
A caliph came until he went bankrupt

خليفة ما جاء حتى ذهبا

1. A caliph came until he went bankrupt
Blood and money were lost in vain

١. خَليفَةٌ ما جاءَ حَتّى ذَهَبا
ضاعَ عَليهِ الدَمُ وَالمال هبا

2. The companion, son of the generous friend
The mighty, the sought, the hostile

٢. الصاحِبُ اِبنُ الصاحب الكَريمِ
الجللُ المَطلَب وَالغَريمِ

3. Son of Zubair, his lineage suffices
For the noble begets the noble

٣. اِبنُ الزُبير وَكَفى تَعريفا
إِن الشَريفَ يَلدُ الشَريفا

4. His father the eminent, high summit
And his mother, nobly sublime

٤. أَبوهُ هَضبةُ العُلا الشَماء
وَأُمُّهُ في الشرف السماء

5. Welcoming days with fasting
Exhausting darkness with prayers

٥. مُستَقبلُ الأَيام بِالصِيامِ
وَمُتعبُ الظَلام بِالقِيامِ

6. The most pure of those true to treaties
The greatest zealous in purpose

٦. وَأَطهَرُ المُعاهدين ذِمَّه
وَأَكبرُ المُجاهِدين هِمه

7. Firm against extremist dissenters
And the tyranny of Umayyads

٧. وَثباً مِن الخَوارجِ الشِدادِ
إِلى بَني أُميَة اللدادِ

8. Inclined to the Abbasids in cunning
And violent Alawites in mail

٨. إِلى مُداراة بَني العَباس
وَالعَلويين الشِدادِ الباس

9. His pledge encompassed those in conflict
His partisans in both Basras submitted

٩. فَاِنتَظَمت أَهلَ الحِجالا بَيعتُه
وَاِحتَكَمَت في البصرتين شِيعتُه

10. Iraq entered under his reign
And Egypt rose against his enemies

١٠. وَدَخل العِراقُ في وَلائِهِ
وَخَرَجَت مصرُ عَلى أَعدائِهِ

11. Marwan was strapped by him
His power crumbled away

١١. فَضاقَ مَروانُ بِهِ ذِراعا
وَاِنخرعت قُدرته اِنخِراعا

12. No match for Ibn Zubair is Ibn Hakam
Not every ruler makes fair judgment

١٢. بابن الزُبير لا يُقاس ابن الحَكَم
لا تَرفَعُ الأَحكامُ كُلَّ مَن حَكَم

13. Not equal is he whose life strayed
To one the Prophet banished in enmity

١٣. لا يَستوي مَن عُمرَه تَحنَّفا
وَمَن رَسولُ اللَهِ أَقصى وَنَفى

14. Marwan is no capable leader
Though a tail may follow obediently

١٤. مَروانُ لَيسَ لِلأُمور صاحِبا
وَإِن غَدَت لِذَيلِهِ مساحبا

15. He dragged Uthman into his plight
Wanting benefit but causing harm

١٥. جر عَلى عُثمانَ ما قَد جرا
أَرادَ أَن يَنفَعَهُ فَضَرّا

16. Many a shrewd foe yet doubtful
Many a foolish friend yet woeful

١٦. رُبَّ عَدوٍّ عاقِلٍ أَشكاكا
وَرُبَّ وَدِّ جاهِلٍ أَبكاكا

17. But he is the starry night's full moon
The beacons of authority, kings of time

١٧. لَكنه أَبو النُجوم الزُهرِ
مَصابِحِ الأَمر مُلوكِ الدَهر

18. Speak, when kings boast of children
Of the Rock and the Egg of the land

١٨. حدِّث إِذا باهى المُلوكُ بِالوَلَد
عَن حَجَر الأَرض وَبَيضَةِ البَلَد

19. Drawing near Al-Mansur's sons
In governing with ease and construction

١٩. يَدنو بَنو المَنصور مِن أَبنائِهِ
في الرفق بِالمَلكِ وَفي بِنائِهِ

20. Not like Suleiman or Abdulmalik
Nor Walid, ruler or king

٢٠. ما كسليمانَ وَلا عَبدِ المَلِك
وَلا الوَليدِ عاهِلٌ وَلا مَلِك

21. When death came for Ibn Hakam
Authority fell to Abdulmalik

٢١. لَما أَتى اِبنَ الحَكَمِ الحِمامُ
آل لِعبد المَلك الزِمام

22. Oh what calamity met Ibn Zubair
Struck down by fate's twisted arrows

٢٢. فَيا شَقاءَ اِبنَ الزُبير ما لَقى
لَقَد أُصيبَ بِالدَهيِّ الفَيلَق

23. A youth of ambition and pride
If worries did not hinder his wants

٢٣. فَتى مِن النَوابغ المُرّادِ
إِن همّ لَم يُثنَ عَن المُراد

24. His views ripened since a boy
Granted ambition and eloquence

٢٤. قَد نَضجت آراؤه غلاما
وَرُزق الهمةَ وَالكَلاما

25. In law, the sail of the nation
In hadith, extracting the best

٢٥. وَكانَ في الشَرع شِراعَ الأَمّه
وَفي الحَديث مُستَقى الأَئمّه

26. His stinginess and betrayal denied him
The status destined for kings

٢٦. فاقَ فَلَولا بُخلُهُ وَغَدرُهُ
فاتَ مَقاديرَ المُلوك قَدرُهُ

