1. For whom is that kingdom whose side majesty made strong
Its owner preached morals to angels and men alike
١. لِمَن ذَلِكَ المُلكُ الَّذي عَزَّ جانِبُهُ
لَقَد وَعَظَ الأَملاكَ وَالناسَ صاحِبُه
2. Is it your kingdom, O David, and the kingdom that
He is jealous over it and the Giver of it
٢. أَمُلكُكَ يا داوُدُ وَالمُلكُ الَّذي
يَغارُ عَلَيهِ وَالَّذي هُوَ واهِبُه
3. He wanted something so breasts were filled with awe
So he followed gently and results were momentous
٣. أَرادَ بِهِ أَمراً فَجَلَّت صُدورُهُ
فَأَتبَعَهُ لُطفاً فَجَلَّت عَواقِبُه
4. He took aim and the arrow flew back while creation slumbered
Does his creation beware Him or keep a vigil on Him
٤. رَمى وَاِستَرَدَّ السَهمَ وَالخَلقُ غافِلٌ
فَهَل يَتَّقيهِ خَلقُهُ أَو يُراقِبُه
5. Can the feast of life be annulled for an obscure worm
And its splendor fold up and its processions cease
٥. أَيَبطُلُ عيدُ الدَهرِ مِن أَجلِ دُمَّلٍ
وَتَخبو مَجاليهِ وَتُطوى مَواكِبُه
6. And the sorrowful heart return with its visitors
Among them the lamps of the world and its stars
٦. وَيَرجِعُ بِالقَلبِ الكَسيرِ وُفودُهُ
وَفيهِم مَصابيحُ الوَرى وَكَواكِبُه
7. And the hand of fate capriciously wield its power
Against the boughs of the bow till triumph is its striker
٧. وَتَسمو يَدُ الدَهرِ اِرتِجالاً بِبَأسِها
إِلى طُنُبِ الأَقواسِ وَالنَصرُ ضارِبُه
8. And the haughty people beseech their Lord
And the drawer of schemes from imagination sheathe his sword
٨. وَيَستَغفِرُ الشَعبُ الفَخورُ لِرَبِّهِ
وَيَجمَعُ مِن ذَيلِ المَخيلَةِ ساحِبُه
9. And the Lord of the feast be hidden in his feast's hour
And its edges lose their fine points
٩. وَيُحجَبُ رَبُّ العيدِ ساعَةَ عيدِهِ
وَتَنقُصُ مِن أَطرافِهِنَّ مَآرِبُه
10. Behold, such is this world and such is its love
Why then, does not its suitor act prudently
١٠. أَلا هَكَذا الدُنيا وَذَلِكَ وُدُّها
فَهَلّا تَأَتّى في الأَمانِيِّ خاطِبُه
11. Edward made for it feasts for his crown
While nothing is counted by God as His calculator
١١. أَعَدَّ لَها إِدوَردُ أَعيادَ تاجِهِ
وَما في حِسابِ اللَهِ ما هُوَ حاسِبُه
12. Its news crept into the dust interrogating
Its easts and its wests about its affair
١٢. مَشَت في الثَرى أَنباؤُها فَتَساءَلَت
مَشارِقُهُ عَن أَمرِها وَمَغارِبُه
13. And the pebbles on land challenged the feet that tread them
And the sea waves challenged their rider
١٣. وَكاثَرَ في البَرِّ الحَصى مَن يَجوبُهُ
وَكاثَرَ مَوجَ البَحرِ راكِبُه
14. To a procession the like of which earth never brought forth
And never will parade above it anything approximating it
١٤. إِلى مَوكِبٍ لَم تُخرِجِ الأَرضُ مِثلَهُ
وَلَن يَتهادى فَوقَها ما يُقارِبُه
15. When it marched, people marched behind it
And the ships of kings fastened its saddles
١٥. إِذا سارَ فيهِ سارَتِ الناسُ خَلفَهُ
وَشَدَّت مَغاويرَ المُلوكِ رَكائِبُه
16. Its horses surround it like ants in the wilderness
And its ships fill the horizons of the oceans
١٦. تُحيطُ بِهِ كَالنَملِ في البَرِّ خَيلُهُ
وَتَملَأُ آفاقَ البِحارِ مَراكِبُه
17. Order of splendor and processions adorned it
A time soon in doubt are its woes and afflictions
١٧. نِظامُ المَجالي وَالمَواكِبِ حَلَّهُ
زَمانٌ وَشيكٌ رَيبُهُ وَنَوائِبُه
18. While the people's path is safe to their quest
When it is fearful conjectures its directions
١٨. فَبَينا سَبيلُ القَومِ أَمنٌ إِلى المُنى
إِذا هُوَ خَوفٌ في الظُنونِ مَذاهِبُه
19. When feasts come in every ear
Its rumors course east and west
١٩. إِذا جَاءَتِ الأَعيادُ في كُلِّ مَسمَعٍ
تَجوبُ الثَرى شَرقاً وَغَرباً جَوائِبُه
