
The dove was at the top of the tree

يمامة كانت بأعلى الشجره

1. The dove was at the top of the tree
Feeling safe in her hidden nest

١. يَمامَةٌ كانَت بِأَعلى الشَجَرَه
آمِنَةً في عُشِّها مُستَتِرَه

2. Then came the hunter one day
And hovered around the meadow, prowling

٢. فَأَقبَلَ الصَيّادُ ذاتَ يَومِ
وَحامَ حَولَ الرَوضِ أَيَّ حَومِ

3. He could not find shade for the bird there
So he thought of leaving, tired of searching

٣. فَلَم يَجِد لِلطَيرِ فيهِ ظِلّاً
وَهَمَّ بِالرَحيلِ حينَ مَلّا

4. But the foolish one came out of her nest
And foolishness is an illness with no cure

٤. فَبَرَزَت مِن عُشِّها الحَمقاءُ
وَالحُمقُ داءٌ ما لَهُ دَواءُ

5. She spoke ignorantly, not knowing what would happen
"Oh human, what are you looking for?"

٥. تَقولُ جَهلاً بِالَّذي سَيَحدُثُ
يا أَيُّها الإِنسانُ عَمَّ تَبحَثُ

6. So the hunter turned towards the voice
And aimed at her the arrow of death

٦. فَاِلتَفَتَ الصَيادُ صَوبَ الصَوتِ
وَنَحوَهُ سَدَّدَ سَهمَ المَوتِ

7. She fell from her sturdy nest
And landed in the grip of the knife

٧. فَسَقَطَت مِن عَرشِها المَكينِ
وَوَقَعَت في قَبضَةِ السِكّينِ

8. She says with the wisdom of one certain and realized:
"I would have possessed myself if I had possessed my tongue."

٨. تَقولُ قَولَ عارِفٍ مُحَقِّق
مَلَكتُ نَفسي لَو مَلَكتُ مَنطِقي