
The kingdoms of the East or the ruins of Andalusia

ممالك الشرق أم أدارس أطلال

1. The kingdoms of the East or the ruins of Andalusia
And those its states or their fading image

١. مَمالِكُ الشَرقِ أَم أَدارِسُ أَطلالِ
وَتِلكَ دولاتُهُ أَم رَسمُها البالي

2. Time has struck them except for their glories
And time goes through people from one state to another

٢. أَصابَها الدَهرُ إِلّا في مَآثِرِها
وَالدَهرُ بِالناسِ مِن حالٍ إِلى حالِ

3. And what we sing of its beauties
Became the talk of one suffering from loss of his dear companion

٣. وَصارَ ما نَتَغَنّى مِن مَحاسِنِها
حَديثُ ذي مِحنَةٍ عَن صَفوِهِ الخالي

4. If truth prevails on earth, its side bends down
As if it were a forest without game

٤. إِذا حَفا الحَقُّ أَرضاً هانَ جانِبُها
كَأَنَّها غابَةٌ مِن غَيرِ رِئبالِ

5. And if ignorance takes control of it, it surrenders
To a lethal fate from the adversities of humiliation

٥. وَإِن تَحَكَّمَ فيها الجَهلُ أَسلَمَها
لِفاتِكٍ مِن عَوادي الذُلِّ قَتّالِ

6. Inspire the geniuses of the East through it
From the stagnant nights of the despairing weakened man

٦. نَوابِغَ الشَرقِ هُزّوهُ لَعَلَّ بِهِ
مِنَ اللَيالي جُمودَ اليائِسِ السالي

7. If you blow into it the spirit of rhetoric and the truth of knowledge
It will rise again after disability

٧. إِن تَنفُخوا فيهِ مِن روحِ البَيانِ وَمِن
حَقيقَةِ العِلمِ يَنهَض بَعدَ إِعضالِ

8. Do not make religion a gate of evil between you
Nor a place of boasting and pretentiousness

٨. لا تَجعَلوا الدينَ بابَ الشَرِّ بَينَكُمُ
وَلا مَحَلَّ مُباهاةٍ وَإِدلالِ

9. Religion is nothing but the inheritance of people before you
Every man is a follower of his father

٩. ما الدينُ إِلّا تُراثُ الناسِ قَبلَكُمُ
كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ لِأَبيهِ تابِعٌ تالي

10. Excessiveness is not trustworthy in its advice
The paths of righteousness may be obscured from the extremist

١٠. لَيسَ الغُلُوُّ أَميناً في مَشورَتِهِ
مَناهِجُ الرُشدِ قَد تَخفى عَلى الغالي

11. Do not seek your right out of hatred or remissness
How far is the right from the hater and pretender

١١. لا تَطلُبوا حَقَّكُم بَغياً وَلا ضَلَفاً
ما أَبعَدَ الحَقَّ عَن باغٍ وَمُختالِ

12. Do not let its aspects get lost out of negligence
For many interests are lost out of negligence

١٢. وَلا يَضيعَنَّ بِالإِهمالِ جانِبُهُ
فَرُبَّ مَصلَحَةٍ ضاعَت بِإِهمالِ

13. How many ambitions have repelled generations of honor
And how many naps have destroyed the building of generations

١٣. كَم هِمَّةٍ دَفَعَت جيلاً ذُرا شَرَفٍ
وَنَومَةٍ هَدَمَت بُنيانَ أَجيالِ

14. In it, knowledge is neither useful to the wandering soul
Except for the purification of prohibitions, fame, and money

١٤. وَالعِلمُ في فَضلِهِ أَو في مَفاخِرِهِ
رُكنُ المَمالِكِ صَدرُ الدَولَةِ الحالي

15. What good you do today you will find tomorrow
Good and evil are measured precisely by their weights

١٥. إِذا مَشَت أُمَّةٌ في العالَمينَ بِهِ
أَبى لَها اللَهُ أَن تَمشي بِأَغلالِ

16. God has completed your crescent moon for us
So time saw no defect after completion

١٦. يَقِلُّ لِلعِلمِ عِندَ العارِفينَ بِهِ
ما تَقدِرُ النَفسُ مِن حُبٍّ وَإِجلالِ

17. It still holds in the souls of its readers
The prestige of the first scriptures over the subsequent

١٧. فَقِف عَلى أَهلِهِ وَاِطلُب جَواهِرَهُ
كَناقِدٍ مُمعِنٍ في كَفِّ لَآلِ

18. In it are the masterpieces of knowledge, morals
Events of days and conditions

١٨. فَالعِلمُ يَفعَلُ في الأَرواحِ فاسِدُهُ
ما لَيسَ يَفعَلُ فيها طِبُّ دَجّالِ

19. In it is the ambition of a soul adorned with manners
They are the best role models for the seeker of sublime goals

١٩. وَرُبَّ صاحِبِ دَرسٍ لَو وَقَفتَ بِهِ
رَأَيتَ شِبهَ عَليمٍ بَينَ جُهّالِ

20. You have taught every sluggard among men through it
That life is through hopes and deeds

٢٠. وَتَسبِقُ الشَمسَ في الأَمصارِ حِكمَتُهُ
إِلى كَهولٍ وَشُبّانٍ وَأَطفالِ

21. Whatever of the states of Islam has declined
You have depicted it every day with statues

٢١. زَيدانُ إِنّي مَعَ الدُنيا كَعَهدِكَ لي
رَضِيَ الصَديقِ مُقيلُ الحاسِدِ القالي

22. Through it we see the people in power and weakness
And the kingdom fluctuating between regression and progression

٢٢. لي دَولَةُ الشِعرِ دونَ العَصرِ وائِلَةٌ
مَفاخِري حِكَمي فيها وَأَمثالي

23. You have not presented to the minds ripe fruits
Like knowledge which you present in the best narrative

٢٣. إِن تَمشِ لِلخَيرِ أَو لِلشَرِّ بي قَدَمٌ
أُشَمِّرُ الذَيلَ أَو أَعثُر بِأَذيالي

24. You have put the best narratives of life, so put
The story of death in its sublime style

٢٤. وَإِن لَقيتُ اِبنَ أُنثى لي عَلَيهِ يَدٌ
جَحَدتُ في جَنبِ فَضلِ اللَهِ أَفضالي

25. Describe to us how the soul abandons its body
And decay takes over the empty body

٢٥. وَأَشكُرُ الصُنعَ في سِرّي وَفي عَلَني
إِنَّ الصَنائِعَ تَزكو عِندَ أَمثالي

26. Does it long for it after their separation
As the exiled longs for his homelands

٢٦. وَأَترُكُ الغَيبَ لِلَّهِ العَليمِ بِهِ
إِنَّ الغُيوبَ صَناديقٌ بِأَقفالِ

27. The highlands of Lebanon shook because of your death
As if Lebanon was hit by an earthquake

٢٧. كَأُرغُنِ الدَيرِ إِكثاري وَمَوقِعُهُ
وَكَالأَذانِ عَلى الأَسماعِ إِقلالي

28. The land weeps for the loss of its scholar
Like a mother weeping for the loss of her precious son

٢٨. رَثَيتُ قَبلَكَ أَحباباً فُجِعتُ بِهِم
وَرُحتُ مِن فُرقَةِ الأَحبابِ يُرثى لي