1. The new palace is destined to ruin
And connection in life is its disruption
١. قَصرُ الجَديدِ إِلى بَلى
وَالوَصلُ في الدُنيا اِنقطاعُهُ
2. What gathering has not scattered
From the dispersion of its gathering
٢. أَيُّ اِجتِماعٍ لَم يَصِر
لِتَشتُّتٍ مِنهُ اِجتِماعُهُ
3. Or what nation united
Has not been divided by its breaking
٣. أَم أَيُ شَعبٍ لِاِلتئا
مٍ لَم يُفَرِّقهُ اِنصِداعُهُ
4. Oh the misery of time
Whose nature remains fickle
٤. يا بُؤسَ لِلدَهرِ الَّذي
ما زالَ مُختَلِفاً طِباعُهُ
5. It has been said in their proverbs
Hearing of evil is enough for you
٥. قَد قيلَ في أَمثالِهِم
يَكفيكَ مِن شَرٍّ سَماعُهُ