27. He remained in Syria until appeased
Uniting its factions, healing its wounds

٢٧. ما زالَ في الشام إِلى أَن راضها
ضم قِواها وَشَفى أَمراضَها

28. Leaving Ibn Zubair no army
Save the appearance of obedience

٢٨. فَاِجتَمَعت لِذي دَهاءٍ حُوّلي
كَعَهدِها بِالأَمَويّ الأَوَلِ

29. After endless warlike battles
Were it not for Rome's dormancy, Arabs would be lost

٢٩. رَمى بِها مَجموعة مُعدَّه
إِن النِظامَ عَدَدٌ وَعُدّه

30. Dissension was felt brewing within
The ancient house pelted with flames

٣٠. فَظَفرت بفِرَق الخَوارجِ
مِن داخِلٍ في طاعَةٍ وَخارِجِ

31. And martyred inside was Musab
Like a lion guarding the ancient den

٣١. وَلَم تَدع لابن الزُبير جَمعا
إِلّا أَراها طاعَةً وَسَمعا

32. Abdullah was strapped by Abdulmalik
Seeing clear defeat in deadly strife

٣٢. بَعد حُروب وائِلِيَةِ الحرَب
لَولا سُباتُ الرُوم ضاعَت العُرب

33. Retreated were the infantry and archers
And the supporters and defenders waylaid

٣٣. أَحستِ المللة فيها بِالغرر
وَرُمِيَ البَيتُ العَتيقُ بِالشرر

34. Betrayed by even his sons
Abandoned by both flanks

٣٤. وَطاحَ فيها مُصعَبٌ كَريماً
يَحمي كَلَيث العَتيقُ بِالشَرر

35. His mother came, as would a mother
Perhaps to shoulder some of his burden

٣٥. وَضاقَ عَبد اللَه عَن عَبد المَلك
وَرَأيِهِ الوَضاءَ في الخَطب الحلك

36. The house under Hajjaj's siege
His horses ready to storm

٣٦. اِنصَرَف الكُرّارُ وَالكُماةُ
وَاِنحَرَف الأَنصارُ وَالحُماةُ

37. He said, "What do you think?
Is death better or Abd al-Malik?"

٣٧. أَسلَمه الأَهلون حَتّى ابناه
وَخَذلت شِمالَه يمناه

38. She said, "My son, descendent of the faithful
Son of the devout, steadfast faster

٣٨. فَجاءَ أُمّه وَمَن كَأُمِّه
لَعَلَها تَحمل بَعضَ هَمّه

39. See, if you strived for faith
Do not abandon what you sought

٣٩. وَالبَيت تَحتَ قَسطَلِ الحَجاجِ
وَخَيلُهُ أَواخذُ الفِجاجِ

40. Or if the world was the limit of your ambition
Evil you are, with blood on your hands

٤٠. فَقالَ ما تَرينَ فَالأَمرُ لَكِ
لِلمَوت أَمضى أَم لِعَبد المَلِكِ

41. Join the free who nobly passed
Death better than this disgraced life

٤١. قالَت بَنيّ وَلدَ القوّامِ
وَاِبنَ العَتيق القائم الصَوّامِ

42. And say not, 'I failed when others failed me'
That is not what the brilliant do

٤٢. أَنظُر فَإِن كُنتَ لِدينٍ ثرتَ
فَلا تُفارق ما إِلَيهِ سِرتَ

43. Die with honor or taste humiliation
As Marwan's boys toyed and japed

٤٣. أَو كانَت الدُنيا قُصارى هِمتك
فَبئس أَنتَ كَم دَمٍ بِذمتك

44. You called your friends to truth
So meet your fate as they did theirs

٤٤. إِلحَق بِأَحرارٍ مَضوا قَد أَحسَنوا
فَالمَوت مِن ذلِّ الحَياة أَحسَنُ

45. And say not, 'If I die, they will mutilate me'
As people of Syria circle the crucified'

٤٥. وَلا تَقُل هُنتُ بِوَهن مَن مَعي
فَلَيسَ ذا فعلَ الشَريف الأَلمَعي

46. Nonsense, the slaughtered sheep feels no pain
Many a bare pole raised upright for truth

٤٦. وَمُت كَريماً أَو ذُقِ الهَوانا
وَعَبثَ الغِلمان مِن مَروانا

47. She embraced him and felt his armor
Saying, "You are constrained by death's fist

٤٧. أَنتَ إِلى الحَقِّ دَعَوتَ صَحبَكا
فَاقضِ كَما قَضوا عَلَيهِ نَحبَكا

48. One like you in flowing robes
Struggled, not in spiked collar

٤٨. وَلا تَقُل إِن مُتُّ مَثَّلوا بِي
وَطافَ أَهلُ الشام بِالمَصلوب

49. Go not shackled, spare your body
And march unarmored as lions tread

٤٩. هَيهات ما لِلسَّلخ بِالشاة أَلم
وَرُب جِذعِ فيهِ لِلحَق عَلَم

50. He removed his coat and marched forth
To meet the multitude with few

٥٠. وَعانَقتهُ فَأَحسّت دِرعا
قالَت أَضِقتَ بِالمَنون ذرعا

51. And died bravely under the swords
The best of mothers did not lack in dutifulness

٥١. مِثلَك في ثِيابه المُشَمّره
جاهد لا في الحَلق المسمّره