1. Two birds in the thicket
Alighted on branches
١. عُصفورَتانِ في الحِجا
زِ حَلَّتا عَلى فَنَن
2. In a drowsy part of the land
With no crops or beauty.
٢. في خامِلٍ مِنَ الرِيا
ضِ لا نَدٍ وَلا حَسَن
3. As they chirped together
At dawn on the bough
٣. بَيناهُما تَنتَجِيا
نِ سَحَراً عَلى الغُصُن
4. A wind blew upon them
Drifting from Yemen.
٤. مَرَّ عَلى أَيكِهِما
ريحٌ سَرى مِنَ اليَمَن
5. It greeted and said, "Two pearls
In a worn-out vessel,
٥. حَيّا وَقالَ دُرَّتا
نِ في وِعاءٍ مُمتَهَن
6. I've seen around the meadows
And in the shade of Aden,
٦. لَقَد رَأَيتُ حَولَ صَن
عاءَ وَفي ظِلِّ عَدَن
7. Pleasant places like those
Left by the tribe of Yazan.
٧. خَمائِلاً كَأَنَّها
بَقِيَّةٌ مِن ذي يَزَن
8. Love there is sugar,
Water, honey and milk."
٨. الحَبُّ فيها سُكَّرٌ
وَالماءُ شُهدٌ وَلَبَن
9. No bird had seen them
Or heard of them but was spellbound.
٩. لَم يَرَها الطَيرُ وَلَم
يَسمَع بِها إِلّا اِفتَتَن
10. "Come, let's go there
For an hour's time."
١٠. هَيّا اِركَباني نَأتِها
في ساعَةٍ مِنَ الزَمَن
11. One bird said to it,
And birds are the smartest creatures,
١١. قالَت لَهُ إِحداهُما
وَالطَيرُ مِنهُنَّ الفَطِن
12. "Oh wind, you're the son of mischief.
You know nothing of settling down.
١٢. يا ريحُ أَنتَ اِبنُ السَبي
لِ ما عَرَفتَ ما السَكَن
13. Leave the eternal Garden of Yemen be.
Nothing compares to one's homeland."
١٣. هَب جَنَّةَ الخُلدِ اليَمَن
لا شَيءَ يَعدِلُ الوَطَن