
In the festival of truth or on the day of bloodshed

في مهرجان الحق أو يوم الدم

1. In the festival of truth or on the day of bloodshed
A group of martyrs who did not speak

١. في مِهرَجانِ الحَقِّ أَو يَومَ الدَمِ
مُهَجٌ مِنَ الشُهَداءِ لَم تَتَكَلَّمِ

2. The light of their blood appears on their shrouds
Like the blood of Al-Hussein on the crescent of Muharram

٢. يَبدو عَلى هاتورَ نورُ دِمائِها
كَدَمِ الحُسَينِ عَلى هِلالِ مُحَرَّمِ

3. The day of jihad is like the morning of it
With swaying limbs and smiling mouth

٣. يَومُ الجِهادِ كَصَدرِ نَهارِهِ
مُتَمايِلُ الأَعطافِ مُبتَسِمُ الفَمِ

4. They set out to perform hajj where it seems as if they are
Flowers of angels in the sky of the season

٤. طَلَعَت تَحُجُّ البَيتَ فيهِ كَأَنَّها
زُهرُ المَلائِكِ في سَماءِ المَوسِمِ

5. Why do they not look down from the sky but rather
Their graves are between the clouds and the stars

٥. لِم لا تُطِلُّ مِنَ السَماءِ وَإِنَّما
بَينَ السَحابِ قُبورُها وَالأَنجُمِ

6. The absent ones were shocked by it and startled by
What happened to the illuminated, darkened house

٦. وَلَقَد شَجاها الغائِبونَ وَراعَها
ما حَلَّ بِالبَيتِ المُضيءِ المُظلِمِ

7. And if you look at life, you will find it
A wedding held on the sides of a mourning ceremony

٧. وَإِذا نَظَرتَ إِلى الحَياةِ وَجَدتَها
عُرساً أُقيمَ عَلى جَوانِبِ مَأتَمِ

8. Freedom must have
A solace that heals its wounds like balm

٨. لا بُدَّ لِلحُرِيَّةِ الحَمراءِ مِن
سَلوى تُرَقِدُ جُرحَها كَالبَلسَمِ

9. And a smile that rises above its captivity like
What rises above the mouth of the bereaved and the lips of the orphan

٩. وَتَبَسُّمٍ يَعلو أَسِرَّتِها كَما
يَعلو فَمَ الثَكلى وَثَغرَ الأَيِّمِ

10. If I had witnessed the day of heroism
I would have composed for generations what has not been composed

١٠. يَومَ البُطولَةِ لَو شَهَدتُ نَهارَهُ
لَنَظَمتُ لِلأَجيالِ ما لَم يُنظَمِ

11. Its reality sang and its beauty escaped
The inspired, creative imagination

١١. غَنَت حَقيقَتُهُ وَفاتَ جَمالُها
باعَ الخَيالِ العَبقَرِيِّ المُلهَمِ

12. If not for the tribulations of exile or its obstacles
And exile is a state of the torture of hell

١٢. لَولا عَوادي النَفيِ أَو عَقَباتُهُ
وَالنَفيُ حالٌ مِن عَذابِ جَهَنَّمِ

13. I would have gathered the colors of events into an image
In which I depict the image of the submissive one

١٣. لَجَمَعتُ أَلوانَ الحَوادِثِ صورَةً
مَثَّلتُ فيها صورَةَ المُستَسلِمِ

14. And in it I would recount the Nile swallowing its rage
And recount it raging, not swallowing

١٤. وَحَكَيتُ فيها النيلَ كاظِمَ غَيظِهِ
وَحَكَيتُهُ مُتَغَيِّظاً لَم يَكظِمِ

15. The countries called to adventure, so it adventured
Patriotism with an intellectual and a teacher

١٥. دَعَتِ البِلادَ إِلى الغِمارِ فَغامَرَت
وَطَنِيَّةٌ بِمُثَقَّفٍ وَمُعَلِّمِ

16. It revolted against the mighty protector and swore
By none but He, may His majesty be glorified, it will not seek protection

١٦. ثارَت عَلى الحامي العَتيدِ وَأَقسَمَت
بِسِواهُ جَلَّ جَلالُهُ لا تَحتَمي

17. Its Lord scattered arrows and it chose
His hand for its support with three arrows

١٧. نَثرَ الكِنانَةَ رَبُّها وَتَخَيَّرَت
يَدُهُ لِنُصرَتِها ثَلاثَةَ أَسهُمِ

18. From every helpless one, his right in His right hand
Like the sword in the right hand of the brave, distinguished one

١٨. مِن كُلِّ أَعزَلَ حَقُّهُ بِيَمينِهِ
كَالسَيفِ في يُمنى الكَمِيِّ المُعلَمِ

19. They did not hesitate in an hour in which
The king of the seas had triumphed over every retreating Caesar

١٩. لَم يُحجِموا في ساعَةٍ قَد أَظفَرَت
مَلِكَ البِحارِ بِكُلِّ قَيصَرَ مُحجِمِ

20. They stood at the foot of his palace
With might and authority below the foot

٢٠. وَقَفوا مَطِيَّهُمو بِسُلَّمِ قَصرِهِ
وَالبَأسُ وَالسُلطانُ دونَ السُلَّمِ

21. And they advanced until when they reached
They inspired Egypt, the young woman, advance!

٢١. وَتَقَدَّموا حَتّى إِذا ما بَلَّغوا
أَوحوا إِلى مِصرَ الفَتاةِ تَقَدَّمي

22. From the absence the panthers poured out their capture
The milk of the lionesses and the sweat of the wolf

٢٢. سالَت مِنَ الغابِ الشُبولُ غَلابِها
لَبَنُ اللُباةِ وَهاجَ عِرقُ الضَيغَمِ

23. The day of the struggle, its beauty was like your complexion
Freedom which dyed your skin with blood

٢٣. يَومَ النِضالِ كَسَتكَ لَونَ جَمالِها
حُرِيَّةٌ صَبَغَت أَديمَكَ بِالدَمِ

24. You have become of the gems of the times, and your
Frowning face's smile has become laughing

٢٤. أَصبَحتَ مِن غُرَرِ الزَمانِ وَأَصبَحَت
ضَحِكَت أَسِرَّةُ وَجهِكَ المُتَجَهِّمِ

25. You were an orphan, but became greater in awe
If only you were not orphaned by the good fortune of protection

٢٥. وَلَقَد يَتَمتَ فَكُنتَ أَعظَمَ رَوعَةً
يا لَيتَ مِن سَعدِ الحِمى لَم تَيتَمِ

26. So the father of cubs can sleep with eyes fully closed
The panther does not sleep away from the den

٢٦. لِيَنَم أَبو الأَشبالِ مِلءَ جُفونِهِ
لَيسَ الشُبولُ عَنِ العَرينِ بِنُوَّمِ