيبِهِ
لَهَوى بِكَ الرُكنُ الضَعيفُ الواهي
4. So it is incumbent upon you, from excellent chivalry I command
And it is incumbent upon you, from excellent composure I deter
٤. فَعَلَيكَ مِن حُسنِ المُروءَةِ آمِرٌ
وَعَلَيكَ مِن حُسنِ التَجَلُّدِ ناهِ
5. The birds alighted in the dust, dwelling places
Virtues swoop down towards them, with lips
٥. نَزَلَ الطُوَيِّرُ في التُرابِ مَنازِلاً
تَهوي المَكارِمُ نَحوَها بِشِفاهِ
6. Its expanses saturated with tears
Trodden by partings and brows
٦. عَرَصاتُها مَمطورَةٌ بِمَدامِعٍ
مَوطوءَةٌ بِمَفارِقٍ وَجِباهِ
7. If not for the grip of death over his grip
It would have overflowed with fruits and water
٧. لَولا يَمينُ المَوتِ فَوقَ يَمينِهِ
فيها لَفاضَت مِن جَنىً وَمِياهِ
8. O you who endured with the enduring, and remained pure
From the family of purity, cognizant of God
٨. يا كابِراً مِن كابِرينَ وَطاهِراً
مِن آلِ طُهرٍ عارِفٍ بِاللَهِ
9. And the authority of justice knew his station
Amongst the eminent, most righteous jurists
٩. وَمُحَكِّماً عَلِمَ القَضاءُ مَكانَهُ
في المُقسِطينَ الجِلَّةِ الأَنزاهِ
10. And you were wise, your intellect impervious
To the lies of fortune and trickeries of fame
١٠. وَحَكيماً اِستَعصَت أَعِنَّتُهُ عَلى
كَذِبِ النَعيمِ وَتُرَّهاتِ الجاهِ
11. And a brother who quenched the thirst of brethren
With affection, neither harsh nor aloof
١١. وَأَخاً سَقى الإِخوانَ مِن رَاوقِهِ
بِوِدادِ لا صَلِفٍ وَلا تَيّاهِ
12. My poetry was once your soul’s preoccupation, so suggest
From every impending doom, through mouths
١٢. قَد كانَ شِعري شُغلَ نَفسِكَ فَاِقتَرِح
مِن كُلِّ جائِلَةٍ عَلى الأَفواهِ
13. You were brought down from it when you missed gathering it
To a delightful abode, illuminated by your light
١٣. أُنزِلتَ مِنهُ حينَ فاتَكَ جَمعُهُ
في مَنزِلٍ بَهِجٍ بِنورِكَ زاهِ
14. So recite it over Hasan, perhaps through his distinction
In praising the Messenger, he will excel
١٤. فَاِقرَأ عَلى حَسّانَ مِنهُ لَعَلَّهُ
بِفَتاهُ في مَدحِ الرَسولِ مُباهِ
15. And descend with the light of eternity to your grandfather, and join
The angels from his kin, who resemble him
١٥. وَاِنزِل بِنورِ الخُلدِ جَدَّكَ وَاِتَّصِل
بِمَلائِكٍ مِن آلِهِ أَشباهِ
16. Your elegist, the elegist of Hatem or Ja'far
While people are between occurrences and remedies
١٦. ناعيكَ ناعي حاتَمٍ أَو جَعفَرٍ
فَالناسُ بَينَ نَوازِلٍ وَدَواهِ