20. Hope then no sooner despair then no stay
Ask fate which of the two is its wonders
٢٠. رَجاءٌ فَلَم يَلبُث فَخَوفٌ فَلَم يَدُم
سَلِ الدَهرَ أَيُّ الحادِثَينِ عَجائِبُه
21. Oh, would that I know where its troops were
And how derelict were its defenders for ransom
٢١. فيا لَيتَ شِعري أَينَ كانَت جُنودُهُ
وَكَيفَ تَراخَت في الفِداءِ قَواضِبُه
22. And its ship turned back on its heels
And who in the sea a day made it combatant
٢٢. وَرُدَّت عَلى أَعقابِهِنَّ سَفينُهُ
وَما رَدَّها في البَحرِ يَوماً مُحارِبُه
23. And how did mishaps elude it seeking
And what habituated it that its wins elude
٢٣. وَكَيفَ أَفاتَتهُ الحَوادِثُ طِلبَةً
وَما عَوَّدتَهُ أَن تَفوتَ رَغائِبُه
24. To you belongs the kingdom, You who peculiarly honored His Self
And whom the stratagems of kings cannot outwit
٢٤. لَكَ المُلكُ يا مَن خَصَّ بِالعِزِّ ذاتَهُ
وَمَن فَوقَ آرابَ المُلوكِ مَآرِبُه
25. Thus no throne but You inherits its glory
And no crown but You rightfully earns it
٢٥. فَلا عَرشَ إِلّا أَنتَ وارِثُ عِزِّهِ
وَلا تاجَ إِلّا أَنتَ بِالحَقِّ كاسِبُه
26. And I believe in the knowledge which you are its light
And from You its hands and from You its minarets
٢٦. وَآمَنتُ بِالعِلمِ الَّذي أَنتَ نورُهُ
وَمِنكَ أَياديهِ وَمِنكَ مَناقِبُه
27. You grant safety from fear through it to every victor
To his command on earth though malady vanquishes him
٢٧. تُؤامِنُ مِن خَوفٍ بِهِ كُلُّ غالِبٍ
عَلى أَمرِهِ في الأَرضِ وَالداءُ غالِبُه
28. Ask the King of Two Domains, did he conquer powers
And the lion of mankind comply and battle against him
٢٨. سَلوا صاحِبَ المُلكَينِ هَل مَلَك القُوى
وَأُسدُ الشَرى تَعنو لَهُ وَتُحارِبُه
29. And did his Vizier lift the tough disease
And did its doorkeeper veil the forbidden door
٢٩. وَهَل رَفَعَ الداءَ العُضالَ وَزيرُهُ
وَهَل حَجَبَ البابَ المُمَنَّعَ حاجِبُه
30. And did his people send other than prayers
And did his kin double down other than with supplication
٣٠. وَهَل قَدَّمَت إِلّا دُعاةً شُعوبُهُ
وَساعَفَ إِلّا بِالصَلاةِ أَقارِبُه
31. There knowledge is tested with its trial
And the weapon of the soul made useful by its experiences
٣١. هُنالِكَ كانَ العِلمُ يُبلي بَلاءَهُ
وَكانَ سِلاحُ النَفسِ تُغني تَجارِبُه
32. The generous hand, harm cannot touch its limit
And in other than it, the evil of creation and its contenders
٣٢. كَريمُ الظُبا لا يَقرُبُ الشَرَّ حَدُّهُ
وَفي غَيرِهِ شَرُّ الوَرى وَمَعاطِبُه
33. When it passes by a person, it would be as if
His life like Jesus's finger toward a corpse addressing it
٣٣. إِذا مَرَّ نَحوَ المَرءِ كانَ حَياتَهُ
كَإِصبَعِ عيسى نَحوَ مَيتٍ يُخاطِبُه
34. And its actions easier than wounds of rebuff
And its strikes simpler than the sword of quick glance
٣٤. وَأَيسَرُ مِن جُرحِ الصُدودِ فِعالُهُ
وَأَسهَلُ مِن سَيفِ اللِحاظِ مَضارِبُه
35. Wondrous, either hoped for gain or feared against
Whom the West hopes while the East flees from
٣٥. عَجيبٌ يُرَجّى مِشرَطاً أَو يَهابُهُ
مَنِ الغَربُ راجيهِ مَنِ الشَرقُ هائِبُه
36. If white and black slaves were ransom
His troops would cast their spears in the lands
٣٦. فَلَو تُفتَدى بِالبيضِ وَالسُمرِ فِديَةٌ
لَأَلقَت قَناها في البِلادِ كَتائِبُه
37. If over knowledge there were a crown to crown
A doctor whose company he kept yesterday they would crown
٣٧. وَلَو أَنَّ فَوقَ العِلمِ تاجاً لَتَوَّجوا
طَبيباً لَهُ بِالأَمسِ كانَ يُصاحِبُه
38. So I believe in God whose glory is mighty
And I believe in knowledge whose seeker is mighty
٣٨. فَآمَنتُ بِاللَهِ الَّذي عَزَّ شَأنُهُ
وَآمَنتُ بِالعِلمِ الَّذي عَزَّ طالِبُه