1. The one who leaves a legacy does not die
And lives on through the chronicles
١. لَم يَمُت مَن لَهُ أَثَر
وَحَياةٌ مِنَ السِيَر
2. I call him absent though he is far away
However lengthy the journey may be
٢. أُدعُهُ غائِباً وَإِن
بَعُدَت غايَةُ السَفَر
3. The virtuous keeps coming back
As the sun and moon alternate
٣. آيِبُ الفَضلِ كُلَّما
آبَتِ الشَمسُ وَالقَمَر
4. Many completed lights
Have reached us from the graves
٤. رُبَّ نورٍ مُتَمَّمٍ
قَد أَتانا مِنَ الحُفَر
5. Only one who walked the path
Of benevolence and goodness, dead
٥. إِنَّما المَيتُ مَن مَشى
مَيتَ الخَيرِ وَالخَبَر
6. One who when alive brought no benefit
And when dead did no harm
٦. مَن إِذا عاشَ لَم يُفِد
وَإِذا ماتَ لَم يَضِر
7. Neither glory nor riches hold
For him a shade or fruit
٧. لَيسَ في الجاهِ وَالغِنى
مِنهُ ظِلٌّ وَلا ثَمَر
8. Honor seems ugly in palaces
When power leaves the palaces
٨. قُبِّحَ العِزُّ في القُصو
رِ إِذا ذَلَّتِ القَصَر
9. The truth was in need of a guide
And turned to Mustafa for aid
٩. أَعوَزَ الحَقَّ رائِدٌ
وَإِلى مُصطَفى اِفتَقَر
10. And his courtyards longed
For the gift of the firm minded hero
١٠. وَتَمَنَّت حِياضُهُ
هَبَّةَ الصارِمِ الذَكَر
11. Who travels the far reaches
And mounts all dangers
١١. الَّذي يُنفِذُ المُدى
وَالَّذي يَركَبُ الخَطَر
12. O people, revere the one
Who set down the principles and stones
١٢. أَيُّها القَومُ عَظِّموا
واضِعَ الأُسِّ وَالحَجَر
13. Recall the sermon that
Was a sign from the signs of greatness
١٣. أُذكُروا الخُطبَةَ الَّتي
هِيَ مِن آيَةِ الكُبَر
14. Never before had people seen
A pulpit under such duress
١٤. لَم يَرَ الناسُ قَبلَها
مِنبَراً تَحتَ مُحتَضَر
15. I cannot forget his banner
As he marched to victory
١٥. لَستُ أَنسى لِواءَهُ
وَهوَ يَمشي إِلى الظَفَر
16. He gathered people under it
In droves, group after group
١٦. حَشَرَ الناسَ تَحتَهُ
زُمَراً إِثرَها زُمَر
17. And you see the truth around him
No distinction between black and white
١٧. وَتَرى الحَقَّ حَولَهُ
لا تَرى البيضَ وَالسُمر
18. And whenever he went or returned
He breathed life into the musical horns
١٨. وَكُلَّما راحَ أَو غَدا
نَفَخَ الروحَ في الصُوَر
19. O brother of the soul in youth
The spirit finds pleasure in childhood
١٩. يا أَخا النَفسِ في الصِبا
لَذَّةُ الروحِ في الصِغَر
20. And a friend whom I treasured
Was beyond price
٢٠. وَخَليلاً ذَخَرتُهُ
لَم يُقَوَّمَ بِمُدَّخَر
21. Fate came between me and him
In its unexpected reversals
٢١. حالَ بَيني وَبَينَهُ
في فُجاءاتِهِ القَدَر
22. How can I repay affection
Unadulterated by any discord
٢٢. كَيفَ أَجزي مَوَدَّةً
لَم يَشُب صَفوَها كَدَر
23. Except with tears I speak of it
However little or much
٢٣. غَيرَ دَمعٍ أَقولُهُ
قَلَّ في الشَأنِ أَو كَثُر
24. And a heart saddened
By memories and reminiscence
٢٤. وَفُؤادٍ مُعَلَّلٍ
بِالخَيالاتِ وَالذُكَر
25. It did not sleep an hour
In conversations and night talk
٢٥. لَم يَنَم عَنكَ ساعَةً
في الأَحاديثِ وَالسَمَر
26. Arise and look upon the people
United like solidified rocks
٢٦. قُم تَرَ القَومَ كُتلَةً
مِثلَ مَلمومَةِ الصَخَر
27. They renewed the amity of love
And brotherhood that was severed
٢٧. جَدَّدوا أُلفَةَ الهَوى
وَالإِخاءَ الَّذي شُطِر
28. No trace remains among them
Of discord or its causes
٢٨. لَيسَ لِلخُلفِ بَينَهُم
أَو لِأَسبابِهِ أَثَر
29. United by fragrant breezes
Blowing from afar
٢٩. أَلَّفَتهُم رَوائِحٌ
غادِياتٌ مِنَ الغِيَر
30. Awakened from a slumber
And roused from heedlessness
٣٠. وَصَحَوا مِن مُنَوِّمٍ
وَأَفاقوا مِنَ الحَذَر
31. They came towards their right
Having no other recourse
٣١. أَقبَلوا نَحوَ حَقِّهِم
ما لَهُم غَيرَهُ وَطَر
32. They made it an exclusive circle
Penetrated by select threaded needles
٣٢. جَعَلوهُ خَلِيَّةً
شَرَعوا دونَها الإِبَر
33. Conspiring to a plan
And gathering for council
٣٣. وَتَواصَوا بِخُطَّةٍ
وَتَداعَوا لِمُؤتَمَر
34. The elite of the revered
Meet in thought
٣٤. وَقُصارى أولي النُهى
يَتَلاقونَ في الفِكَر
35. They summoned us to a stance
Of glory and danger
٣٥. آذَنونا بِمَوقِفٍ
مِن جَلالٍ وَمِن خَطَر
36. We hear the lion in his den
Roaring without his armor
٣٦. نَسمَعُ اللَيثَ عِندَهُ
دونَ آجامِهِ زَأَر
37. Tell them in their assembly
Egypt stands at the gate waiting
٣٧. قُل لَهُم في نَدِيِّهِم
مِصرُ بِالبابِ تَنتَظِر