1. Take it slowly, take it slowly
How much plotting against the soul, step by step
١. لَحظَها لَحظَها رُوَيداً رُوَيدا
كَم إِلى كَم تَكيدُ لِلروحِ كَيدا
2. Stop or don't stop, for next to me
Are arrows you have unleashed that won't be turned back
٢. كُفَّ أَو لا تَكُفَّ إِنَّ بِجَنبي
لَسِهاماً أَرسَلتَها لَن تُرَدّا
3. The blows reach me ceaselessly, I see no end for you
So fear God and keep within your bounds
٣. تَصِلُ الضَربَ ما أَرى لَكَ حَدّا
فَاِتَّقِ اللَهَ وَاِلتَزِم لَكَ حَدّا
4. Or make from stones a heart for me
Then make for me a liver of iron
٤. أَو فَصُغ لي مِنَ الحِجارَةِ قَلبا
ثُمَّ صُغ لي مِنَ الحَدائِدِ كِبدا
5. And stop my streaming eyes that find no rest
And stop my throbbing side that knows no peace
٥. وَاِكفِ جَفنَيَّ دافِقاً لَيسَ يَرقا
وَاِكفِ جَنبَيَّ خافِقاً لَيسَ يَهدا
6. For it's an injustice that a threat is made
Of what I hoped for, impatiently awaiting
٦. فَمِنَ الغَبنِ أَن يَصيرَ وَعيداً
ما قَطَعتُ الزَمانَ أَرجوهُ وَعدا