
And one lacking wisdom addresses me in ignorance

وذي سفه يخاطبني بجهل

1. And one lacking wisdom addresses me in ignorance
Yet I'm loath to answer him

١. وَذي سَفهٍ يُخاطِبُني بِجَهلٍ
فَأَكرَهُ أَن أَكونَ لَهُ مُجيبا

2. He increases in foolishness and I in forbearance
Like aloes-wood made fragrant by the fire's touch

٢. يَزيدُ سَفاهَةً وَأَزيدُ حُلماً
كَعودٍ زادَ بِالإِحراقِ طِيبا