1. O cross of gentleness, move slowly through the battlefield
And spread mercy and tenderness over it
١. سِر يا صَليبَ الرِفقِ في ساحِ الوَغى
وَاِنشُر عَلَيها رَحمَةً وَحَنانا
2. And lead the ranks of death in consolation
And help ease the pains of mankind
٢. وَاِدخِل عَلى المَوتِ الصُفوفَ مُواسِياً
وَأَعِن عَلى آلامِهِ الإِنسانا
3. And touch the wounds of humanity as a healer
For you were made only for the Messiah as a child
٣. وَاِلمُس جِراحاتِ البَرِيَّةِ شافِياً
ما كُنتَ إِلّا لِلمَسيحِ بَنانا
4. And if the storm casts its fire upon the youth
Plunge into it like Khalil, putting out the fires
٤. وَإِذا الوَطيسُ رَمى الشَبابَ بِنارِهِ
خُض كَالخَليلِ إِلَيهُمُ النيرانا
5. And make the Messiah and His mother your means
And plead and ask for mercy among His creation, the Merciful
٥. وَاِجعَل وَسيلَتَكَ المَسيحَ وَأُمَّهُ
وَاِضرَع وَسَل في خَلقِهِ الرَحمانا
6. God is your ally in help that has not gone away
There is neither sale nor crucifixion for God
٦. اللَهُ جارُكَ في عَوانٍ لَم تَهَب
لِلَّهِ لا بِيَعاً وَلا صُلبانا
7. And you are safe, O sanctuary of battles, from a hand
That destroyed the pillar of the two worlds out of firmness
٧. وَسَلِمتَ يا حَرَمَ المَعارِكِ مِن يَدٍ
هَدَمَت لِسِلمِ العالَمينَ كَيانا
8. O people of Egypt, destiny has cast its kindness upon you
And intended a matter in the country, so it was
٨. يا أَهلَ مِصرَ رَمى القَضاءُ بِلُطفِهِ
وَأَرادَ أَمراً بِالبِلادِ فَكانا
9. Indeed, He who commands all the kingdoms
With His hands has brought about a glorious event in the palace
٩. إِنَّ الَّذي أَمرُ المَمالِكِ كُلِّها
بِيَدَيهِ أَحدَثَ في الكِنانَةِ شانا
10. Keeping her throne safe for a while
As thrones are cast down and crowns scattered
١٠. أَبقى عَلَيها عَرشَها في بُرهَةٍ
تَرمي العُروشَ وَتَنثُرُ التيجانا
11. And He clothed the country in tranquility from its people
And protected the servants from trials and kept them safe
١١. وَكَسا البِلادَ سَكينَةً مِن أَهلِها
وَوَقى مِنَ الفِتَنِ العِبادَ وَصانا
12. Or do you not see the land, half of it ruined,
While Egypt's abodes remain gardens
١٢. أَوَما تَرَونَ الأَرضَ خُرِّبَ نِصفُها
وَدِيارُ مِصرٍ لا تَزالُ جِنانا
13. An army guards its prestige and protects its basin
Shunning transgression and aggression
١٣. يَرعى كَرامَتَها وَيَمنَعُ حَوضَها
جَيشٌ يَعافُ البَغيَ وَالعُدوانا
14. Like Amr's soldiers, wherever they planted a spear
They pardoned with a hand and praiseworthy and sharp swords
١٤. كَجُنودِ عَمروٍ أَينَما رَكَزوا القَنا
عَفّوا يَداً وَمُهَنَّداً وَسِنانا
15. Indeed, the brave one is the cowardly from harm
And I see the bold upon evils as cowardly
١٥. إِنَّ الشُجاعَ هُوَ الجَبانُ عَنِ الأَذى
وَأَرى الجَريءَ عَلى الشُرورِ جَبانا
16. You are the nations of civilization, you are our fathers
From you we took knowledge and wisdom
١٦. أُمَمُ الحَضارَةِ أَنتُمُ آباؤُنا
مِنكُم أَخَذنا العِلمَ وَالعِرفانا
17. Our hearts softened for you as if
Your wound on the day of battle was our wound
١٧. رَقَّت لَكُم مِنّا القُلوبُ كَأَنَّما
جَرحاكُمُ يَومَ الوَغى جَرحانا
18. And it is of chivalry, which is the wall of our faith
That we mention reform and benevolence
١٨. وَمِنَ المُروءَةِ وَهيَ حائِطُ دينِنا
أَن نَذكُرَ الإِصلاحَ وَالإِحسانا
19. And if some of our people attacked you
There is many a brother who has consoled a brother
١٩. وَلَئِن غَزاكُم مِن ذَوينا مَعشَرٌ
فَلَرُبَّ إِخوانٍ عَزَوا إِخوانا
20. Until when animosity slept between them
They knew not resentments or grudges
٢٠. حَتّى إِذا الشَحناءُ نامَت بَينَهُم
لَم يَعرِفوا الأَحقادَ وَالأَضغانا