
A halo for the crescent, in which there is steadfastness

هالة للهلال فيها اعتصام

1. A halo for the crescent, in which there is steadfastness
How the days hovered around it

١. هالَةٌ لِلهِلالِ فيها اِعتِصامُ
كَيفَ حامَت حِيالَها الأَيّامُ

2. Othman entered it in authority
While you were in the fray, unassailable

٢. دَخَلَتها عَلَيكَ عُثمانُ في السِل
مِ وَقَد كُنتَ في الوَغى لا تُرامُ

3. And when the disease was the disease of death
Dreams made it difficult for its family

٣. وَإِذا الداءُ كانَ داءَ المَنايا
صَعَّبَتهُ لِأَهلِها الأَحلامُ

4. So, despite the advisor's wish to take responsibility
And the terrifying events were strong bodies

٤. فَبُرَغمِ المُشيرِ أَن يَتَوَلّى
وَالخُطوبُ المُرَوِّعاتُ جِسامُ

5. And the king's hand sought refuge in his hands
And the palaces called him, and the flags

٥. وَيَدُ المُلكِ تَستَجيرُ يَدَيهِ
وَالسَرايا تَدعوهُ وَالأَعلامُ

6. And his sons hoped for him, and they were the brave
They were the leaders of the great armies

٦. وَبَنوهُ يَرجونَهُ وَهُمُ الجُن
دُ وَهُم قادَةُ الجُنودِ العِظامُ

7. Their qualities exemplified them to people
Many individuals led nations through him

٧. مَثَّلَتهُم صِفاتُهُ لِلبَرايا
رُبَّ فَردٍ سادَت بِهِ أَقوامُ

8. Hero of the East, glories mourned you
And the intimate friend eulogized you, and the opponents

٨. بَطَلَ الشَرقِ قَد بَكَتكَ المَعالي
وَرَثاكَ الوَلِيُّ وَالأَخصامُ

9. The state deserted its pillar the day it collapsed
And the swords fell from its comfort

٩. خَذَلَ المُلكَ زِندُهُ يَومَ أَودَي
تَ وَأَهوى مِن راحَتَيهِ الحُسامُ

10. And the religion and the caliphate were shaken by
A momentous, dreadful, mighty matter

١٠. وَدَهى الدينَ وَالخِلافَةَ أَمرٌ
فادِحٌ رائِعٌ جَليلٌ جُسامُ

11. The sign of the age and kingdoms passed away
And few are his peers among the great

١١. عَلَمُ العَصرِ وَالمَمالِكِ وَلّى
وَقَليلٌ أَمثالُهُ الأَعلامُ

12. Ask with our swords, would you be reached through them
Even if all people besieged

١٢. سَل بِلَفنا أَكُنتَ تُدرَكُ فيها
وَلَوَ أَنَّ المُحاصِرينَ الأَنامُ

13. The Russians camped around your fortress but
Where are their tents from the celestial dome?

١٣. خَيَّمَ الروسُ حَولَ حِصنِكَ لَكِن
أَينَ مِن هامَةِ السِماكِ الخِيامُ

14. And the armies surrounded your resolve but
Your resolve is meteors and the armies are darkness

١٤. وَأَحاطَت بِعَزمِكَ الجُندُ لَكِن
عَزمُكَ الشُهبُ وَالجُنودُ الظِلامُ

15. Whenever the besieger brandished a sword
Your opinion broke the blade

١٥. كُلَّما جَرَّدَ المُحاصِرُ سَيفاً
قَطَعَ السَيفَ رَأيُكَ الصَمصامُ

16. And when minds were great
Bodies submitted in straits

١٦. وَإِذا كانَتِ العُقولُ كِباراً
سَلِمَت في المَضايِقِ الأَجسامُ

17. And strangely, the sword does not take you
Yet loss is taken, and lives are given

١٧. وَعَجيبٌ لا يَأخُذُ السَيفُ مِنكُم
وَيَنالُ الطَوى وَيُعطى الأُوامُ

18. So you went out to the enemy, not caring
What awaits the lion among the wolves?

١٨. فَخَرَجتُم إِلى العِدا لَم تُبالوا
ما لِأُسدٍ عَلى سُغوبٍ مُقامُ

19. You tear through the armies, army after army
As clouds tear through the horizon

١٩. تَخرِقونَ الجُيوشَ جَيشاً فَجَيشاً
مِثلَما يَخرِقُ الخَواءَ الغَمامُ

20. And death all around, and the Russian forts
Protect the road, and the mines

٢٠. وَالمَنايا مُحيطَةٌ وَحُصونُ الرو
سِ تَحمي الطَريقَ وَالأَلغامُ

21. For the enemy's fire against you there is sitting
And for the enemy's sword against you there is standing

٢١. وَلِنارِ العَدُوِّ فيكُم قُعودٌ
وَلِسَيفِ العَدُوِّ فيكُم قِيامُ

22. The lion was wounded that day, so the
Army's heart failed, and feet shook

٢٢. جُرِحَ اللَيثُ يَومَ ذاكَ فَخانَ ال
جَيشَ قَلبٌ وَزُلزِلَت أَقدامُ

23. You did not parry the swords out of weakness but
You rendered the eloquence of wars helpless

٢٣. ما دَفَعتَ الحُسامَ عَجزاً وَلَكِن
عَجَّزتَ ضَيغَمَ الحُروبِ الكِلامُ

24. So they returned him, the best thing they returned
And so the noble recognize the noble

٢٤. فَأَعادوهُ خَيرَ شَيءٍ أَعادوا
وَكَذا يَعرِفُ الكِرامَ الكِرامُ

25. You took over it, and you were worthy
Time robbed us of both of you

٢٥. فَتَقَلَّدتَهُ وَكُنتَ خَليقاً
سَلَبَتنا كِلَيكُما الأَيّامُ

26. It has no return, nor do you have recovery
You slept away from it, and those you left sleep

٢٦. ما لَها عَودَةٌ وَلا لَكَ رَدٌّ
نِمتَ عَنها وَمَن تَرَكتَ نِيامُ

27. Indeed, the kingdom is a strict keeper
So when they leave it the tyrants rule

٢٧. إِنَّما المُلكُ صارِمٌ وَيَراعٌ
فَإِذا فارَقاهُ سادَ الطَغامُ

28. And the system of affairs is reason and justice
So when they pass away, order passes away

٢٨. وَنِظامُ الأُمورِ عَقلٌ وَعَدلٌ
فَإِذا وَلَّيا تَوَلّى النِظامُ

29. Strangely, you were created for war for a while
Yet all your qualities are peace

٢٩. وَعَجيبٌ خُلِقتَ لِلحَربِ لَبثاً
وَسَجاياكَ كُلُّهُنَّ سَلامُ

30. So in your sound opinion it is lawful
And in your kind heart it is forbidden

٣٠. فَهيَ في رَأيِكَ القَويمِ حَلالٌ
وَهيَ في قَلبِكَ الرَحيمِ حَرامُ

31. You have a sword that is hateful to the orphans
And affection that the orphans love

٣١. لَكَ سَيفٌ إِلى اليَتامى بَغيضٌ
وَحَنانٌ يُحِبُّهِ الأَيتامُ

32. A dictator over the strong, gentle with
The weak, and so is Islam

٣٢. مُستَبِدٌّ عَلى قَوِيٍّ حَليمٌ
عَن ضَعيفٍ وَهَكَذا الإِسلامُ