
O radiant moon, convey

تنقل ايها القمر المنير

1. O radiant moon, convey
You were created for the night journey and travel

١. تنقل ايها القمر المنير
لقد خُلق السرى لك والمسير

2. If you do not move from one station to another
Then your many stations are of no use

٢. اذا لم تطو منزلة لأخرى
فما تجدى منازلك الكثير

3. The eye thinks you have disappeared from it
While you are in its eyelid, sight and light

٣. تظن العين أن قد غبت عنها
وأنت بجفنها بصر ونور

4. And hearts turn to you longingly
So you guide them to their place in the chests

٤. وتلتفت القلوب إليك شوقا
فتهديها لموضعها الصدور

5. And like you, one who finds the vastness too narrow
And carries him to the expanse of conscience

٥. ومثلك من يضيق الرحب عنه
ويحمله على السعة الضمير

6. Congratulations to the night travelers and nights
And to the world for your rising and brilliance

٦. هنيئا للسراة ولليالي
وللدنيا قيامك والسفور

7. Your light guides the close one
And your good news brings joy to the judge

٧. ونورك وهو للداني سبيل
وبشرك وهو للقاضي بشير

8. I see the house of happiness has appeared
And intimacy and celebration have returned to it

٨. أرى دار السعادة قد تجلت
وعاد لها التأنس والحبور

9. The hearts rejoiced as you were in them
So excuse them if the light smiled

٩. تهللت القلوب وأنت فيها
فعذرا إن تبسمت النور

10. Do you know the worth of its blessed visitor?
Though he is exalted, and the visitors exalted through him

١٠. أتدرى قدر زائرها المفدَّى
وإن جلت وجل بها المزور

11. The Caliph of the Merciful hosts him
Great in his Caliphate, eminent

١١. يضيف خليفة الرحمن فيها
عظيم في خلافته كبير

12. When the chests gather around him, they lean
As the lines descended from the sublime

١٢. اذا اجتمع الصدور به تنحوا
كما نزلت عن الطغرى السطور