1. Let me tear his shoes apart
And punish the shameless for his crime
١. دعيني أُقَطِّع عليه الحذاء
وأجز الوقاح على ذنبه
2. Let me beat him until he awakes
For Zainab must beat him
٢. دعينيَ أضربه حتى يفيق
فلا بدّ زينب من ضربه
3. He came, let's avoid
His madness and obsession
٣. قد جاء هيا نتقى
جنونه وهوسه
4. For in his right hand is a stick
And in his left a broom
٤. ففي يمينه العصا
وفي الشمال المكنسه