1. A house on the land of guidance and its skies
Truth is its wall and its foundation
١. بَيتٌ عَلى أَرضِ الهُدى وَسَمائِهِ
الحَقُّ حائِطُهُ وَأُسُّ بِنائِهِ
2. Victory is among its flags and purity is among
Its attributes, sanctity among its names
٢. الفَتحُ مِن أَعلامِهِ وَالطُهرُ مِن
أَوصافِهِ وَالقُدسُ مِن أَسمائِهِ
3. Its shoulders incline over the valleys of guidance
And its dome overlooks its Sinai
٣. تَحنو مَناكِبُهُ عَلى شُعَبِ الهُدى
وَتُطِلُّ سُدَّتُهُ عَلى سينائِهِ
4. Who can dispute us over the reins of its door
The majesty of its dome, and the purity of its courtyard
٤. مَن ذا يُنازِعُنا مَقالِدَ بابِهِ
وَجَلالَ سُدَّتِهِ وَطُهرَ فِنائِهِ
5. And Muhammad prayed by its sides
And faced the horizons in its spaces
٥. وَمُحَمَّدٌ صَلّى عَلى جَنَباتِهِ
وَاِستَقبَلَ السَمَحاتِ في أَرجائِهِ
6. And today people gathered the mourning place of its land
And the angels inhabited the festival of its skies
٦. وَاليَومَ ضَمَّ الناسَ مَأتَمُ أَرضِهِ
وَحَوى المَلائِكَ مِهرَجانُ سَمائِهِ
7. Oh Jerusalem, prepare from your gardens a hill
For the resident of your soil, and celebrate his arrival
٧. يا قُدسُ هَيِّئ مِن رِياضِكَ رَبوَةً
لِنَزيلِ تُربِكَ وَاِحتَفِل بِلِقائِهِ
8. He is one of the swords of God, His Majesty
Or one of the swords of India during his judgement
٨. هُوَ مِن سُيوفِ اللَهِ جَلَّ جَلالُهُ
أَو مِن سُيوفِ الهِندِ عِندَ قَضائِهِ
9. The Prophet opened for him the saddle of Al-Buraq
And the steps of honor from Al-Isra
٩. فَتَحَ النَبِيُّ لَهُ مَناخَ بُراقِهِ
وَمَعارِجَ التَشريفِ مِن إِسرائِهِ
10. A hero, the rights of the East are from his burdens
And the case of Islam is from his duties
١٠. بَطَلٌ حُقوقُ الشَرقِ مِن أَحمالِهِ
وَقَضِيَّةُ الإِسلامِ مِن أَعبائِهِ
11. India, the precious, did not forget him
Kindness to the East, or staying up for its affairs
١١. لَم تُنسِهِ الهِندُ العَزيزَةُ رِقَّةً
لِلشَرقِ أَو سَهَراً عَلى أَشيائِهِ
12. And his burial shroud is Indian fabric. So do you see
They buried the leader shrouded in his robes?
١٢. وَقِباؤُهُ نَسجُ الهُنودِ فَهَل تُرى
دَفَنوا الزَعيمَ مُكَفَّناً بِقَبائِهِ
13. The Nile remembers his voice in events
And the Turks do not forget the sincerity of his affliction
١٣. النيلُ يَذكُرُ في الحَوادِثِ صَوتَهُ
وَالتُركُ لا يَنسونَ صِدقَ بَلائِهِ
14. Say to leader Muhammad, sorrow has descended
Upon the Nile and seized its plains
١٤. قُل لِلزَعيمِ مُحَمَّدٍ نَزَلَ الأَسى
بِالنيلِ وَاِستَولى عَلى بَطحائِهِ
15. So he walked to you with his eyelids and his tears
And to your brother with his heart and consolations
١٥. فَمَشى إِلَيكَ بِجَفنِهِ وَبِدَمعِهِ
وَإِلى أَخيكَ بِقَلبِهِ وَعَزائِهِ
16. You bid him farewell so farewell surrounded him
And if you had waited, farewell would be in his guts
١٦. اِجتَزتَهُ فَحواكَ في أَطرافِهِ
وَلَوِ اِنتَظَرتَ حَواكَ في أَحشائِهِ
17. He was accustomed to passing through its land
Like the clouds passing with their shadows and rain
١٧. وَلَقَد تَعَوَّدَ أَن تَمُرَّ بِأَرضِهِ
مَرَّ الغَمامِ بِظِلِّهِ وَبِمائِهِ
18. Sleep near God, there is no loneliness for you
In the shade of a house you are one of its children
١٨. نَم في جِوارِ اللَهِ ما بِكَ غُربَةٌ
في ظِلِّ بَيتٍ أَنتَ مِن أَبنائِهِ
19. O Victory, it is a holy cause
You have long struggled under its banner
١٩. الفَتحُ وَهوَ قَضِيَّةٌ قُدسِيَّةٌ
يا طالَما ناضَلتَ دونَ لِوائِهِ
20. A jurist decreed your burial near the Lady of Villages
A jurist who wanted God's decree from his verdict
٢٠. أَفتى بِدَفنِكَ عِندَ سَيِّدَةِ القُرى
مُفتٍ أَرادَ اللَهَ مِن إِفتائِهِ
21. A country whose noblest people, their homes
And their graves are endowments for its guests
٢١. بَلَدٌ بَنوهُ الأَكرَمونَ قُصورُهُم
وَقُبورُهُم وَقفٌ عَلى نُزَلائِهِ
22. You lived supporting it and aiding its people
So how can you be one of its strangers?
٢٢. قَد عِشتَ تَنصُرُهُ وَتَمنَحُ أَهلَهُ
عَوناً فَكَيفَ تَكونُ مِن غُرَبائِهِ