1. O painter who depicts, portray
Egypt with a delicate, graceful scene
١. أَيُّها الكاتِبُ المُصَوِّرُ صَوِّر
مِصرَ بِالمَنظَرِ الأَنيقِ الخَليقِ
2. Indeed Egypt is the tale of time so read
The moral of time in the ancient book
٢. إِنَّ مِصراً رِوايَةُ الدَهرِ فَاِقرَأ
عِبرَةَ الدَهرِ في الكِتابِ العَتيقِ
3. It was toyed with by destiny in
The youth of time, a sign of the truthful one
٣. مَلعَبُ مَثَّلَ القَضاءُ عَلَيهِ
في صِبا الدَهرِ آيَةَ الصِدّيقِ
4. And the wink of the devoted one found fire
And the refuge of the virgin in time of distress
٤. وَاِمِّحاءَ الكَليمِ آنَسَ ناراً
وَاِلتِجاءَ البَتولِ في وَقتِ ضيقِ
5. And our death knells so Chosroes, he of the throne
The two Caesars, and the Farooq
٥. وَمَنايا مِنّا فَكِسرى فَذي القَر
نَينِ فَالقَيصَرَينِ فَالفاروقِ
6. States that did not appear but were concealed
Behind a thin veil of time
٦. دُوَلٌ لَم تَبِد وَلَكِن تَوارَت
خَلفَ سِترٍ مِنَ الزَمانِ رَقيقِ
7. My garden adorned itself and displayed its beauty
When they said your steeds are on the road
٧. رَوضَتي اِزَّيَّنَت وَأَبدَت حُلاها
حينَ قالوا رِكابُكُم في الطَريقِ
8. Like a virgin of the old women of Rome
They gave her tidings of the Patriarch's visit
٨. مِثلَ عَذراءَ مِن عَجائِزِ روما
بَشَّروها بِزَورَةِ البَطريقِ
9. The laughter of water and apples upon it
The branches reciprocated with applause
٩. ضَحِكُ الماءِ وَالأَقاحي عَلَيها
قابَلَتهُ الغُصونُ بِالتَصفيقِ
10. Adorn it and spring a season so it swooned
Toward your two steeds light with yearning
١٠. زُرنَها وَالرَبيعُ فَصلاً فَخَفَّت
نَحوَ رَكبَيكُما خُفوفَ المَشوقِ
11. So descend in its narcissus eyes' protection
Chastely and above the cheek of the sweet.
١١. فَاِنزِلا في عُيونِ نَرجِسِها الغَضِّ
صِياناً وَفَوقَ خَدِّ الشَقيقِ