1. Among the strangest tales, a rabbit spied
A cock insulting fox, from high astride
١. مِن أَعجَبِ الأَخبارِ أَنَّ الأَرنَبا
لَمّا رَأى الديكَ يَسُبُّ الثَعلَبا
2. A wall. Though safe, the rabbit wondered whether
The mocker's impotence allowed his tether
٢. وَهوَ عَلى الجِدارِ في أَمانِ
يَغلِبُ بِالمَكانِ لا الإِمكانِ
3. Of weakness to now tolerate the jeerer.
So to the fox it drew, with curses nearer,
٣. داخَلَهُ الظَنُّ بِأَنَّ الماكِرا
أَمسى مِنَ الضَعفِ يُطيقُ الساخِرا
4. Like the cock's, describing all earth's duped souls.
The fox then rent the feeble prey in holes,
٤. فَجاءَهُ يَلعَنُ مِثلَ الأَوَّلِ
عِدادَ ما في الأَرضِ مِن مُغَفَّلِ
5. As his brother the wolf would rend a lamb.
He said, feasting on blood, to the cock's slam,
٥. فَعَصَفَ الثَعلَبُ بِالضَعيفِ
عَصفَ أَخيهِ الذيبِ بِالخَروفِ
6. "Your death consoles me for the cock's rude jest."
The cock then turned and spoke with chest out-dressed:
٦. وَقالَ لي في دَمِكَ المَسفوكِ
تَسلِيَةٌ عَن خَيبَتي في الديكِ
7. "Not all are helped by a loose tongue. Mankind
Often speaks only by the state we're in."
٧. فَاِلتَفَتَ الديكُ إِلى الذَبيحِ
وَقالَ قَولَ عارِفٍ فَصيحِ
٨. ما كُلُّنا يَنفَعُهُ لِسانُه
في الناسِ مَن يُنطِقُهُ مَكانُه