
The flatterers deceived the lovely one

خدعوها بقولهم حسناء

1. The flatterers deceived the lovely one
And the youths are seduced by praise

١. خَدَعوها بِقَولِهِم حَسناءُ
وَالغَواني يَغُرُّهُنَّ الثَناءُ

2. Does she forget my name when
Many names abound in her love?

٢. أَتُراها تَناسَت اِسمِيَ لَمّا
كَثُرَت في غَرامِها الأَسماءُ

3. If she sees me, she turns away as if
Nothing was between us

٣. إِن رَأَتني تَميلُ عَنّي كَأَن لَم
تَكُ بَيني وَبَينَها أَشياءُ

4. A glance, then a smile, then a greeting
Then talk, then a date, then a meeting

٤. نَظرَةٌ فَاِبتِسامَةٌ فَسَلامٌ
فَكَلامٌ فَمَوعِدٌ فَلِقاءُ

5. When we had no inhibitions in our love
And sought what we fancied

٥. يَومَ كُنّا وَلا تَسَل كَيفَ كُنّا
نَتَهادى مِنَ الهَوى ما نَشاءُ

6. But we had a guardian of chastity
Who exhausted the passions

٦. وَعَلَينا مِنَ العَفافِ رَقيبٌ
تَعِبَت في مِراسِهِ الأَهواءُ

7. My stubborn self pulled at my clothes and said
"You poets are the people!"

٧. جاذَبَتني ثَوبي العصِيَّ وَقالَت
أَنتُمُ الناسُ أَيُّها الشُعَراءُ

8. "So fear God in the hearts of the maidens
For the hearts of maidens are air."

٨. فَاِتَّقوا اللَهَ في قُلوبِ العَذارى
فَالعَذارى قُلوبُهُنَّ هَواءُ

9. A glance, then a smile, then a greeting
Then talk, then a date, then a meeting

٩. نَظرَةٌ فَاِبتِسامَةٌ فَسَلامٌ
فَكَلامٌ فَمَوعِدٌ فَلِقاءُ

10. Then separation, which brings
Either cure or sickness

١٠. فَفِراقٌ يَكونُ فيهِ دَواءٌ
أَو فِراقٌ يَكونُ مِنهُ الداءُ